Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
After the speech to the nation, the situation in Germany quickly calmed down.
Since the President himself came forward and appealed and even warned, this was a natural result.
But no matter what anyone says, there are some bastards everywhere on earth who want to run wild.
Five days after his speech to the nation, a passerby walking down the street in Frankfurt was hit in the back of the head with a brick and was left in critical condition.
The victims were not even Japanese, but Nepalese. He was also an international student attending Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main.
Since it was a matter of German prestige, I ordered the culprits to be identified as quickly as possible, and within two days, the police arrested the culprits, three 12-year-old boys.
When asked by the police about the motive for the crime, the criminals responded that it was purely a prank.
"People who are only 12 years old are already committing serious crimes. "The world is truly in ruins, it's in ruins."
"But they are still children… "
"Being generous is-"
"Are you kidding me?"
As someone who has seen every day in 21st century Korea the kind of disaster that being looked upon because of one's age brings to society, this incident was something I could not ignore.
If racism isn't enough, you say it's a joke to ruin other people's lives? It is safe to say that this is at a level where there is no answer.
We need to take this opportunity to show the public what will happen if such crimes are committed in the future.
"Did you say there were three criminals in total?"
"That's right."
"Be naked without leaving a single pair of panties or socks behind, then hang a sign around your neck and display it around the city. "So that all passers-by can see it."
"Mr. President!"
"The punishment is too severe. Still, they are still children, so educate them instead of punish them... ."
"Shut up!"
Naturally, there was a reaction that it was too harsh, but I couldn't change my mind. Conversely, it only made me more angry.
"If I personally went on the radio and warned you not to do it, you shouldn't do it. They ignored my words as if they were showing off, but if I just ignore them, what will the people think of me?
They even said the victim was a Nepalese person with no ties to Japan? In other words, these guys are hard-nosed guys who committed crimes purely because they wanted to commit crimes, even though the target was not Japanese. What do you think those guys will be when they grow up? Are they nothing more than parasite-like criminals eating up Germany?
Also, if the nationalities of the victim and the perpetrator had changed, would you have said that they were children and should be ignored? "Let me tell you something."
"… … "
"Well, I think we were short-thinking."
"Now that I think about it again, what you said is absolutely correct."
When I got really angry, the opinion that we should just look at them because they were children was accepted. In any case, people have to be angry to understand what is being said.
"You should know that if you make others cry, tears of blood will come out of your own eyes. Germany is not Japan or America. Even if dirt gets into my eyes, or even after dirt gets into my eyes, this type of crime can never happen in Germany. Everyone, please keep my words in mind. "From now on, we will respond with zero tolerance for crimes related to race."
I'm not going to ask you to realize how bad racism is. As the times change, I know that it is impossible.
But at least you need to know what will happen if you commit a crime. That way, they will save themselves even if they are afraid of punishment.
The cane cannot be a panacea, but it is something that is meant to be struck when it is necessary to be struck.
If you do something that deserves a beating, you should get a beating from those who don't know that you will be beaten.
"And, the hospital costs of the injured Nepalese man should be borne by the criminals. Let the family pay, or if the family cannot pay, let the criminals pay when they grow up and go out into society. "It's absurd and unfair to end up in the hospital out of nowhere, but how unfair would it be to have to pay the hospital bill out of your own pocket?"
"All right. "I will convey His Excellency the President's wishes to the relevant ministries."
"Let the criminals hang for 14 hours a day, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., for a week. Then take a picture and send it to all the newspapers in Germany. "I also wrote down the personal information of the criminals."
"Well, I will… ."
"I understand that the President is angry, but… . No matter how much I think about it, I can't shake the feeling that the punishment is too excessive."
Coming out after the meeting, Kurt Dalruge, head of the Order Police, spoke in a whisper. Then Himmler looked around and spoke.
"Watch your mouth. "It may sound like you are going against his will."
"Hmm, hmm."
"If nothing else, he is very strict when it comes to issues related to race. So I don't think it's anything new."
Interior Minister Wilhelm Frieck said: It was already famous that Fuhrer Hitler had a different view on racial issues than ordinary Germans.
"In my view, the President has no distinction of race. He truly believes that all races are equal. You also said this at last year's meeting. "Anyone who truly serves Germany, regardless of race, deserves to be treated as an Aryan."
Even if they did not fight for Germany, the Fuhrer always treated them with respect, even if they were foreigners and possessed extraordinary abilities.
This was the case with Jesse Owens, a black American who won a gold medal at the Berlin Olympics.
"It's not that His Excellency the President's opinion is wrong, but I think he has an excessively good heart. "It's the same with Czechs and Poles. If you treat the Untermensch too much, they'll climb up without even knowing about it."
Daluge, a racist to the core, did not like the Fuhrer's views very much.
Of course, the Fuhrer was a great man who would never be seen in Germany again, and he considered it a great honor to work alongside such a Fuhrer, but if nothing else, he was dissatisfied with the fact that even the Untermensch were treated as human beings.
If inferior servants are treated as equal human beings, won't they endlessly covet the status of Germans? There is a need to clearly draw a line and imprint the positions of rulers and ruled.
"I'm worried about that too, but since he does it when he has to, I don't think there's any need to worry."
Frieck, who was no less a racist than Daluge and was deeply involved in the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws and the Holocaust in real history, thought that the Fuhrer was being too merciful to the Untermensch, but he still had no complaints.
From Poland to Yugoslavia, the Fuhrer mercilessly destroyed Germany's enemies, with no mercy for the Untermensch.
If the Untermensch truly rise as Daluge feared, the Fuhrer will mercilessly exterminate them. I don't know anything else, but he absolutely hates anything that crosses the line.
"And as the Führer said, this is a matter of German prestige. "I think the reason the Fuhrer ordered harsh punishment was to avoid this incident being used as propaganda to criticize Germany abroad."
"Well, if foreign countries use it as anti-German propaganda, that's a problem."
Himmler nodded. So, when has the President ever made a wrong decision? The Fuhrer's judgment was always right, and as a result, Germany was able to dominate Europe.
As long as you follow the President's instructions, there is nothing that cannot be resolved. That was Himmler's theory.
"The President has already decided on this matter, so there is no need to argue further. "Let's go eat."
June 18, 1941
munich germany
"Give me a cup of coffee. "With sugar and cream."
The Asian man ordered coffee from the waiter in perfect German, and when the waiter left, he opened the newspaper he had purchased that morning.
On the front page of the newspaper, there was a large photo showing three naked boys being beaten around on the streets of Frankfurt.
Below the photo was an explanation that the boys were the culprits of the Nepali incident in Frankfurt and the boys' personal information.
Although the punishment for 12-year-old boys was extremely extreme, Lee Mi-reuk thought it was a reasonable punishment considering the crimes the boys had committed.
"The coffee you ordered has arrived."
"Thank you."
Lee Mi-reuk looked around while drinking the coffee the waiter brought her.
A housewife who was walking down the street was staring at him, but when their eyes met, she hurriedly avoided eye contact and walked away.
When Japan expelled the German ambassador, strangely enough, it sparked a firestorm among all Asians living in Germany.
Just because they were Asians with the same skin as Japanese people, they were subjected to harsh gaze, criticism, and even violence.
It was an absurd and infuriating thing for Lee Mi-reuk, who had to go into exile in Germany after his country was occupied by Japan.
People around him who knew Lee Mi-reuk treated him as usual, but most people did not.
In their eyes, Lee Mi-reuk was just a yellow monkey who insulted and insulted the great Germany.
The world was so scary that Lee Mi-reuk couldn't even go out. However, after Hitler's speech to the nation, the world quickly regained stability.
He could still feel the stares of passers-by staring at him as he walked down the street, but he had never been directly harmed.
After the President declared that he would never show mercy to indiscriminate hatred, violence, and crime against other races, Lee Mi-reuk was able to walk the streets as freely as before.
Of course, crimes targeting Asians were not completely eradicated, as was the case with the Nepalese in Frankfurt, but the Fuhrer revealed to the world what would happen if a racial crime was committed by imposing heavy punishments on the culprits.
Who could commit a crime after seeing this? Unless you're a masochist who wants to be naked in front of people.
Until now, Hitler has been like two sides of the same coin to Lee Mi-reuk.
Hitler predicted the Great Depression and Japan's invasion of China through his book Mein Kampf, sent flood relief pensions to compatriots on the Korean Peninsula suffering from floods, and hosted a dinner for fellow countrymen Son Ki-jeong and Nam Seung-ryong at the Berlin Olympics. I viewed the anecdote positively, but apart from this, he committed numerous evil deeds.
He used the Enabling Act to transform Germany into a dictatorship, and caused a war that was caused by Poland's preemptive attack, putting many people in pain.
Lee Mi-reuk, who was a pacifist, could never feel comfortable with Hitler, who started the war.
But, if nothing else, he could not help but acknowledge the fact that Fuhrer Hitler had a completely different perspective from ordinary Germans.
Hitler was the only leader who not only predicted the future and won the war within a year, but also crushed the anti-Semitism that was rampant in Germany and treated blacks and Asians, who were discriminated against by all Europeans, as equal human beings.
It was entirely thanks to Hitler that he was able to go out into the streets without worrying about his personal safety like before.
That's why Lee Mi-reuk became even more curious about Hitler. Although he was a dictator, he was significantly different from the world's most common dictators - Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Somoza, etc.
Is he really the iron man his followers say he was sent by God to save the German people?
Considering his actions so far, there was no word more suitable for Hitler than the word 'iron man.'
What would Plato and Nietzsche, who praised iron men and emphasized the need for iron men throughout their lives, say if they saw today's Hitler?
Lee Mi-reuk suddenly became curious about that.
From Nazi Party and SS newspapers such as the Völkischer Beobachter (Observer of the People) to Der Angriff (Attack) and Das Schwarze Korps (Black Legion) to local newspapers in small towns. All newspapers in Germany followed my instructions and published photos and articles of the Frankfurt incident on their front pages, making the public aware of the fate of the criminals who committed racial crimes.
Goebbels and Hess were worried that the United States and Britain might use this incident for anti-German propaganda, but their concerns were for naught and there was no response from the United States and Britain.
In fact, these two countries also treat racism like a meal, so it seemed like they were hiding information on purpose.
Even in Germany, which is criticized as a dictatorship, it responds sternly to racial crimes, but I am worried that there will be a backlash that self-proclaimed democratic countries are condoning or even promoting racial discrimination.
In fact, when my public address was introduced overseas, black Americans and Asians were the first to react.
As they suffered a lot of discrimination and contempt in American society, they were bound to be dissatisfied with the government that seemed to have no idea about their situation.
There has been a movement to abolish the Jim Crow laws, which are racist policies, as well as criticism of why the government neglects racism.
The White House remained silent this time too.
Japan also ran into a difficult situation.
They expelled the ambassador, but Germany is actually protecting the Japanese from harm, so they must be overly prepared.
As their own situation seemed to be falling apart, Japan quietly requested that an ambassador be dispatched again. Without even a single apology.
Fuck you.
By the way, the German military set, which began selling at the end of May to great acclaim, was a box office hit beyond imagination and was making enormous profits.
It enjoyed explosive popularity not only among the German people but also in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, where it was released, and sold out every day.
Due to the success of the German military set, sales began in neighboring Hungary and Bulgaria, followed by Spain, Ireland, and Finland.
"Mr. President, how about this?"
In response to the unexpected huge success of the toy set, Minister Schacht came up with a brilliant idea with his extraordinary brain.
The idea he came up with was 'Gacha'.
It is promoted by randomly inserting 'rare miniatures' that are not included in the existing set. Naturally, collectors will buy sets as they are available to obtain rare items, and sales profits will naturally increase.
"Even if it doesn't have the expected effect, the sales volume of the set will increase by at least one more, so it is never a loss-making business."
Schacht's crazy idea was well-received by everyone and was immediately adopted. Tiger and Panther were mentioned as rare miniatures to be included in the set, but I declined them.
"They should be released separately later and used to make money. "To fit the word 'rare,' why not include things that don't exist in reality?"
Tiger and Panther were decided to be saved for the 'German Military Miniature Set 2' to be released later, and equipment that did not exist in this world was added.
What equipment exists in real history but does not exist here? Representative examples include the No. 3 assault gun, Marder anti-tank self-propelled gun, No. 4 tank destroyer, Ferdinand tank destroyer, etc., among countless others.
The No. 3 Assault Gun did not appear as mass production of the No. 3 Tank was canceled, and the Marder did not appear as it was transferred directly from the 38(t) to the Hatcher.
The same goes for guys like Tank Destroyer No. 4, Ferdinand, and Birvelwind.
Wouldn't it be plausible if sketches from a past life were recreated as miniatures and sold in a set with an appropriate explanation that they were "unfortunate weapons that could not escape the paper plan?"
Goering went one step further and proposed a rare set among rare sets.
"Wouldn't it sell better if we advertised that there is also a set with His Excellency the President's autograph?"
Of course, the result was a huge success.
After the start of sales of 'Gacha Set' and 'Gacha Set within Gacha', sales of German military miniature sets surged by 45%. Not 4.5%, but 45%.
Thanks to the explosive success of the miniature set, the 'Creix Marine Set' was also announced, and plastic model sets in scales of 1:72 and 1:35, which were scaled up from miniatures, also began production.
As I said, even in England and France, which were once enemy countries, people came to Germany individually to buy them.
This is why people must know how to use their heads.