
Because You're Mine, My Ms. Right

"I like you, and I always did." "Well, that's too bad because I don't like you." Natalie Miller has been in love with her best friend, Jonathan hills, for years, she then confesses to him, but then he blatantly rejects her love. Not willing to give up, Natalie proceeded to do anything to make him fall in love, but when another friend came rolling into their lives, would Natalie's heartbeat for another?

Ephipanians · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

You over the thousands of Ocean

"You had dragged me to the mall and then to the venue for this?" Natalie held up a bag of Jiwon's supplies. Rummaging the content, Jiwon had made Natalie buy the group's official merch, what do you call that? A lightstick? Whatever that was, Jiwon offered the member's picture but decided against it since it looked like Natalie was ready to blow a fuse.

Dragging them in the line of thousand of fangirls, thankfully, Jiwon had prepared a pre-lunch and drinks – courtesy of going to a quick stop at the mall – which made Natalie forgives Jiwon's chaotic day list. Now she was in the middle of screaming girls singing the group medleys outside the venue. There sat Nami with her earphones on.

Her mind was still clouded – and somehow salty – over yesterday's fiasco. Her mind frequently wanders over the man that had somehow occupied her mind once more. She didn't know what was happening and why he suddenly showed up. After successfully erasing him from her mind, he somehow manages to creep its way back to her mind.

The halls suddenly opens, and the girls all started to run their way, Natalie's eyes widen as she was dragged and pulled into the place, trying to escape the tsunami Natalie's legs carried her to run, As she was running she didn't realize she had bumped into someone.

Both of them fell down, with Natalie on top of the person. The other girls were running, Natalie's headshots up as she looks around to know that tall buff men were trying to call down people, asking them not to run while some of them were franticly searching for someone. What she didn't know was someone was looking at her, as she sat on top of them.

Natalie then looks down, and she widens as she staggers back from the person's lap. She then looks at the masked man, who looks at her, she was equally confused as she was about to say sorry, tall buff men started to drag a lot of people out. Natalie's small figure was then dragged back, wincing in pain. The person then tries to reach out for her as a guard was holding onto her arms harshly.

But before he could help her, he could hear girls start to scream his name, knowing he was outed. The bodyguards were moving faster as they escorted him back. He looked back one more time as he saw Natalie, trying to understand the situation.


"Did it hurt?" finally, after that traumatic event, Natalie manage to rejoin Jiwon, who was touching her poor friend's red hand. Of course, these kinds of things were not what usually happens when you go to concerts, but safety precaution is always needed at every time and in every situation.

For being a first-timer going to this kind of event, Natalie was having high expectations and beginning to warm up to the concept of the concert until Natalie was going to drown in the sea of fangirls, then fall on strangers and then was dragged by a buff bodyguard. Never in her entire life, had she had to go through such horrors, so she had applause all of those people who managed to enjoy all of that.

"I don't think so… they were briefly harshly tugging but I didn't realise it was red like this," the concert was starting in 30 minutes. But Jiwon was busy looking for something to ease her friend's hand.

"uh… I should have looked at the right way," Natalie groans as she sat down in the chair. Seoyeon had managed to get tickets right in the middle of the stadium, right in front of the stage where apparently – Jiwon explained – close to were on the encore stage, the artist could see you up close. How's that lucky?

"Who was the person you manage to fall for, literally? Was he a fanboy? You manage to fall for a fanboy! That's so exciting…." Jiwon gush, but all in Natalie's mind was not the fanboy but how embarrassed she was.

"You should be the one who falls for Jiwon, this is just embarrassing for me, and I didn't know who he was, he didn't say anything – rude much", Natalie grumbles.

Throughout the whole concert, Nami sat down, and she looked to see thousands of fans screaming over them. It brought a big smile to Nami to see their passion on stage and fans, it was a scene that was different from what Nami had thought. There were a lot of songs that suited her taste. She might have to ask Jiwon since she looks like she was enjoying the whole concert. It's a shame that Natalie was not wearing any contacts, so despite being close to the stage, she couldn't see who was playing all the instruments and was a bit shameful she had rejected Jiwon in buying some shoes that she can use to actually see them.

She'll have to buy higher-sole shoes if she wanted to get past those tall people.

Everyone was enjoying the concert, Natalie would be too, if it wasn't for the sudden thought of a certain someone invading her mind. She was getting frustrated with herself for not enjoying the night. keyword - trying - would be perfect for Natalie right now. Enjoying the night as best as she could.

Might as well, she thought.

She took her phone when suddenly confetti and loud music started to blabber throughout the stadium. Opening the camera, she took a picture of the beautiful sight, she was about to take an aesthetic picture for her collection of one of the members of the group, but she didn't bother on asking which group was performing.

She was trying to focus the lens on the person who was waving in front of her when suddenly Natalie started to frown. As her vision was clear she caught a glimpse of the person who was in front of her.

Her world started spinning as she saw the person coming closer, her breath hitched. She couldn't believe it.

There stood the person who had broken her heart, the reason why she was in LA right now. The person who she was ready to give up everything for, the person she spent crying when he had cut every connection with her.

The person who Natalie had dreaded to see also looks at the crowd, and his eyes land on her—the person who he had waited for his entire life. If Natalie's heart had stopped and was trying to deny the fact the person she had hoped to never appear in front of her, his heart was different.

He was finally glad that he finally found you, after all this time trying to find a way to see you.

For the first time in forever, Jonathan Hills had smiled at Natalie Miller.