
Become a devil

Hundreds of refinements become demons, and thousands of refinements become Buddhas. For Ling Xiao, he prefers becoming a demon, so a hundred refinements are enough! What kind of practice? It's nothing more than a few times when he sees the unhappy Yin, who wants to step on his feet a few times, and whoever wants to step on his feet a few times beats him... As for those who dare to rob women and money with themselves, they will be killed directly. !

spring651 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 Big Brother

Cheng Gantai said lukewarmly, "Let me introduce you. This is my daughter, your senior sister Cheng Yu, and your senior brother Li Yuanhuan."

Ling Xiao smiled and bowed to the two of them: "I have seen Senior Sister, Senior Brother."

Although Ling Xiao's exaggerated bow made everyone feel very uncomfortable, it was not surprising that many people were polite, whether it was a gift or a salute. Cheng Yu raised her head slightly and snorted softly, "Well."

Li Yuanhuan was the tall and mighty man standing beside Cheng Gantai, but he was very gentle: "Junior Brother Ling, don't be too polite."

Cheng Gantai took out a soul chain at random. If Ling Xiao a day ago would have thought it was strange, but now he can also take things at will, no surprise.

Of course, Ling Xiao still pretended to be very surprised, and kept staring at Cheng Gantai, as if to find out what happened.

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes: "Bumper!"

Cheng Gantai didn't seem to mind his daughter's rudeness at all, but said to Ling Xiao: "This soul chain is for you, it contains our Beimin sect's foundation-building boxing technique - Beimin Shenquan. As for this How to integrate the soul chain with yourself, wait for your senior brother to teach you the soul chain method."

"Thank you, Master." Ling Xiao respectfully took the soul chain with both hands, he caressed the soul chain earnestly, and looked like he couldn't put it down, but he secretly despised: "Niang Xipi, this broken chain is on the top. There is only one gemstone, and the chain straps of the series of gemstones are all straw-woven straps, why is this master so stingy than that master?"

Ling Xiao secretly compared the two masters, Cheng Gantai and the Seven Devils Ancestor, and came to a conclusion: the Seven Devils Ancestors are much more generous than Cheng Gantai.

Of course, he naturally didn't think about it, he got a lot from the ancestors of the Seven Demons, and he had to pay a lot.

"Husband, is this your new apprentice?"

A charming voice came from the side door of the hall, Ling Xiao subconsciously looked in that direction, her eyes stopped there, motionless.

This is an attractive middle-aged woman in her thirties.

Judging from Ling Xiao's years of looking at the red cards and ordinary girls in Piaohongyuan, the charm of this middle-aged woman can be summed up in four points: big breasts, thin waist, round buttocks, and long legs.

The best, the best among women.

This woman's appearance is not very outstanding, and she is a lot worse than the elder sister Cheng Yu. However, the charm of a mature woman on her body is far from what the young Cheng Yu can compare to.

However, when Ling Xiao saw the eyes of this woman, his heart froze.

That woman's eyes were very similar to those of the girls in Piaohongyuan. And Ling Xiao understood that this woman's identity was extremely incompatible with this look.

It was a look called peach eyes.

You don't need to ask to know that this woman is Ling Xiao's wife.

Seeing Ling Xiao looking at some parts of his wife so unscrupulously, although the vision was only for a second or two, Cheng Gantai could see it clearly.

Cheng Gantai's most taboo is the way other men look at his wife. He usually sees other men cast such lewd looks at his wife, so he is very sensitive to it.

If people from other sects of the Soul Master had this kind of expression, he might just have to swallow his anger.

How dare this little apprentice of his own even dare to be so presumptuous, which makes his Cheng Gantai's face go where! ?

Seeing Cheng Gantai's livid face, all the brothers and sisters were secretly gloating: this kid has committed master's taboo, he is dead!

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, senior brother Li Yuanhuan hurriedly said, "Master, I'll take Junior Brother Ling to his room to pack his luggage."

Cheng Gantai suppressed the anger in his heart, glared at Ling Xiao fiercely, and said in a low voice, "Go."

Ling Xiao has always looked at people's faces since he was a child, how could he not understand what Cheng Gantai's expression meant?

With a secret sigh in his heart, Ling Xiao bowed to Cheng Gantai: "Master, Mistress, my disciple will retire first."

Seeing Ling Xiao leave, the woman smiled tenderly: "A very interesting kid."

Cheng Gantai didn't hum, he didn't know how hideous and terrifying his face and eyes were at this time.

There were hundreds of small houses lined up at the back of the Beimin faction. Li Yuanhuan took Ling Xiao into a small house on the far right, and lit the white fluorescent powder lamp, and the whole room suddenly lit up.

"Junior Brother Ling, you will live here in the future," Li Yuanhuan said.

Ling Xiao glanced at it for a while, except for a small bed, a small table, and a shelf with a washbasin in this humble room, there was not even a stool.

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Ling Xiao put the burden on the table and smiled at Li Yuanhuan.

That baggage was just a space used by Ling Xiao to cover up his Seven Souls Demon Chain, and he had already put other things in that space.

Li Yuanhuan said: "Junior Brother Ling is very polite. You don't have much luggage anyway, so just leave it here and go to the dining hall to eat first."

Ling Xiao remembered Cheng Gantai's terrifying eyes, and felt uncomfortable for a while: "I'm too tired to eat today, so I want to rest for the night. I brought some dry food myself, and I'll go to the dining hall for dinner tomorrow."

Li Yuanhuan didn't force him: "Then I'll go to dinner first, and after dinner, I'll come to you again. You can't miss a day of practice."

Ling Xiao then remembered that Cheng Gantai had entrusted himself to the training of the senior brother Li Yuanhuan, who was quite enthusiastic, very different from the perfunctory master, and couldn't help but feel grateful: "Thank you, senior brother, then I'll be here waiting for you."

Li Yuanhuan smiled and said: "Junior Brother Ling, it's right for the same family to take care of each other, so don't be so polite. I'll go first."

Looking at Li Yuanhuan's tall back, Ling Xiao's heart faintly warmed.

The big brother is the first person who does not discriminate against him and treats him sincerely. He has been living on the streets since he was a child, and he can naturally feel the warmth and warmth of the world after 12 years.

When I thought that I was going to help me fuse the soul chain, I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart: "I don't know what is the difference between the soul chain of this gem and the soul chain of my seven gems?"

It didn't take long for the big brother to come.

Taking advantage of the time when the previous senior brother Li Yuanhuan was away, Ling Xiao ate some dry food, and his spirit became better, and he was not so tired as before.

Li Yuanhuan nodded approvingly: "Junior Brother Ling, you are very energetic. That's fine. Spiritual strength is actually good for our spiritual masters who cultivate strength."

"Strength?" Ling Xiao couldn't understand the word Li Yuanhuan said, and his eyes widened.

Li Yuanhuan smiled embarrassedly: "I forgot that you are just starting out, so I will introduce you to some of the most basic things."

Li Yuanhuan spoke very seriously, and Ling Xiao also listened very seriously.

From Li Yuanhuan's mouth, he learned that the so-called chain soul master is a strong man who fuses his soul with the soul stone necklace, and judges the level by the color of the soul power emitted by the soul stone. There are seven levels in total, red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

The difference between a divine soul master and a demon soul master lies in the methods and skills they cultivate.

Spiritual masters pay attention to letting nature take its course, cultivating step by step, and the skills that he cultivates tend to be gentle.

Demon Soul Masters are the complete opposite. They believe that human potential is unlimited, and no matter what kind of cultivation method they use, they are extremely domineering, defying the sky, and even harming others and benefiting themselves. They use the power of the souls of others to strengthen themselves.

Demon Soul Masters cultivate extremely fast, but the side effects brought about by exercising too quickly are very large. They usually lose their minds, go crazy, or go crazy.

Therefore, spirit masters regard demon soul masters as monsters, and ordinary people naturally avoid them when they see them.

But whether it is a Demon Soul Master or a Divine Soul Master, what they cultivate is the power of the soul.

Humans have seven souls, the first soul is the sky, the second soul is spiritual, the third soul is Qi, the fourth soul is strength, the fifth soul is the center, the sixth soul is the essence, and the seventh soul is the heroic soul.

Beimin Sect is one of the small sects under Luofeng Valley, which is the fourth valor, and naturally it is also the main cultivation valor.

Lipo majors in human physical strength, and uses boxing and various fighting techniques that utilize physical strength as combat skills.

The power is on the heart chakra and is connected with the heart of the hands and the heart of the feet at the same time.

Once the soul chain is connected with the human soul, if the soul stone on the soul chain is broken, the human soul will also disappear.

Soul chain masters use better soul chains through soul transfer, but the transferred soul chains become dead objects and need to be re-refined and fused before they can be used again.

In other words, a soul chain master can only use one soul chain.

Therefore, for spirit chain masters, the spirit chain is everything to them.

All they have cultivated is to make their soul chains stronger.

Hearing this, Ling Xiao suddenly remembered that the ancestor of the Seven Demons did not die after passing the Seven Soul Demon Chain to him.

And in the battle with the master of the seven holy places, he also blew a soul chain.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao felt a chill in his heart.

There are only two possibilities. First, when the ancestor of the Seven Demons passed the Seven Soul Demon Chain to himself, he transferred his soul to another Soul Chain.

Another possibility is that the ancestor of the seven demons, like himself, is also a god-demon dual-soul who can use two soul chains at the same time!

Although he was shocked by his own guess, Ling Xiao only heard from the ancestor of the Seven Demons that he could use two soul chains at the same time, but he did not really fuse the two soul chains.

However, he will soon know whether he can really use two soul chains at the same time.

Taking advantage of Senior Brother's rest for a while, Ling Xiao asked a question he didn't understand: "The blue-robed man I saw last time has five soul stones in his soul chain, is it possible for everyone to do it? Simultaneously cultivate the soul chain of the seven soul stones of the seven souls?"