

The next morning Lucas and his assistant visited the Williams group to meet David. Good morning Mr Andrew, Mr Cole Charlie said as he walked up to them , good morning Mr young Lucas replied. Please follow me the president willl see you soon charlie said as he led them to David's office. They took the elevator to 41st floor , when they reached the got out . With charlie leading the way he knocked on David's door, come in David said then Charlie opened the door and entered along with Lucas and Alex. Boss they are here Charlie said then he left the office. When Lucas entered the office he could feel the strong and domineering aura emanating from David. Lucas looked up to greet David Good morning Mr will.. Lucas couldn't finish his statement he stood there frozen in place. He couldn't believe that he just saw Courtney now he was shocked, Alex saw Courtney the moment he entered the office, he already knew what happened between Courtney and his boss for Alex Courtney was a cheap woman who tried to seduce his boss. Alex noticed that Lucas was frozen in place so he touched Lucas for him to regain himself, then Alex went forward to greet David.

Few minutes ago in David's office, Courtney and David came in together in his office, wife we have something to discuss David said. Okay boss what is it. Wife let's put away the formality for a moment. Okay honey what do you want us to discuss Courtney said. Well am planning on meeting Lucas Andrew and Alexander cole today David said. Okay Courtney said , wife I need you to be here you are the legal advisor of the Williams group, you need to be here when I cancel the collaboration with them and you also need to face Lucas too. Wife I will avenge you but if you are not strong enough to even face who you want me to get revenge on then it's useless. My baby is not that weak David said touching her cheeks. I know honey ,I understand what you are saying and I can face him Courtney said . That's good wife, David said.


Lucas regained himself very quickly and went forward to greet David. Good morning Mr Williams Lucas said, have a seat with Mr Andrew, Mr Cole. Lest I forget, she is the legal advisor of the Williams group Miss Courtney Anderson David said turning to Courtney. Courtney gave her most polite smile and greeted Lucas Mr Andrew, Mr Cole good morning Courtney said with a hint of coldness in her eyes. Lucas was still stunned at the sudden turn of events,how could Courtney be the legal advisor of the Williams group , when Courtney smiled it stirred a ripple in his heart and that white professional suit she wore, with her hair tied up to a high ponytail and her lips painted with a cherry lip gloss made her look alluring and Charming. He couldn't help but admire Courtney again . David noticed Lucas gaze on Courtney and he spoke out. Mr Andrew he said coldly his voice devoid of any emotion. When Lucas heard David calling him he quickly got into a professional mode though he was feeling uneasy and annoyed about Courtney being the legal advisor of the Williams group. Mr Williams we came to know why you cancelled the collaboration with Andrew corporation. I think the Williams group owes us an explanation for this sudden action. David had an icy face. It's a collaboration and I have the right to end it, Mr Andrew I don't owe you any explanation David said coldly. Courtney decided to speak up since she was the legal advisor of the Williams group and she had to put in something. Mr Andrew my boss is right, he doesn't owe you any explanation according to the contract clause you signed on the collaboration the Williams group have the right to cancel the collaboration if the collaborated company is not meeting up with the requirements needed for continuing the collaboration Mr Andrew Courtney said with a polite smile. Lucas was infuriated by what Courtney was saying but he decided to calm himself down so as to save the collaboration between William group and Andrew corporation. We have modified the proposal plan we made before the William group collaborated with us , check it Mr Williams and see if there is anything you want us to add Lucas said. No need David said coldly, Mr Andrew we have already terminated the collaboration so there is no need for us making this talk since my boss has already rejected to see your proposal Courtney said coldly. The anger in Lucas heart suddenly erupted when he heard Courtney's words, he suddenly stood up and lashed out at Courtney shut up Courtney , what do a loose woman like you know about business and contract and as for you being the legal advisor of the Williams group am sure you must have slept your way up. You are really shameless, let me tell you Mr Williams this woman is a cheap slut you need to fire her the Williams group doesn't need a filth like her to taint the reputation of the Williams group. David didn't say anything and looked at Lucas as if looking at an ant , he didn't say anything he wanted to know What Courtney will do. Courtney stood up and walked to where Lucas was. Her Aura was too powerful for Lucas to bear, he didn't know when he suddenly took a step back. She was like a queen looking down on her servant her face was cold and the domineering aura emanating from her was too powerful. Mr Andrew you make baseless claims and accusation,you were here purely to discuss business but you are spewing rubbish at your mouth. I won't allow you to accuse me wrongly, I , lawyer Courtney I do not suffer any losses. I can sue you for slander and defamation. I won't accept your dirty words, Mr Andrew do you dare to meet me in court Courtney said raising her brows and looked at him condescendingly. Lucas realized that he was just afraid of Courtney just now the thought of that infuriated him the more shut up Courtney, how dare you talk to me like that Lucas roared Mr Andrew leave my office now David said coldly. Mr Williams fire this woman at once Lucas said angrily he forgot that he was still talking to the king of hell. Mr Andrew my silence is not something you can take advantage of , me being silent doesn't mean I will tolerate you saying nonsense against my subordinate David said with an icy face ,if not that he decided to know what Courtney would do he would have a thrown a punch at Lucas face and taught him a lesson he would never forget for saying such hurtful words against his wife. But Mr Williams Lucas said , Mr Andrew, Mr Cole leave my office at once, one more thing the collaboration between the Williams group and Andrew corporation is officially cancelled even the unimportant one is cancelled too David said coldly.