
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

A Nightmare

At first when Kevin started confessing, Hao Shen was really surprised, does the beast world also have the concept of gay relationship's? but after Kevin called him a 'strange' female, Hao Shen's mind exploded 'were there really female's with d*ck's in this world...'

Even with how weird the beast world was, Hao Shen knew it wouldn't be this crazy, Hao Shen simply had no idea why Kevin still saw him as a female.

But he didn't care why or how Kevin saw him as a female he was pissed off by the fact that Kevin was pretending that his d*ck doesn't exists.

The worst part was he almost had a heart attack just now, and in the end all his panicking were in vain.

He felt that Kevin was messing with him to take revenge 'if he's not messing with my feelings, then what was he trying to do'.

Hao Shen could not afford to let things escalate passed this level, he didn't like the feeling he felt when he thought his secret was found out and never wanted to feel like that again so he wanted to tell Kevin that he was clearly a man to avoid being toyed with like that. But Kevin had already left the cave and even closed it although not completely.

He was angry and cursed at Kevin a few times in his mind before finally calming down.

Hao Shen felt the animal skin skirt on his body and realized why Kevin was butt naked when he left, he quickly put his clothes in order, and waited for Kevin to return so that he could return Kevin's animal skin skirt back to him.

But Kevin didn't return, he kept waiting until he eventually fell asleep and used the animal skin skirt as a pillow.

Kevin didn't wait for Hao Shen at the entrance like before, he hadn't really eaten to his fill today and he now lacked an animal skin skirt too, so he went to the forest to hunt.

When Kevin came back to the cave with a full stomach and a new animal skin skirt, he heard noises coming from the cave, and it sounded like Hao Shen was struggling with someone inside. Kevin rushed in, afraid that someone had gone into the cave and was doing something to his female.

After Kevin got inside, he saw that Hao Shen was alone, sleeping. Kevin could not take a breath of relieve because Hao Shen was struggling while he slept, tears was also pouring out of his eyes.

Hao Shen was still fast asleep but his face was covered in cold sweat and he was frowning. Kevin was confused, he didn't know what was wrong.

He wanted to wake her up but he knew that would be a bad idea, he had watched her the whole day and saw how emotionally weak she was, she would cry at any time and even fainted from time to time and get scared from the littlest of things. All this could have been caused when she was constantly neglected and repeatedly treated badly.

Sleeping was a good way to calm one's mind but now all those things she was scared of had followed her to her dreams.

If the enemy was out here, at least Kevin knew that he could fight them but what would he do if the enemies she faced were all in her head, if he could split her head and drag them out Kevin would happily do so without a thought. But he can't do such a thing except if he wanted to end her fragile life.

Kevin let out a sigh of frustration before sitting down next to her, after he did that he had an idea one he was not sure would work but he had to try non the less.

Since she looked scared why don't he hug and comfort her just like he did before, this had worked back then, he just didn't know if it would work now that she was unconscious.

Kevin laid down beside Hao Shen, then carefully wrapped his hands around her, he started to gently pat her hair while whispering in her ear. "It's alright, don't be scared, I'm here, I would protect you" he also repeated most of the promises he had previously made.

He whispered these words continuously and not long later, Hao Shen slowly stopped struggling and his sob's lessoned until it completely stopped.

Kevin heaved a sigh of relief, he looked at her beautiful face that was stained with tears, he brought his face closer to her's  before using his tongue to lick those tears away.

Saliva was used to heal injuries faster, Kevin just hoped that it could heal her invisible injuries too. Kevin used his thumb to clean the remnant liquid on her face and after he was sure that she was alright, he tried to get up, but Hao Shen was hugging him so tightly not wanting to let go.

Kevin didn't want to let go of Hao Shen either, especially after seeing what she was going through, but because he knew that this was just her subconscious reaction and that she wouldn't do this if she was awake, he decided to not stay any longer.

But after finally removing himself from Hao Shen's hold, he found that her peaceful sleep had gone back to that filled with struggles. Hao Shen's face scrunched up, and her hands was flailing about as if searching for something she lost.

Kevin had never cried as an adult beastman, but watching Hao Shen's struggles, made him want to cry, he didn't know why he felt like this but he knew that his heart was hurting and he couldn't leave Hao Shen like this, so he ended up staying, and just to make Hao Shen fill more comfortable and worm, Kevin took his beast form.

He saw how her body relaxed into his fur and his heart felt warm again, he couldn't explain this sensation, and although he didn't quite understand it, he closed his eyes to bask in that feeling.

Just like that, they both slept until it was morning.

The sun was not yet up and although Kevin had slept later than Hao Shen, he was still the first to wake up.

He felt someone grabbing his fur and when he looked down he saw Hao Shen burieing her entire body in his black and white fur.

Seeing this, Kevin had a broad smile on his face, ever since Kevin met this female he had always wished that she would cling onto him like this, it made him feel like he was her mate but his smile went away after realizing that he wasn't and that he needed to get up before Hao Shen caught him.

Hao Shen was holding on to Kevin's fur so tightly so Kevin could not shake him off, Kevin reverted back to his human form which loosen Hao Shen's firm hold on him. Kevin used that opportunity to get up from the bed then put on his new animal skin skirt, he looked at Hao Shen that was showing signs of waking up, before leaving the cave to get some food for Hao Shen so that she won't starve.

The sudden movement had woke Hao Shen up, he opened his watery eyes and saw that it was still dark so he turned around and continued to sleep.

After a while when the sun was already up and was shining on Hao Shen's face, Hao Shen had no choice but to wake up, he rubbed his blurry eyes and sat up.

He was still really sleepy, but the thought of getting to school late completely jolted him up, but as he was about to get up, all the memories from before came rushing in, he remembered that he was no longer home, he wasn't even in his own world.

He let out a sigh and started to slowly recall all the things that had happened since he got here. Hao Shen realized how emotional he had been, and this started ever since Feng Qi's incident, he was unable to react well to what had happened to him and before he could get his thoughts straight, he suddenly arrived in this world and was tasked to save it.

How could he save an entire race when his emotions were all in a mess and he couldn't help but cry at the drop of a hat.

To be honest he thought he overreacted just a little bit yesterday. But being someone with a slight emotional dysfunction since birth, made him unable to process a lot of feelings.

This also made him not to care or bother about what others said or thought about him, but he some how fell in love with someone, and he slowly learnt somethings he would normally not care about, he also slowly started changing his habits.

But that did not last long.

author's thoughts :

it's my birthday don't forget to wish me