
Never Disappear again! (178)

Bella filled Zane in on the company and everything she had done.

"Bella, you are to never work yourself like that again. Understand?" He said with a glare.


He pulled her close and said, "I'm sorry, I understand."

"The doctors say if Ethan keeps this up we can go home soon." Bella said.

"He said you and Matilda can go home now. Why do you stay?" he asked.

"Matilda loves her brother and they both sleep better next to each other. It is also better for feeding, he does not take the bottle well and I don't want to run back and forth."

Zane left the room and Bella watched her two babies sleep holding each others hands.


Angela waited for her son and husband. It will be nice to have them all together.

Josh was talking about having a party to celebrate the men coming home finaly.

"We have to wait till Bella is out of the hospital. They have to be here too." Josh said.

"Yes, I know. Thanks for helping these past few days. Junior loves staying at your house with Bobby." Angela said.

"We love having him too. Speaking of two, how are the babies today?"

"I feel like a whale already. It sure is different with two then just one."

"I want to go to the next appointment with you if that's alright." he asked.

"Yes, I was going to talk to you about it. The doctor wants to do a sonogram to see how the babies are developing."

"That sounds great. I can't wait."

Maggie came over and crawled up on his lap. "Hug" she said.

Olly walked over and pointed to the floor. "Down now. You no baby."

She teared up and said, "Daddy Hug."

Josh hugged his little girl and placed her down. It had been difficult this summer taking care of all the kids but he loved it.

Olly had taken a liking to Maggie and was teaching her to be a big girl. She was already using a potty chair.

Olly pulled her over to the small table for them and he pushed her cup over to her and gave her some animal crackers to eat.


Zane walked in and stood at the door way watching his beauty. The nurse then walked pass him with a wheelchair.

"Miss are you ready to leave?" she asked.

"No, I am staying here with my children."

"Mrs. Heart the children are leaving too. Everything including a nurse is being set up at your home. Ethan will progress faster at home then in the hospital."

Bella looked at Zane. He was smiling from head to toe.

"You did all this?"

"Me and Doctor Connell." he said.

The babies were taken by special Van and Doctor Connell was there to make sure they knew how to use the equipment. Bella was so glad to be home with her whole family.

Zane also knew that this family would want to get together so he called Betty to plan a get together at his mansion.

Betty in turn called Josh because He was the one wanting to plan a get together.


Rose would not leave Bert's side. He took her to see all his family. Lily decided it was time to get back to work.

The two were sitting on the patio.

"You know Rose, I need to get back to work soon." he said.

"I know, but I am scared." she said.

"I know but I will always come back to you and your mom."

"My mommy and daddy didn't. They left and never came back." Rose said.

He was unsure what to say now to make her feel better.

"Daddy, can we go home now?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to go home. I miss my room and Olly." She said.

"I'll talk to your mom about it. I would like to go home too." He pulled her close and they sat there watching others play in the ocean waves.


Life was getting back to normal Zane and Bert reported back to work. David stayed on a few more weeks to help them get caught up on what Bella and he had done.

Zane was very impressed his beauty was great. He had no problems like the ones when he left for just a few months.

Everyone and every thing did not go back to normal but was better.

Josh and Ben had two beautiful daughters born. Ella Sue and Carrie Ann. Their family of five was completed. Bobby, Kimmy, and Maggie loved their new sisters.

Betty's business took off. They had to get a bigger office and warehouse. She now had over 50 employees and Sally became her business partner.

Oliver and her adopted another child a little girl, Tammy. She was 7 years old and came from an abusive family. Trevor, Olly, and Rose welcomed her with open arms. Rose was glad to have a girl the same age as she was.

Bert and Lily moved back home and Lily got pregnant so she quite her job to stay home. Rose was happy with their family life. She got to share a room with her new cousin Tammy. But Olly was still her favorite.

David and Babs still had some ups and down but she soon became pregnant again. Neil really stepped up and spent time with his son. He also took over his fathers business with the help of his brother. David retired from teaching to help his brother and Zane with their business by opening up a consulting business.

Robert and Mary Ann Beauté loved each other and cherished the family as they grew.

One could say they lived Happily ever after.