
Chapter 14 :Outburst



 Bella tries to assure kate that she is alright and that the cut is nothing to worry about but Kate continues to panick over the wound.

 Kate being Raffaele's secretrary knows the man and about his affection for the oblivious Bella.

 She also knows that Raffaele would kill anybody who pulls even a strand of hair from Bella's hair.

 ''It's just a small cut''Bella says trying to pull her hand back from Kate who looks to be on the verge of tears.

 Raffaele returns to his office and looks inside only to find his little Bella missing,his expression darkens and he strides towards the receptionist there.

 ''Where is she''He spits his voice deep and anger present in his green orbs.

 ''She went with kate to the Ki-Kitchen sir'' The man stutters almost on the verge of pissing himself from how scary Raffaele looks.

 Everybody and mostly the female employees have always have a liking towards Raffaele and what attracted them towards the man is his sinful face.

 But fear of all the rumours about him and his always cold face makes them stay away from him.

 Getting his answer he starts walking towards the Kitchen on his office floor.

 He curses beneath his breath at how gittery he is just to see Bella.

 She always has this effect on him without knowing and made him behave like a damn school boy around her.

 Thank God for his control if not he was sure he would have carried out every sinful thoughts he had of her in his bedroom but his self control always worked but now he is sure it is going to snap.

 Stepping into the kitchen with a small smile on his face his smile instantly falls when he notices the blood coming out of her finger with his secretary holding the finger.

 ''What happened''Raffaele asks a growl almost escaping his lips along with his words but he breaths hard to control himself.

 Striding towards Bella he takes the injured hand in his and instantly his heart clenches.

 ''How did she get hurt''He ask and instantly places the finger in his mouth which startles Bella.

 Anger fills him at the thoughts of his little Bella being injured.

 To him she is a gem,his beauty who is to always be kept safe and away from harms way.

 ''What the fuck are you waiting for,call the fucking doctor''Raffale growls and turns to pick Bella up bridal style and she lets out a squeal at the actions.

 ''Sir,Don I-I can walk there is no need to call a doctor''Bella calls out her voice filled with fear for the man.

 She remains rigid in his arms squirming to be let free but instantly seizes movement when he glares at her.

 ''Call the doctor now''Raffaele growls to a teary eyed Kate who runs off tp go call the doctor and he walks towards his office to keep her seated.

 Raffeale paces round the office his body vibrating in anger while he avoids starring at Bella's injured finger to prevent him from loosing control.

 Bella remains seated without making a sound and the doors to the office opens and a disheveled doctor runs inside.

 ''Don''He says and Raffaele gestures towards Bella.

 The man scrunches and gets ready to tend to her wound when he sees that it is just a cut.

Bewildered he looks at Bella whose cheeks turn red in embarassment before he looks up at Raffaele.

 ''What are you waiting for''Raffaele snaps and the man instantly starts tending to the wound.

 When done he bows a little and leaves the place with a wronged expression on his face.

 He had been rushed here and told about an emergency he did not expect it to be a mere cut.

 ''You are fired''Raffaele snaps and instantly Kate turns pale at his words.