
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Why Do You Have To Be So Dramatic

"I honestly appreciate all the help you've given me since we met, but I can't be your mate, we just met and still don't know each other well, but I would really like to be friends with you, aside from mating, I am willing to help you with any other thing". 

If someone told Hao Shen that one they he would be gently and nicely rejecting someone, he would most likely scoff at them.

But now he was here, doing something he never thought possible. The one thing Hao Shen did not understand was why a beastman who's primal instincts was to reproduce and bare more offsprings would decide to mate with another male.

Looking at Kevin that still wanted to say something, Hao Shen sighed "let go of me first we can talk about the rest when we get back, I still haven't bath yet".

Hao Shen understood what it felt like to be rejected, that was one of the reasons he spoke so kindly to Kevin earlier but he was still unwilling to continue the conversation, to be honest he felt really uncomfortable about it.

Ever since he found out about his sexuality, he had decided to hide it from the whole world knowing how much people frowned against people like him, he wasn't even sure his mother would accept him.

But how could his mother accept him when the person who made him like this rejected him. But in this world someone could just so casually mention having sex with someone of the same gender as themselves. It all just felt so weird.

Both Kevin and Andri was surprised that Hao Shen still wanted to take a bath in the lake even after he almost drowned in it.

Kevin was not just shocked by this, he started to panic 'had Hao Shen made some sort of agreement with the sea beastman and now he had come back to say his last good bye and now he wants to trick me into letting my guard down and let him go back to that sea beastman. Why else would he pretend to still want to take a bath in the lake that almost drowned him'.

Kevin was seriously unwilling to let that happen, instead of letting Hao Shen go he hugged Hao Shen tighter.

Hao Shen was surprised by Kevin's action, his hug was so tight that Hao Shen could barely breath, he struggled wildly in Kevin's arm "I... I can't... I can't breath... Kevin... Kevin let go"

Hearing this Kevin quickly released Hao Shen while apologizing "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.." "it's fine... I'm ok... It was just.. an accident" Hao Shen said while trying to catch his breath.

Kevin looked down pitifully, feeling guilty and anxious at the same time, he was seriously unwilling to play the fool and pretend to be tricked by Hao Shen while letting him go again so he decided to speak up.

"If you want to leave me for this sea beastman, you don't have to pretend like this, just tell me ok" he looked at Hao Shen like an abandoned puppy that was kicked away when his owner found a new and cuter puppy.

Hao Shen saw this and almost burst into laughter, his thoughts and worries went away the moment he saw this, he really wanted to pet this dog cough cough this tiger and he did.

He stretched out his hands and even got on his tiptoe just to pet Kevin's white and black hair, it was really soft and smooth, smiling he said "I'm not planning to leave you, if you don't trust me, why don't you join me to bath" just as he spoke Andri interrupted him with a loud and booming voice "NO".

Andri had been enduring as they both displayed their love Infront of him, even if he was deeply bothered by it, he nether left or try to separate them and just kept on enduring it.

He was waiting for Hao Shen to finally notice him again and tell him good bye but Hao Shen seem to have forgotten all about him and even wanted to display their love in his lake.

What made him even angrier was how shameless this level 3 beastman was being, he was also at the same level so he understood how strong Kevin really was, 'why is he acting like a weak and helpless creature, why do I feel like I want to beat him so badly'.

Even if they wanted to display their love Andri would never allow them to do that in his home, 'im already heart broken, no need to rub it on my face that's just being evil'.

Hao Shen finally noticed Andri who he thought had already gone back to the cave inside the lake.

He looked at him confusedly not understanding why he was so opposed to them taking a bath together, 'it was just taking a bath, why do you have to be so dramatic'.

It wasn't just Hao Shen that was looking at him, both Kevin was looking at him questioningly 'yeah why are you being so dramatic?'

Andri felt veins popping from his head 'I really want to beat this guy up', he let out a cough "what I meant was you are not like beast men, if he wants to bath he would have to go back to his original form" Andri didn't want to get annoyed by Kevin so he ignored him and explained to Hao Shen.

"So‽" Hao Shen still did'nt understand why Kevin can't take a bath with him, "beast men hardly bath themselves, so taking a bath now might just dirty the lake water and you might not enjoy it" Andri explained again he was starting to feel awkward while explaining a well known fact.

"Then can he take a bath after I'm done?" Hao Shen asked again after understanding what Andri was explaining, "NO, I mean he would dirty the lake and I live hear who knows how long it would take for the dirt to go away".

Hao Shen nodded in understanding, this wasn't a river or a sea so it would take a long time before the dirty water gets absorb by the sand.

Seeing that Hao Shen understood Andri let out a sigh, what he said was indeed true but the reason he didn't want Kevin in the lake was because he would have to use his ability to control water to remove the layer of water Hao Shen and Kevin had bath in, but he didn't want to remove Hao Shen's scent from the lake, and Kevin's scent was stronger than Hao Shen's scent, he didn't want Hao Shen's scent to be contaminated by that of Kevin's.

Kevin saw through Andri's plot but he didn't reveal it, this was because if Andri was trying to keep Hao Shen's scent them that meant that Hao Shen was indeed going to stay with him and not the sea beastman, he already won Hao Shen so there was no need to be so stingy.

Hao Shen was thinking of a way to reassure Kevin when he was distracted by Kevin "then if you really want to take a bath why don't we go somewhere else, this lake is a little too deep you might drown again".

Kevin hadn't checked the lake properly and had assumed it was a shallow lake, he was more concerned about the non existent sea beastman mate of Hao Shen, than he was of Hao Shen's safety and he blamed himself for what had happened to Hao Shen, if he had been more careful non of this would have happened to Hao Shen in the first place.

Hao Shen on the other hand didn't remember the drowning incident and was surprised to learn about it from Kevin, 'was that why I was with the merman instead of Kevin', he felt that it was more than that but since he can't remember what exactly had happened to him before he found himself in the cave with andri, he wouldn't try so hard to remember.

"It's ok I can swim, plus... This guy is hear he won't let me drown" Hao Shen looked at Andri awkwardly, he had wanted to say his name earlier but remember he still didn't know his name "you never told me your name".