
Because You're Mine, My Ms. Right

"I like you, and I always did." "Well, that's too bad because I don't like you." Natalie Miller has been in love with her best friend, Jonathan hills, for years, she then confesses to him, but then he blatantly rejects her love. Not willing to give up, Natalie proceeded to do anything to make him fall in love, but when another friend came rolling into their lives, would Natalie's heartbeat for another?

Ephipanians · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

Another introduction

On the hand, Jonathan was stunted after Natalie slapped him and ran away. Jonathan could only touch his face. He didn't know that Natalie would be that surprised to see him. He was expecting her to run to him after not seeing each other. He wondered if Seoyeon had told her Jonathan was the one who had invited her.

It had surprised Jonathan to see Natalie like that, he had never seen her face like that. After she had left, the whole place was silent, the girl who had gone with Natalie then proceed to only smile awkwardly as she stands up, the three of them were still stunned. Jonathan was still processing what had happened, and the other two who was dying to slice the silence, but Jiwon had already beaten them to it.

"I - I have nothing to say, I'm so sorry. I -" Jiwon trying not to ramble and try to find an excuse for her friend, explaining the situation - even she needed the explanation.

"It's alright! Natty was always like that, I don't mind…" Is he sure? Jiwon had thought. Did he know the Natalie who had run away from him? He tried to reassure Natalie's friend to sit down while he tries to find Natalie, who had run away.

But before Jonathan could slip away from his brothers piercing gaze, a voice called out to him.

"Jo. Tyler went after her," Jonathan looks at Eric, who had slipped to his side, before looking at the boys, "She left. Tyler went after her and you need explaining to do, mister."

Jonathan could help to frown, Tyler Ren was looking after her? Did she know him? He wondered. He was still anxious, and a bitter feeling started to boil inside Jonathan, knowing that she had known Tyler Ren.

Natalie Miller was exceptional, and it made him wonder what Natalie had meant for Tyler Ren.

"What? Why is Tyler going after – I," but before Jonathan could say anything more, Hansel look at Natalie's friend and smiled at her.

"You don't have to worry, Natalie is in good hands, I trust Tyler there – Eric could you bring her to the cafeteria. Can I have a moment to talk to Jo, if you don't mind" But before Eric could protest, decided it was not the right time to complain.

Leaving behind Hansel and Jonathan to talk, four eyes. The people inside the green room also thought it was best for the bandmates to discuss things like these by themselves.

"Is she the one?" Hansel suddenly asked. The silent Jonathan could only look up to Hansel and silently nods his head. The eldest, trying to process what was happening sighed and sat down

Hansel, who has seen his best friend up and down, could only stare at the now-confused Jonathan. This was something new for them. Sure, scandals of them being in a relationship were always a public stunt the management did, but those were rumours. They fabricated lies to feed the media over juicy stories. But this was different than that.

Hansel could only pat his bandmate's back, "Tell me about her."

Jonathan sighed, "She's my childhood best friend, I had invited her secretly here, but it seems like she didn't know I would be there…"

"She's your friend?" Hansel asked confusingly, "Are you sure? It looks like you murder her whole family. She was mortified to see you."

"Well.... if you're surprised, then what about me?" Jonathan sat down, messing with his hair. "I haven't seen her, and I was expecting at least a hello and not a slap!'

"There's your problem, buddy. You haven't seen her in a while. What did you expect she would just run to you and hug your ass?" Hansel asked, "Did you do something to her?"

Jonathan frowns at the idea of hurting her. He didn't think he did anything wrong. All he knew was he was busy, and so was she, and they had no time to meet each other, and then they were distant and, alas, losing contact with each other.

"I don't so, I might have to clear things with her, now if you'll excuse me – "

"I didn't know, if you know," A voice suddenly called out, Eric came in alone without Natalie's friend," Tyler was searching for the same girl," Eric suddenly pipes in, "He told me, he was also looking for a girl, I didn't know it was your friend, he was pretty giddy when he had seen her."

"Ooo~ a love triangle, do we get a fight scene and –" Eric looks at Hansel, who proceeds to shut his mouth by slapping his hands at the poor man's mouth. Jonathan was frowning in silence. A love triangle? No. This is Natalie Miller we're talking about, and Jonathan knows he is not the best kind of person she should fall in love with.

But who can change drastically like that?

Jonathan's bandmates knew about his secret crush on a girl. It was obvious that these past few weeks, their brother was getting more anxious than usual. The boys being cheeky as usual, pesters Jonathan into spilling what was happening.

Confronting a blushing Jonathan - which in fact, is rare. They were happy to know that Jonathan had finally found someone he liked someone, sure the agency rules about dating were still pretty much still a rule, but it didn't stop Jonathan from wanting the girl. They did not know that the girl he was growing feelings for hated his guts.

"Well, I didn't think she would be so surprised… I just – "but before he could finish, the door opened, and familiar faces came. Seeing Tyler Ren had his hands around Natalie while both laughing out loud like they were the ones being friends.

Jonathan didn't like that.

"I swear! It was not my idea, but being king for one day was hilarious!" Natalie laughs, and Tyler Ren smiles at her. They didn't realise a crowd was looking at them, it took a moment of silence when they stopped. Natalie stops laughing while looking at the cold face Jonathan was giving her.

"Hans, I didn't know you were back," Tyler Ren nods at his bandmates.

"Natalie.. you're back," Hansel was trying to calm a burning Jonathan, "TY, you did a good job in calming Natalie here, but I think those two best friends need some time to talk, right?"

They were trying to leave, dragging an obvious Tyler Ren away, but Natalie held Tyler's hand voluntarily, not letting the man slip away from her sight. Jonathan saw that as he was about to pry their hands off, but Hansel held him back.

"You can do it, kick his ass for me," Tyler whisper in her ears, it made Jonathan piercing glare visible towards his bandmates, and couldn't stand as he storms in front of them, prying Natalie's hand from Tyler Ren but he knew Jonathan was not happy with their awfully close distance and steps in front of Natalie to stop Jonathan's hand from reaching the girl.

He didn't know where the sudden burst of confidence went, but it sure made the others question both of their behaviours.

"Don't hurt her," Tyler threaten. Jonathan was glaring at his bandmate. He looks at Tyler's hand, and he pry them off forcefully, making Natalie stumble into Jonathan's hold.

"Who do you think you are?" Jonathan asked suddenly.

"Alright! I think it's time for them to talk, come on Ren…" Eric pried in as he took Tyler Ren out. The others were leaving. Eric looked at them, slightly amused, while Hansel shook his head.

Eric then waves at Natalie and smiles, "Nice meeting you, Natalie! Please don't slap Jo again!"

Now, Eric doesn't need to worry about that. It was Natalie that needed to be careful as she was being faced with an angry Jonathan.

"What was that?" he coldly asks her.