
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Kevin's Pov

Kevin was speechless and didn't know what to do.

Kevin was a level 3 beast man, he was about to leave the cougar tribe that he was currently living in.

Kevin had only been there for 3 weeks and was tired of the place.

Kevin had always moved from tribe to tribe he didn't like staying in one place for too long and had left his birth tribe the moment he came of age.

Ever since then he had been traveling from one beast tribe to the other.

Just as he reached the field that was just a few miles away from the cougar tribe, his nose picked up a faint scent of blood. He followed it to the middle of the flower field were he saw a strangely dressed beastman.

Normally beast men will not bother to cover their entire body, they would only cover their private parts, even their females would not wear so much animals skin. unless it was really cold, but this beastman was covered from head to toe.

Even the pattern of his beast skin was completely different from that of normal beast skins.

Kevin decided to watch this funny-looking beastman.

Kevin hid his presence well not wanting this strange beastman to notice him and just watched the beastman from a distance.

While watching the young beast man he noticed a wild snake was slowly slithering to where the beast man was laying down.

Kevin just kept watching as the wild snake kept coming closer to the beastman, it was until he saw that the wild snake was about to bite the beastman, and the beastman had not moved to stop it, that he released his presents and scared the wild snake.

And just as the wild snake slithered away, the young beastman that was previously laying-down motionlessly, woke up.

Kevin thought that the beastman noticed his presence, after all he wasn't hiding his presence anymore.

So he wanted to leave, Kevin knew that weaker beast men were always scared of the stronger beast men, and when ever weaker beast men saw stronger beast men, they would stay away from them.

But to Kevin's surprised this beastman didn't react.

The young beast man stood up from the ground, surveyed his surrounding then chose to walk directly opposite the cougar tribe.

Kevin was surprise, because even after the beast man eyes passed his location, the beast man still didn't act like he noticed or saw anyone their, it felt like the young beast man was purposefully ignoring him.

Kevin decided to follow this young beastman. And as he followed the young beastman, he didn't bother hiding his strong presence, making the wild beasts around them to flee not wanting to be hunted.

They had been walking for quite a while now and Kevin was starting to get really irritated by how slow the young beastman was walking.

Why was this beastman walking so slowly? The young beastman finally stopped walking and sat on the floor, then the next thing Kevin knew, the beastman lay down on the grass then slept off.

Kevin was hopping mad, 'did this beast man just waste so much time just to find some where else to lay down and sleep?' unable to accept this out come, he transformed into his beast form and walked towards the beastman wanting to teach him a lesson.

The clueless beastman still showed no reaction until Keven was already a few steps away from him.

At first Kevin thought that the young beast man was just ignoring him, and this had picked his interest.

But now he was finding it rather annoying, how could such a weak beastman ignore his presence completely.

It never reached his mind that maybe he just couldn't fill his presence, because all beast men could fill each other's presence regardless the specie of the beastman.

It was when he approached the young beastman that he realized that the beastman was truly oblivious to his present.

Kevin was already quite close to the young beastman when he saw the beastman make a move as if he was going to get up.

Kevin unconsciously let out a low growl, he could see that the young beastman stopped his previous movement and slowly laid back down and refused to get up.

His expressionless face did not stop Kevin from noticing his loud heartbeat, showing how scared the beastman was.

Kevin still in his beast form walked closer to the young beastman, finding his reaction very amusing.

Kevin slowly walked closer wanting to intimidate the already scared beastman, when he caught a whiff of something strange.

The scent of this beastman was somewhat strange, no this wasn't a beastman, it didn't have the scent of a beastman, it rather had the scent of a female.

Could it be that this was a female?, No that was impossible, it also has the scent of a male beastman.

Plus no female would be left injured and on her own, in the middle of the forest.

Females were born with only one form and were unable to transform, while males were born as beasts, and would only transform to their human form when they came of age.

This creature in front of him did not have the scent of transformation, meaning he was born in his human form just like the females, but how was that even possible?

And could this be why he hadn't sensed his presence?

Kevin was surprise with this discovery and wanted to be certain so he put his face very close to that of the creature, so he could sniff him further.

While he was sniffing, the creature opened it's eyes surprising him. But before he could do any thing the creature abruptly shot it's eyes again.

Kevin was baffled by this, he blinked his eyes confusedly, then transformed back to his human form, he didn't know what was going on in this creatures head, but he noticed that the creatures heart had stopped beating loudly, it was calm as if the creature was sleeping.

'don't tell me that this creature actually fell asleep'.

he tried nudging him to see if he would wake up, but it refused to budge, he honestly wanted to smack him awake but what if it wasn't a he but a she?

Kevin decided to take 'her' back to the tribe and ask 'her' questions when 'she' woke up.

Unconsciously Kevin had taken the creature as a female.

After taking 'her' back to the cougar tribe and putting 'her' in his cave, he close the cave and went to visit the tribes witch doctor to ask him questions regarding females.

Kevin had always travelled around, so he had no time to find himself a mate, he honestly didn't want a mate because once he had a mate, he would be forced to stay in a tribe for his mates safety. And when that happen he would not be able to travel anymore.

When he got to the witch doctors cave, Keven asked him everything he could think of concerning females.

Kevin was a beastman that had never thought of pursuing females before, so now that he was keeping one, he was rather flustered and didn't know how to treat her.

The witch doctor was a level 2  beastman named Vince, he also has no mates but as a witch doctor.

His job as a witch doctor requires him to know everything about females, so it was completely normal for him to be asked such questions.

But when it was Kevin asking these questions, he was surprised. Everyone in the beast world have heard of Kevin, most of the young beast men took him as a role model.

And so everyone knew that Kevin disliked females, he respects them but didn't want to be with them

But right now he was asking this kind of question, could it be that one of their tribe's females had achieved the impossible.

With this in mind Vince wanted to ask his own questions, but before he could start, Kevin cut him off brutally, "I'm not interested in your females, it's just that I found a female out side the tribe, and I'm keeping her untill someone comes to find her or she finds a mate here or elsewhere. So don't over think it".

Kevin had noticed a glint in Vince's eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking, that was why he gave such a detailed explanation.

After Vince heard this, he was a little disappointed, but then again if the female picked any beast men in his tribe it would be a lot better.

There were only 3 females in their tribe, so adding one more isn't going to be a bad idea. Vince watched as Kevin left his cave, he stood up and went to close his cave back.

Kevin went back to his cave to check on the 'female'. When he got to the cave, he heard shuffling inside and quickly move the large boulder that was blocking the cave.