
Drawing in the Rain (2)

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Muir immediately flew down, bringing over the drawing boards and charcoal, then a chunk of wood as a stool for her to sit on.

With that, Bai Qingqing was able to sit down comfortably in the small hut and started drawing.

Winston and Curtis climbed up to the hut in succession, turning into their original forms and laying on the floor quietly. They'd occasionally look at their mate, who was drawing seriously. The atmosphere was quiet and wonderful.

Only the leopard cubs couldn't stand the loneliness, so they played happily in the colorful sea of flowers. They'd occasionally enter Bai Qingqing's drawing scene, leaving a few disharmonious figures.

Bai Qingqing wasn't angry. Since they appeared, she drew them as well. Although it was disharmonious, they surprisingly made the drawing look more lively.