
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Christmas Special: Hao Shen In Beast Form 1»Cute Little Wifie

Hao Shen was the last cub of the batch and he was the smallest, he was also the weakest, at the age of 3 his elder brothers had transformed into their adult forms, but he was different, he didn't transform.

His mother beast was patient with him and gave him 2 more years, but even after 2 years went by he was still a cub, his mother beast could not say anything to defend him anymore, it was time to cast him away as one of the dysfunctional beast men.

his father beastman personally brought him to a cliff, the bottom of the cliff could not be seen from where they stood, Hao Shen was very scared, at that moment he struggled and whined, but his father beast showed no signs of softening.

Hao Shen was lifted from the back of his neck, his body was now hovering above the dark abyss, and his father beast finally spoke to him, "you are a disappointment to your family", after those harsh words his father beast let go of him allowing him to fall to his death.

Tears flowed from the little cubs eyes, he was frightened, he was sad and he was also disappointed, just as he gave up and shot his eyes, he felt that instead of his surrounding to get darker, it was getting brighter.

Hao Shen opened his eyes in confusion trying to find out why everywhere had became bright all of a sudden, instead he was faced with darkness once again, Hao Shen was confused, he felt that he had also stopped falling 'what's going on', he tried to get up and surprisingly he could, the ground below him was warm and soft.

He also realized there was something wrong with his paws, they felt different, so different, just as he was clenching and unclenching his paw, the blanket that had been covering him was thrown to the floor, his eyes clashed with the sharp eyes of an adult beastman.

Feng Qi was sleeping in when he felt something heavy was on his body, he ignored it and continued sleeping, but then someone started pinching him, he got angry and threw his blanket away to glare at the perpetrator, but was stunned by what he saw.

There was a young boy of about 9 on his body, he had a pair of fluffy black ears and fluffy black tail, to top it all he was naked.

Feng Qi himself was 17 just yesterday was his birthday and he wished to get a wife that had ears and tails like does Kemonomimi (people with animalistic features like cart ears and/or tail) that he had always fantasize about. But seeing it in person, Feng Qi felt his blood rising, his face had turned red and just like that he had a nose bleed.

Hao Shen on the other hand was confused, 'why is the beastman that saved me looking at me like that, if he doesn't like me, he should've just let me fall to my death' at this moment Hao Shen was unaware of the fact that he was teleported into a different world, he was also not aware that he had transformed into a half beast half human.

Feng Qi held his nose when he noticed he was bleeding, he reached out his hands to pick up the tissue on the lamp post and covered his nose with it, looking at the Kemonomimi on him, he felt that more blood was pouring out of his nose, he needed to put another tissue on his nose.

Feng Qi looked away, he felt that if he kept looking at the Kemonomimi, he might as well just die, it's not like he mind dieing, after all he got his greatest wish, but if felt like it would be a pity, 'if I die who would take care of my wife'. in other to take care of his wife Feng Qi has to be alive.

Feng Qi picked up the blanket he threw away earlier and covered Hao Shen's body, Hao Shen was so confused, he didn't say anything cause it would only come out as a whimper, and from the little he could sense, this beastman is not of his clan, he couldn't sense the familiarity that came from clan members.

Seeing that the adult beast had changed the way he was looking at him to a softer gaze, Hao Shen was surprised, non of his clan members had gone soft on him, even his kind hearted mother always looked at him with pity, but she had never looked at him in this manner.

He liked it, 'this beastman must be a good beastman', Hao Shen naively thought, he couldn't help but to smile happily. As he had been a cub for most of his life, he didn't know that his current expression almost killed the kind hearted beastman.

The next thing he knew was that, his head and body was being covered by the darkness again, and the warm floor was moving away from him.

Feng Qi was practically running for his life into the bathroom, honestly Feng Qi didn't expect his wish to be answered and so quickly too. He didn't believe in making wishes, plus he was already grown enough to know that his wish was impractical.

But for it to come true, it was surly a miracle, and although his wife was a boy and not a girl, Feng Qi didn't care, why, well it's simply because Hao Shen is too cute. Of course Feng Qi was not a monster that would make an innocent little boy his wife, the most he could do was dote on him like a big brother would, while secretly thinking his wife was cute.

After freshening up and clearing his mind, Feng Qi went back to the room, only to see his room in a mess and Hao Shen was crawling on all fours staring at him innocently.

Looking at the innocent naked Kemonomimi on the floor, Feng Qi's face turned red all over again, despite his conviction earlier, he might actually become a real criminal.

'This Kemonomimi is clearly seducing me, right, right?' , his ass was perked up and his black fury tail was waving from left to right, as if he was calling him, on top of all that it was the large puppy like eyes of the Kemonomimi that was drawing him in the most.

Feng Qi had always been a slave to anything cute, and this was the utmost form of cuteness combined with sexiness, the only thing holding him back from consummating their marriage was that his Kemonomimi was still an underaged little boy, he couldn't bring himself to do those kinds of things to a child, no matter how deprived he was.

Feng Qi closed his eyes reminding himself, 'he's still a child, you can't touch him yet' he repeated this mantra over and over again in his mind as he went to his wardrobe to pick out his smallest t-shirts, that he had long grown out of, after finding it he picked up Hao Shen that was still looking at him from the floor, he sat him down on the bed and wore the t-shirt on him.

Not surprisingly, the t-shirt was still too big for Hao Shen and it turned into a gown, but there was a problem, Hao Shen's butt was still in open air. Hao Shen's tail was obstructing the t-shirt from covering that part of his body.

Feng Qi had an idea, and went rummaging in his drawer, Hao Shen was smiling while watching him from behind, he just found out that he had finally transformed, although he was still smaller than his brothers and he still had fury ears and tail , he was still happy nonetheless.

Why was he happy, it was because this beastman didn't hit or scold him, he likes this beastman even more. Feng Qi found the scissors he was looking for, he hugged Hao Shen before gently grabbing his tail and pressing it down, to avoid Hao Shen's tail from swaying, but as soon as he did that Hao Shen let out a yelp, causing Feng Qi to apologize to him "I'm sorry if that hurt you, but you have to hold it in a little longer ok".

He received no respond, but Hao Shen didn't make anymore sounds, well aside from the low moans he let slip, Feng Qi just thought that Hao Shen was trying to hold in the pain so he tried to be fast while being gentler.

Feng Qi pulled down the t-shirt, there was a bump on the part where Hao Shen's tail grew from, he pinched that bumpy area then used the scissors to cut a small hole there. The hole was big enough to let Hao Shen's tail pass through, Feng Qi put his hands through the hole then gently pulled out Hao Shen's tail.

This allowed the t-shirt to stay down, while Hao Shen's tail was free to wag from left to right. After Feng Qi was done, he let go of Hao Shen to drop the scissors, but the moment he let go of Hao Shen, Hao Shen ran to hide in the blanket with his tail still wagging, he was only able to hide his head.

Hao Shen was already an adult, and as an adult beastman, he would have the desire to mate with a female beastman. But with his condition he thought it would take a little bit longer, but right now is lower body was actually reacting, the worst part was that it wasn't because of a female, but for another male beastman.

It all started the moment Feng Qi got a hold of Hao Shen's tail, the tail's of beast men had always been sensitive, they hardly let anyone touch their tails, well aside from their mates, especially when they were being intimate.

Usually if other males were to touch it, they wouldn't react the way Hao Shen was reacting, they'd usually get angry and fight it out with the beastman or if they know they can't beat the beastman then they'll distance themselves from that beastman.

Hao Shen situation was strange, not only did his body not feel irritated by it, he actually felt excited, and because Hao Shen knew that this was not normal, he quickly hid himself...

But Hao Shen was feeling hot all-over and wanted to just jump on this beastman, but then again he wasn't sure if he would be able to handle it with this tiny body of his.

If his parent beast heard of this how much more disappointed would they be, thinking of his parent beast and how they had cruelly thrown him off the cliff, Hao Shen's heart was stabbed again by what had happened to him.

All his excitement died in a flash and this was caught by Feng Qi who had been amazed by how fast Hao Shen's tail was spinning, all of a sudden Hao Shen's tail dropped and Feng Qi knew something was wrong.

He quickly removed the blanket covering Hao Shen's head and picked up the crying Kemonomimi. He had no idea what had happened to him so he tried to just console him, not knowing if he was at fault or if this was just something Kemonomimi's do, Feng Qi decided to pat him on the head while hugging him.

Feeling the warmth from this kind beastman, Hao Shen couldn't help but cry even more, his parents and fellow beast kin never showed him a tiny bit of kindness, yet this complete stranger would open his arms and give him so much warmth. It was like the flood gates had been opened as Hao Shen cried none stop.

He only stopped when he fell asleep, seeing that the Kemonomimi had fallen asleep, Feng Qi tucked him in before going back to the bathroom. his clothes were already wet, he might as well just take a bath.


Authors Thought

Merry Christmas y'all, thanks for all the support I've gotten this year, I'm wishing you a beautiful Christmas