
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Reid and Lisa

It was only when he got to the tribe and looked behind him that he saw that Hao Shen wasn't there. He went back to see what kept Hao Shen, but saw that Kevin was approaching him with Hao Shen in his arms, he felt that something was wrong, but not concerning himself with that, he focused on leading them back to his cave.

But when he turned around, Hao Shen called him back, "hey, I need to know more about your female's health before knowing how to treat her, what are her major issues? also tell me your name so it would be easier for me to communicate with you".

The beastman felt that Hao Shen sounded reasonable, so he transformed into his human form to speak, he was only a level two beastman and couldn't speak in his beast form, the least he could do was to growl and howl and only his fellow beast kin would be able to understand what he was trying to convey, and from what he could sense from Hao Shen, he knew that Hao Shen was definitely not a cougar beastman. he couldn't even tell what kind of beastman he was.

"My name is Reid... this is Lisa's first time giving birth to cubs, and six of them at that, so we were worried, Vince said that since it was her first time it was bound to be painful, all she needed was to eat well to recover her energy, drink enough blood to regain the blood she lost, and some rest would be enough for her to get better.

However Lisa wouldn't eat anything or even drink the blood we gave her,the worst part is that even if she forced herself to drink it she would vomit it all out, she is also feeling a lot of pain at her waist and the pain seems to be increasing, she's getting weaker and weaker, her skin had gotten paler as time went by. I'm afraid.. we're afraid that she... Vince had also disappeared, I would not have asked a random witch doctor for help, but as you can see, I  had no other choice."

Looking at the beastman called Reid, Hao Shen could feel the fear and worry radiating from his entire being, his eyes had gotten red and tears had started to pool in his eyes. Hao Shen could tell that Reid deeply loved his wife and was willing to do anything to save her.

But Hao Shen couldn't help but feel conflicted about something Reid said, 'who feeds someone blood to get better, are they some sort of vampires? since when did blood become medicine that can be simply fed to others!'

Hao Shen couldn't help but shiver, thankfully both Kevin who was still carrying him and the beast man leading them didn't see his expression, Kevin just thought that Hao Shen was feeling a little cold so he hugged Hao Shen tighter to give him warmth.

Forcefully strangling those thoughts, Hao Shen replied casually "If that's the case, then let's not go to see her". hearing this both Kevin and the beastman stopped walking. the beastman felt panicky 'could it be that this witch doctor had already given up on Lisa' he knew that all the things he said was a sure sign that his female was about to die, and maybe that's why Vince had also disappeared on them, but he had been hopeful that this witch doctor would be different.

Hao Shen saw this and quickly spoke up, "Obviously going to your cave and coming back to look for a solution is a bad idea and a complete waist of time, since you already told me the problem, all I need to do now is find the solution".

Hearing this, the beastman felt that his heart had started beating again. "Then... then what should I do" the beastman asked in anticipation, he was eager to do a very important task for his female, although he wished the task wasn't something like hunting down dangerous beasts like the behemoths, he wish it would be just as exciting as that.

Reid was one of Lisa's least favored mates, and so it was understandable that he wanted to do something that would make his mate see him in a more favorable light.

Hao Shen's request was so simple that it made the beastman slightly disappointed, "take me to Vince's lair, he might have what I need for the medicine". Reid had wasted a few precious seconds, so Kevin left the beastman behind taking Hao Shen with him. Reid saw this and quickly followed behind.

On the way, Hao Shen thought of many recipes like, bone broth, ginger braised liver, kidney congee, chicken stew etcetera. they all would work wonders for women who had just given birth, He wanted to visit Vince's cave to see if Vince had some cooking items he could use.

Hao Shen totally forgot the kind of world he was in, thinking that since he was in a medieval era the doctors or physicians here should be able to brew medicine, to his disappointment when he got to the cave he saw that it was filled with piles and piles of herbs with a few flowers and fruits here and there.

Everything was disorganized, nothing could tell that this was a home of an actual physician but then again, maybe this was what being a witch doctor was in this world. Hao Shen looked around and felt distressed, even if he wanted to find a few herbs and brew it for the female it would take an awful amount of time, on top of that he would have to make sure not to step on any of the herbs, that was how messy the entire place was.

Hao Shen stood still for a while, while thinking 'first of all to brew a simple Chinese medicine, I would need a kettle or some sort of pot but I can't find any here' sighing in defeat, Hao Shen decided  'I should just look for some herbs and find a way to brew a simple medicine, before thinking about bone broth and the rest'.

Just when he thought this he got a sudden idea 'why don't I make the pot using rocks?' but then he shook his head 'no it would be too much of a hassle, before the pot is completely shaped out of the rock the patient would have long died and been buried'.

Hao Shen remembered the pure strength of the beast men as he thought 'maybe they would be able to create it just in time, well I won't know if I don't try' Hao Shen looked at the large boulder that was moved to the side by Kevin to open Vince's cave 'I hope that pervert witch doctor doesn't mind if I used his make shift door into a pot'.

With that thought, Hao Shen instructed Kevin to lay the boulder flat on the floor, Kevin did as he was told, although both him and Reid were baffled by what Hao Shen was going to use it for. Hao Shen looked at the boulder for a while, thinking it's shape wasn't appropriate for a pot, he called out "Kevin could you help me find a boulder that looked like this", he gestured with is hands to show how it should look like, to his surprised the beastman was the one who went to get it himself.

Reid couldn't stand around doing nothing while Kevin did everything, after all it was his female, he shouldn't let other males take advantage, that was why he rushed out to get the boulder for Hao Shen.

Hao Shen didn't mind him as he walked into the cave to search for the necessary herbs for what he was going to prepare. Hao Shen had decided to make the famous Sheng Hua Tang recipe.

This was a famous Chinese tea recipe, that was prescribed to all mothers after birth, to help them completely recover from child birth. And right now this was the only thing Hao Shen could think of at the moment that was fast to make.

If he was to make something else, it would take more time coupled with the fact that he had to make the pots as well.

AUTHOR'S APOLOGY: So I've been off the grill for a while now and I've been unable to post anything, something came up and when it's solved some other thing would come up, keeping the whole thing in a loop. At some point I forgot about posting, and I'm truly sorry for that. me writing and posting now doesn't mean my problems are solved, it just not as hectic as it has been. But I promise to remember to post an update every now and then for now I'm going to be posting all week, since it's my birthday week, I got I time off from life so here I am.

Do keep supporting me, and I'll try my hardest not to disappoint you, thanks.