
Battle of the Stripeless Beasts

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Curtis also thought of this. He flicked out his tongue and moved the necklace toward his mouth. A drop of saliva flowed down slowly from his mammoth-like fang, wetting the animal skin strap the crystal was tied to.

Saint Zachary's face was distorted, and he had a strong urge to skin the snake beastman. However, he could only hold it in and back off, waving his hand and sending the surrounding scorpions back too. Only a few scattered scorpion corpses were left lying on the ground.

Parker and Winston ran off quickly, chasing after their mate. No scorpions dared to stop them.

Saint Zachary still hadn't heard of what had happened to Bai Qingqing. Curtis was threatening him, so he summoned the scorpions to bring Bai Qingqing here.

However, in a few breaths' time, a signal came.

Bai Qingqing had gone missing.

Saint Zachary's expression became even more distorted.