
Become a devil

Hundreds of refinements become demons, and thousands of refinements become Buddhas. For Ling Xiao, he prefers becoming a demon, so a hundred refinements are enough! What kind of practice? It's nothing more than a few times when he sees the unhappy Yin, who wants to step on his feet a few times, and whoever wants to step on his feet a few times beats him... As for those who dare to rob women and money with themselves, they will be killed directly. !

spring651 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Siege

Ling Xiao only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and he didn't even know when he broke away from the control of the Seven Demons Ancestors.

The ancestors of the Seven Demons said that those hypocrites would definitely save Ling Xiao and told Ling Xiao not to worry. Sure enough, everything is in the calculations of the Seven Demons ancestors.

However, what Ling Xiao didn't know was that at the moment when his body flew towards that Li Xuanyi, the dagger in the hands of the Seven Demons Ancestor swung out at the same time and flew towards his back vest!

"What a vicious old devil!" The azure-robed old man Wu Jing opened his eyes angrily, and with a casual stroke, a giant blue talisman flashed out, blocking the deadly dagger for Ling Xiao.

"Eat me! Roar!" A red-haired old man's body changed dramatically, turning into a blue dragon that was more than ten meters long in the blink of an eye. With this dragon roar, the huge dragon claws slammed towards the crumbling body of the ancestor of the Seven Demons.

The ancestors of the seven demons did not dodge, but sneered and pointed lightly at the dragon's claws. Above the outstretched index finger of the ancestor of the Seven Demons, the blue-black gas was entangled, and above the black gas, there were actually roaring ghosts!

"Yan Luo Finger!" It was this gentle finger that surprised everyone, and even the old man who had transformed into a giant dragon was so frightened that he pulled his claws back.

"Zhao Yang, be careful!" Immortal Wujing reminded loudly, and another giant talisman flew out of his hand.

When the finger of the ancestor of the Seven Demons was about to stab the giant dragon's claw, it was inserted into the talisman of the Wujing Master. The blue talisman dissipated as soon as it was touched, and with a bang, it dissipated into countless blue light spots.

"Pfft!" Reality Wujing's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help spurting out.

Ling Xiao, who was standing in the distance, found that his eyesight was exceptionally good at this time. He could clearly see every detail of the bloodless real person who was vomiting blood dozens of meters away: "I didn't expect this old thing to be so powerful. I got his inheritance, maybe I can really compete with those guys!"

The strike between the seven demon ancestors was so domineering, it was deeply imprinted in Ling Xiao's mind, and a kind of confidence slowly took root and sprouted in his heart.

"The devil, you dare to hurt people when you are about to die, let's see how we destroy you!"

The middle-aged woman in purple shirt, like a menopausal old woman, the door owner waved one hand forward, and the palm and the looming necklace on her neck simultaneously emitted a blue light.

The blue light quickly turned into a giant with blue wings on its back, holding a giant sword of about three meters and slashed towards the ancestor of the seven demons.

Holding Ling Xiao in his hand, Li Xuanyi volleyed with one hand and quickly drew a five-pointed star formation: "Go!"

The blue magic circle that dazzled Ling Xiao flew towards the Seven Demon Ancestors, and the rest of the group also performed their own unique skills and attacked the Seven Demon Ancestors together.

In an instant, all kinds of attacks were flying in the sky, and the ancestor of the seven demons at the center of the attack just laughed wildly: "Want to kill me? This ancestor will also make you pay a painful price!"

When the attack of the seven people was about to hit the Seven Devils Ancestor, a solid necklace suddenly appeared on the Seven Devils Ancestor's chest.

There are also seven gems hanging on this necklace, which are emitting a rich blue-black light like ink.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it turned dark all of a sudden!

"It turned out to be a chain of souls! Escape!" The seven people flashed the same thought at the same time, and they flew in their respective directions.

There was a bang, as if the sky had been blasted into a black hole.

With the disappearance of the body of the ancestors of the seven demons, countless black breaths turned into a burst of black raindrops and flew towards the tens of thousands of spiritual masters of the seven holy places on the ground.

"What a powerful demonic power! Let's all resist with soul chains!" The necklaces on the chests of tens of thousands of divine soul masters flashed yellow, green, and blue, and they flew towards the sky above their heads.

In an instant, the three-color protective light layer was formed by these tens of thousands of rays of light, blocking the black "raindrops" that were pattering down.

Black raindrops fell on the three-color protective light layer, and spread like ink drops into clear water.

"Ah..." With the screams, hundreds of Spirit Masters immediately turned black, and fell to the ground in one fell swoop, seemingly unable to survive.

At this time, seven strong blue lights flew over from different directions and merged into the three-color protective light layer.

These seven domineering blue lights forced the black energy out, and the soul chains on the chests of tens of thousands of divine soul masters stopped glowing, and all of them turned pale.

Ling Xiao stood aside, as if from a lifetime: Is this true? Are you not dreaming?

The last moment he was still selling medicine in the Piaohong Courtyard, at this moment he witnessed the battle between this earth-shattering soul master and the devil soul master with his own eyes.

Life is sometimes unpredictable.

However, the strength of the ancestors of the Seven Demons gave Ling Xiao an indelible mark.

Even if it is self-destruction, it still takes hundreds of soul masters to be buried with it.

If you can cultivate to this level, as long as you don't encounter this kind of siege situation, how can anyone between heaven and earth be able to stop you?

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt that the two things he wanted to accomplish for the Seven Demons Ancestors were not impossible.

"Boy, remember the appearance of these seven people, kill them..." A voice that was almost inaudible reached Ling Xiao's ears.

That was the voice of the ancestors of the Seven Demons.

Ling Xiao slowly raised his head, looked at the seven people who were enjoying the worship of the gods and spirit masters, and deeply imprinted the faces of these seven people in his mind.

The blue-robed Tianjiang City Lord Li Xuanyi, the blue-robed old man Xuanhai Pai Tianjing Zhenren, the red-haired old man Mingyue Palace Master Zhao Yang, the purple-clothed woman with stinky face, the Taishang Sect Master of Ziqiongmen, the gloomy man with triangular eyes Huiyuan Hall Lord Wang Zeyuan, Shen Nanfeng, the Lord of the Valley of the Fallen Wind, with a grey short shirt and a sturdy figure.

The last one, the woman in red wearing a blue-faced and fangs mask, Yan Hanruo, the pavilion master of Jinghai Pavilion.

Ling Xiao naturally didn't know the specific identities and names of these seven people. He only knew that he had to kill them, so he had to recognize their faces.

"No way, although I have no grudges with you, but if I don't live up to my oath, I will die." Ling Xiao thought to himself.

If those seven people knew that Ling Xiao was secretly plotting against them at this time, they would definitely laugh off all their big teeth.

Naturally, they wouldn't take it to heart as a small person like Ling Xiao.

However, the seven of them unexpectedly flew towards Ling Xiao at this time, looking at Ling Xiao with strange expressions.

A chill rose in Ling Xiao's heart: "You...what are you doing?"

With a "hum" sound, Ling Xiao's head felt a strong stinging pain again, the feeling was similar to the mental shock of the Seven Demon Ancestors.

"Ah—" Ling Xiao let out an extremely exaggerated scream, and squatted on the ground with his hands over his head.

Li Xuanyi opened his eyes and said indifferently: "Don't worry, everyone, there is no magic soul in his Tianyuan Consciousness Palace."

"It turns out that they couldn't believe me, that was just a test!" Ling Xiao thought to himself: "However, why didn't the blue-robed man who was dragged to death didn't say that I was a body of two gods and demons? Could it be that the ancestor of the seven demons You can see it, but this person can't see it?"

These things are naturally not what Ling Xiao can know.

So far, Ling Xiao has not understood why there are two irrelevant people who say that they are gods and demons, and he doesn't know what the gods and demons are.

"However, this kid's mental strength is quite good, he hasn't turned into an idiot after taking me this time." Li Xuanyi said casually, and didn't mind others hearing: "Since he is not a devil, and We have suffered from my mental shock for no reason. We can't lose this kid. I have relieved the poison on this kid's arm. Shen Nanfeng, you are the master of this place. Take this kid into your Fallen Valley as compensation. ."

Ling Xiao felt a chill in his heart.

The ancestor of the Seven Demons almost killed himself, and now this blue-robed guy almost turned himself into an idiot.

If it weren't for his special physique, he would have died twice in one day today!

Ling Xiao felt ridiculous at the thought of "confessing and being lenient" earlier.

If Ling Xiao still felt a little bit of regret for the seven people he wanted to deal with just now, the little bit of regret that remained now has disappeared.

These so-called compensations are just to make a name for themselves.

"Do these people just treat my life like a mustard?" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed a trace of violence, but no one would notice the anger of an ant.

"You, Li Xuan, want to save face, what compensation do you want me to take care of and collect garbage?" Shen Nanfeng was extremely displeased.

However, he still didn't brush Li Xuanyi's face clearly, frowned and said: "My disciples in Luofeng Valley must be more than Huang-level divine power, this kid is still a mortal, I won't accept it. Well, this kid is from Beimincheng, and the Beimin faction is also one of my sects in Luofeng Valley. Let this kid go to the Beimin faction. Cheng Gantai, this kid will be handed over to you. ."

A high-spirited middle-aged man with a short beard stepped forward and saluted Shen Nanfeng respectfully: "Okay, Gu Master."

"Since the ancestors of the Seven Demons have been destroyed, the Demon Soul Sect lacks a pillar to support the sky. Our seven Holy Lands will return to their respective sects. We will fight fiercely and destroy the demons. The plan is just around the corner!" The red-robed old man Zhao Yang roared loudly.

The disciples of the seven holy places seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they also roared in accord with Zhao Yang's voice: "The plan to destroy the devil is just around the corner!"

"The plan to destroy the devil is just around the corner!"


Li Xuanyi snorted softly: "It's really boring."

Immediately, Li Xuan turned around and left, followed by thousands of Tianjiang City disciples.

Zhao Yang blushed like a piece of pig liver, if it weren't for his red robe and red hair to help cover it up, his old face would be lost.

Zhenren Wujing gently patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder and comforted: "It's not that you don't know his character, just get used to it. Let's go back to the sect separately."

The gods and spirit masters didn't know what came from, but Ling Xiao knew that they all ran away in less than half a minute.

A few people stood in front of him with the middle-aged man named Cheng Gantai, and one of them was the big man from Beiminpai who Ling Xiao knew.

That big man was surnamed Xiao, and his name was Zhang, and he was very arrogant in Beimincheng. Only now hiding behind Cheng Gantai, obediently like a kitten.

"Don't take a teacher yet?" Looking at Ling Xiao, who was covered in filth, Cheng Gantai's face revealed an undisguised look of disgust.

Although Cheng Gantai was unwilling to accept this apprentice, but the chief sect opened his mouth, he had to accept it, and he would find an excuse to kick him out later.

"I worshipped two masters in one day, and one died immediately. I don't know what will happen to my new master, hehe."

Ling Xiao lowered his head, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint sneer, and kowtowed towards Cheng Gantai to pay respects to his teacher: "My disciple Ling Xiao pays a visit to Master."