
Become a devil

Hundreds of refinements become demons, and thousands of refinements become Buddhas. For Ling Xiao, he prefers becoming a demon, so a hundred refinements are enough! What kind of practice? It's nothing more than a few times when he sees the unhappy Yin, who wants to step on his feet a few times, and whoever wants to step on his feet a few times beats him... As for those who dare to rob women and money with themselves, they will be killed directly. !

spring651 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 Strange Tokens

Ling Xiao stood in front of what was still a house in the morning, but now it has turned into an empty ruin. After a while, he squeezed out two words: "Yes!"

These days, when the housing prices are so high, is it easy to own a small house of more than ten square meters in Beimincheng?

Those bastards are better, destroying demons and destroying demons, and destroying their own house together, turning their decent local residents of Beimincheng into Beidrifts, why does Ling Xiao not vomit three liters of blood?

However, when he thought that he was now a rich man and joined the Beimin faction, his mood improved a lot.

Walking to the corner of the ruined house, Ling Xiao thought about it, and a shovel in that magical space appeared in his hand.

Anyway, it's dark now, and the neighbors who ran out for shelter haven't come back yet, so he's not afraid of being found out about his magic.

This shovel is very useful. Any hard stone will shatter into dust as soon as it touches it.

In fact, Ling Xiao thought about it and knew that if it weren't for the treasure, how could the ancestor of the Seven Demons store an ordinary shovel in this space?

With the help of this shovel, Ling Xiao shoveled away the gravel and dug a small hole.

In that pit, a small box lay quietly.

Ling Xiao patted his chest. Fortunately, the box was not smashed by the blue-robed man.

Ling Xiao took the shovel, took out the small box, and opened the box carefully.

There were dozens of orange spar in the box, and Ling Xiao also collected it into that strange space.

Even if these dozens of orange crystal stones are nothing to Ling Xiao, who now has countless crystal stones in the Seven Soul Demon Chain, the mosquito is still meat no matter how small it is.

Waste has never been Ling Xiao's habit, and it is his virtue to be wise and desperate to take advantage.

In addition to the dozens of orange spar, there was a palm-sized gray token in the box.

The material of this token is neither wood nor iron. I don't know what material it is made of. It is very hard. Ling Xiao once used it to break open a walnut shell.

Holding this long-hidden token again, Ling Xiao couldn't help but think of that figure again.

Since the day Ling Xiao was six years old when he had memories, a smiling man handed the token to him and said to him, "Son, you are already six years old, you should learn to live independently, yes. No? You keep this thing, it may be useful in the future. If you can reach the heaven and soul world, then come to me, and the two of us will go to see your mother together. If you can't reach the heaven and soul world, then you will be old Be honest here and be an ordinary person!"

After all, the man who claimed to be his father went and never looked back.

Ling Xiao vaguely remembered that when the man was leaving, the sun shone on the man's figure, pulling his figure very long.

And a few drops of water that floated from somewhere landed on Ling Xiao's face, he licked it inadvertently, the taste was salty and bitter.

Who are you? from where? Why did the father just leave? Why can't I remember anything before I was six years old? What is this weird token?

Because of these problems, Ling Xiao suffered for twelve years.

All these years of trying to make money, I just want to save enough spar to buy a soul chain and become a soul chain master.

He believed that as long as he became a strong Chain Soul Master, he would one day unravel those mysteries about him.

It's better now, there is no need for Ling Xiao to spend money to buy it. The Seven Demons Ancestor not only gave away the Seven Soul Demon Chains for free, but also brought a lot of "gifts" and crystal stones.

Ling Xiao now thinks clearly, even if the gift is too big, he accepts it calmly.

Isn't it just killing those seven guys who are not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it? make a deal!

However, what Ling Xiao had to do in front of him was to immediately return to the Beimin faction in the back mountain of Beimin City. Cheng Gantai, the cheap master he just recognized, only gave him an hour to handle "housework" by himself.

Ling Xiao thought about it, and the token suddenly fell into that strange space.

Suddenly, the token changed, Ling Xiao was horrified!

In that peculiar space, the original dull token glowed brilliantly at this time, revealing two, three, five bright spots of light.

The two light spots above, one gold and one black, are opposite to the two ends of a circular pattern.

This circular pattern of golden dots is white on one side and black dots on the other side.

The three light spots below are lined up side by side, and under each of the light spots is written a four-square strange word.

Although Ling Xiao recognized many words on this Yaotian Continent as soon as he had memory, he did not recognize these three words.

Ling Xiao even had an absurd thought, these words should not belong to this world, otherwise how could he not recognize them?

The three light spots flickered and then dimmed, but Ling Xiao could see them clearly. They were blood red, earth brown, and sky blue.

"What a weird thing." The mutation of this token not only didn't solve Ling Xiao's question, but made him even more confused.

However, Ling Xiao understands that this thing must be the same as his current Seven Soul Demon Chain, and it belongs to the invisible thing.

"That Cheng Gantai accepted me as his apprentice. It's better to go to him and ask for a necklace used by a spiritual master to decorate the facade. Anyway, the ancestors of the seven demons said that I am a god and a demon, and there is no conflict between practicing at the same time."

Ling Xiao made a wishful thinking and flew towards the Beimin faction in the back mountain of Beimincheng.

However, if anyone saw Ling Xiao running wildly at this time, they would definitely widen their eyes.

With his current speed, he could compete with a fast horse before he knew it.

Of course, Ling Xiao himself just felt that his body was a little light and airy, other than that, he didn't feel anything unusual.

Ling Xiao went straight up the mountain road behind Beimincheng, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain sits a very large-scale building. The jade-green jade porcelain pasted on the outer wall is enough to buy the entire Beimincheng.

Not to mention, the perennial white light lanterns hanging on both sides just above the gate, and the black feather stone plaque with the three characters "Beimin School" written on it.

No matter which one is placed in the mundane world, it is a valuable thing.

"The Beimin faction is really rich!" This is Ling Xiao's first comment from a close look at the Beimin faction.

On weekdays, these mortals just stood at the foot of the mountain and looked from afar, how dare they get so close to the Beimin faction.

"Where is the wild boy, this is not where you came from, get out!"

The two servants sent by Beimin to guard the door looked like slaves. When they saw Ling Xiao, the two words were nakedly engraved on their eyes: snobbery.

"A dog's eyes look low!" Ling Xiao cursed inwardly, with that standard Ling Xiao smile on his face: "Two brothers, please report to Master, and say I'm here Ling Xiao."

"How could the master accept a wild boy like you as a disciple! Hurry up..." The servant was about to continue to drive away Ling Xiao, but the hand that was about to strike stopped just now.

Ling Xiao held two orange spar stones in his hands, which shone extremely charmingly under the setting sun.

"Cough cough..." The boy coughed dryly, then he just slammed away Ling Xiao's hand and held the two orange spar.

The other boy stared intently at the two spar in his companion's hand, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Ling Xiao sneered secretly in his heart, took out two orange spar from the bag he was carrying, and handed it to another servant: "This is to honor the two senior brothers, please trouble the two senior brothers."

"It looks like you're quite interesting!" The servant who received the two spar first patted Ling Xiao's shoulder: "Wait here, I'll report to the Sect Master."

The two gatekeepers are not disciples of the Beimin faction, they are just handymen here.

The usual monthly wages of the two were fifty red spar, but Ling Xiao gave them two orange spar in one breath, which was equivalent to their four months' wages.

Money can make ghosts grind the mill, Ling Xiao is deeply depressed, these four orange spar stones are sent out, and the two "ghosts" naturally move.

After a while, the servant came out with a worried look on his face: "The sect head lets you in, I dare not accept the spar you gave me, brother..."

They originally thought that Ling Xiao was just a wild boy, and naturally they were fierce towards him. Now that they know that Ling Xiao is actually the new apprentice of the head, they absolutely dare not offend Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was too lazy to care about these two snobbery who bullied the soft and feared the hard, and Ling Xiao did not intend to take back the spar he sent out.

These two guys took their own spar, and they are afraid that they will not be their little brothers in the future?

When he first came to Beimin faction, he didn't understand many things about Ling Xiao. With these two guys around, it was much more convenient to ask about things.

Ling Xiao smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll give you this spar if it's given to you. Why should I go back? By the way, what are the names of the two big brothers?"

The two servants were flattered: "Senior brother is serious, my name is Xiaosi, and his name is Xiaowu. If there is anything in the future, just ask us to do it."

"It's easy to talk, let the little four brothers lead the way." Seeing that the effect was achieved, Ling Xiao smiled and followed the little four into the Beimin faction.

Arriving in front of a hall, Xiao Si stopped: "The head is inside, I can only bring you here, brother."

"It's good to say, little four brothers, you go." After sending the little four away, Ling Xiao sorted out his clothes and walked into the hall solemnly.

Nearly a hundred young people of the same age as Ling Xiao stood in the left and right rows of the hall. They were looking at this new disciple with curious eyes and whispering for a while.

Some of these people Ling Xiao knew, some did not know, those who knew them were nothing more than saying that Ling Xiao was a little beggar or something.

Ling Xiao's face was expressionless, as if he didn't hear it.

Sect Master Cheng Gantai was sitting on the main seat of the hall, with a young man and a woman standing on either side of him.

The man was tall and mighty, with a steady and confident expression on his square face. A pair of big eyes under the thick eyebrows looked at Ling Xiao with vigor, as if to see Ling Xiao up and down, inside and out.

The woman standing on the right was about sixteen years old, and she was very delicate. However, those eyes full of youth and agility did not look directly at Ling Xiao, and were still muttering some vague words that Ling Xiao heard.

Judging by the look of contempt on the girl's face, it's probably not a good word.

Ling Xiao pretended he didn't hear it, and walked to Cheng Gantai, who had a majestic face, and gave a respectful salute, "Teacher Ling Xiao is here."