

l o v e I s a l l y o u n e e d... two best friends, sophie and Maria.. who later became enemies... please read me.

Damara_16 · LGBT+
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1 Chs


"daddy.. I'm sorry for everything, I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me but I'm no more a child. I need to live my own life without you interfering, I'll be eighteen next week and it doesn't feel like I'm going to be an adult because you always treat me like a child. I'm sorry daddy! " She ended the call, not knowing what else to do she brought out her diary and jotted some few things down before taking a deep breath.

"I'll prove to you that I'm your daughter and I'll make you proud daddy.." she placed one hand on her diary and the other on her heart.. closing her eyes, she sobs. Tried calming down but was interrupted by a knock on the door..

"yes, come in" she said while trying to fix her room, turning to see the visitor..her eyes went wide open "da..dd...y.. how did you find me here" she was totally bewildered by his sudden appearance.

"I miss my princess, don't ever think of leaving when you are not yet eighteen" Mr. whyte uttered at the same time surveying the room.

"I don't like this place, it's not fit for a princess like you" He turned to look at her closely.. She frowned and looked away before sighing deeply.

Mr. whyte approached her "come on baby, what if I get a house for you on your eighteenth birthday... I promise never to meddle in your business" he touched her hair and looked at her surprised face..

"really, daddy.. are you for real?" she gave out a surprise look

"yes sweetheart.. I know you are tired of me telling you things to do. but now, I believe you are ready to be treated like an adult. please come back home, we miss you. mommy and I miss you alot princess" he hugged her and whispered to her ears "we have more surprises for you on your birthday"

"thank you daddy.. I love you alot, I don't know what to do without you guys" she hugged him tightly.

They were busy hugging each other till the door opened, it took them by surprise.

"sorry, I'm abit lost here..I think this room has the same number with mine" a young girl who seems to be in her early twenties said in a tiny sweet voice.

turning to gaze at her "oh, we're sorry too..on our way out" Mr whyte said while smiling

"sophie, just leave your stuff here.. someone will pick it up for you. let's go, everyone is waiting" he smirked at her

sophie nodded and picked few things important to her, they were about leaving when the young girl realized who she's been with.."excuse me sir..oh my gosh, it's really you Mr whyte. I'm sorry I didn't notice you at first... I'm Bloom maria, is that your wife" maria uttered.

"No, she's my daughter" he said with a grin. "I never knew that the bloom family has such a pretty girl like you" maria blushed while sophie glared at him

"daddy.. I'll tell mommy" she pouted before laughing

"and she's such a pretty damsel, thank you sir for the compliment." maria thanked him and was about to sit when she received a question that left her startled..

"I was wondering what a girl from the bloom family... as in the almighty bloom family will be doing here. this place isn't fit for people like you ..or are you also trying to live your own life peacefully" sophie asked "daddy please can you excuse us, I'll be out in a jiffy" Mr whyte excused himself, leaving the girls to gossip.

maria locked eyes with Sophie and immediately averted gaze "it's none of your business.. leave please"

"ohh, I see...I was only trying to help. maybe we can be friends and rent a fine house together. my dad already promised me that but if you're interested don't forget to call me. I was here because I'm tired of everyone treating me like a child" sophie dropped a card on the table and was about to leave when maria called her back.

"wait, I'm sorry.. I'll give it a try because I'm tired of everything, I want to live a life that is peaceful and calm.. I'm tired of my family treating me that way" maria sighed "I don't have friends, I'm an introvert and doesn't like to be seen outside much with people. do you want us to be friends..best of friends?" she asked with puppy eyes

sophie couldn't pretend that she didn't see her pretty eyes, she loved those eyes especially when maria was a beauty goddess

"I'll think about it...I need to go, bye" she picked her bag "ohh, before I forget.. I'm sophie." she said with a broad grin

"pleased to meet you sophie... I'm maria" she smiled back at her.

sophie went straight to where her father's car was parked.

"daddy, I'm starving.. let's go home please" she said while fastening her seat belt "safety first" she smiled at her father..

"what is funny sophie..why have you been staring at me like that. is there any dirt on my face" Mr whyte uttered

"funny.. haha, daddy it's nothing.. I'm wondering the secret behind your everyday beauty" she bursted out into laughter..

"I beg your pardon young lady.. beauty.. hehehe, we don't look beautiful we only look handsome... you are lucky your mom didn't hear that" he raised his head to look at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement "she will get jealous and throw tantrums... obviously to make me credit her all the time" he smirked and focused on driving.

"daddy. . what do you think about that girl from the Bloom family" sophie asked

"bloom maria, I've heard alot about her.. she's always indoors, likes talking to girls, seldom appears outside. she's cool and looks like someone who's depressed, she seems so lonely despite coming from a wealthy home. do you like her" he glared at her and smiled but wasn't as sweet as usual, he averted gaze and focused on driving

"yes daddy, I like her.. she's the first person to ask me to be her friend. she said she's an introvert and doesn't like talking much" she looked at her father who was busy driving.

"she's kind and polite unlike other Bloom family members" she sipped her juice..

"Bloom family are known for being rude, proud and boastful but she's different from them..she decent and polite" he said before horning..few minutes later the tall giant gate opened and they drove in..

"home sweet home, we're home sophie, we'll continue when you're done eating" they entered inside the house, the first person to greet them was Tom... he sprayed water on sophie "I thought you were never coming back soph.." before he could finish the last word, sophie grabbed his water gun and began spraying water on him too... they were fighting each other for more than twenty minutes.. and giggling at the same time.

"okay sis, I give up" he laughed and felled down... surrendering to her sis who was on top of him with a smiling face.. "you should never engage in a fight when I will always beat you bro" she dropped the water gun and tickled him before placing a peck on his face.. "don't ever stop playing with this your big crazy sis" she laughed and ran towards their parents who were busy watching them.

"hi mom... heard you missed me" she hugged her mother..

"I can't miss a big girl like you... you think you can be free from us when you don't even know how to behave like an adult... sophie, you have to prove it before I allow you out of this house again" Jaime whyte smacked her butts..

" I like your new hair" jaime gave a smarmy comment with something akin to a smile..

"tom, whenever you are done lying down there you can join us for dinner" Mr whyte giggled..sophie gave her a hard glare before going inside.

"I'll make sure to finish everything, not remaining any" sophie said

"why do I have a sister like her, who's always troubling me" Tom said to his father...