
chapter 10454- 

The good news was that he wouldn't have to face Lin Yi's trio again the next time he loaded.

lin yi and the other two weren't in the same category.

otherwise, if he kept on killing these three people, it would be a waste of time. not only would there be more variables, but he would also be exhausted mentally.

Just like now, although Lin Yi and the other two didn't use their killing moves at the same time and changed to a guerrilla strategy, the pressure on Xia Wenqing didn't decrease at all. Instead, it increased a lot!

He knew that it wasn't that the three were at their wit's end, but that they had curled up like a venomous snake.

The next time he attacked, it would be a fatal blow!

In this regard, Xia Wenqing was conceited, but he was still extremely vigilant. After all, the death replacement technique was not omnipotent.