

At eight, he killed a Lycan Alpha, his beta and gamma. At thirteen, he killed a vampire King. At twenty, he killed a demon Lord. his life has always been complicated. he was born with sliver hair and eyes, a sign for a ruler but he can't rule since his kind naturally has a Queen instead of a King, as if to complicate everything even more, his hair began to change to gold, an attribute that's associated with the demons. **************** “ I don't want a normal wedding” she told him, he smiled at her. “ no one wants a normal wedding, but I promise to give you the best wedding” “ I want to marry you under the darkness of the night” he was beyond shocked, he stare at her dumbfounded. “ I want the darkness to know that I won, even when it tried to push me away from you, I didn't give up I still came back” ********** he was feared by many, he never knew what the word love was until she came along. he tried to push her away but she kept on coming back, it's she afraid? it's either she's stupid or she's really brave. but yet she's neither of those things.

Skyler101starp · Thành thị
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27 Chs


The only sound that could be heard along the hallway was the sound of someone's shoe, suddenly he stopped before an iron door, the door opened automatically granting him access in.

The moment the iron door open, he came face to face with what seems like a prison, the door was made up from the strongest metallic silver bar, making it completely impossible for someone to sneak in or out.

On the inside was a girl with black hair, with some red stripes, which was long enough to be reaching the ground despite the fact that she was sitting on a bed, that hair of hers was in a messy state, she was putting on worn out cloths, she looked like a forgotten maniac mad woman, she was drawing things on the bed, completely ignorance of the person present.

" Damansara ? " the male voice called unto her.

she rised her head, flipping her hair backwards in the process causing it to slam against the be wall, before it fell on the bed, her magenta eyes stare at him devoid of all emotional .

" we're going to Washington " he told her, she kept her gaze at him, without saying a word, it was as if she was observing him.

" will you come with me, klausner lives in Washington you know "

At the mention of klausner, she stood up and walk over to stand close to the bar.

" klausner ?" she asked,

" yes".

" Gerry, please take me to klausner " she pleaded.

„ I will take you to klausner but not like this " Gerry said pointing at her , Damansara looked at herself from hair to toe before turning back her gaze to Gerry.

" I need Damansara back, the Damansara, the first ever female warrior witch " Gerry said looking at her, she held the bar really tight and stare intensively at Gerry.

" can you bring her back ? for me ? for Mac and for klausner "

Damansara moved backwards until she hit her back on the wall.

she closed her eyes while Gerry watch her.

then finally she opened her eyes, they were still magenta, and her hair was still black and red, but something was off, her vibe was now completely different from the one she was giving off.

" open the gate " she said in a complete cold tune that can make anyone shaver in fear but not for Gerry, he was rather excited.

well that was quick,

nervously , he placed his hand on the bar, chanted some strange words and watched as the metallic silver bar faded away, Damansara walked out elegantly, her shoulders were high up as she walk like she was the Queen.

Gerry trends behind her, he can't possibly believe that she's finally back after so many years of being locked up.

" so... we're going to Washington a human city in a place called American, or something like that " Gerry told her, stopped on her track and turn to look at him, Gerry pushed back his glasses which has fallen to the bridge of his nose.

" a human world ..... that's quite interesting " .

" umm... yes..but there is something " Gerry said , they was those magenta eyes were staring at him was seriously making him nervous.

" you can't go there looking like this, klausner is a very popular and influential person over there, he's more than just a trillionaire "

" so?"

" you need to look less witchery , for instance your hair " Gerry said pointing to her long hair which was beyond her butt, she gave him the don't even think about it kind of a stare.

" am not asking you to cut everything, just for you to look more human" Gerry said rising his hands up in the air.

„ so humans don't have long hairs ?"

" they do, but just as I said we don't want to attract any attention to ourselves, we're only going to met klausner and that's all " .

" fine ".


Damansara sat down on a chair facing the mirror, while Gerry stood behind her with a knife, he grabbed her hair and made to cut it off.

" hey, cut from the hip " she told him " Gerry could only do as he was told by cutting the hair from the hip length.

then she stood up and walk into the bathroom leaving Gerry to himself.

moments later she came out, completely dressed in black.


which aspects of we don't want to attract any attention doesn't she understands ?.

but hey c'mon she looks extraordinary beautiful, she looked like a dark seductive Devil,

" are you going to keep staring or what ?" her voice brought Gerry out of his trance, he shook his head followed her, towards the door but then he stopped.

" we will be travelling through a portal "

a purple portal opened right away, Damansara looked at Gerry in surprise.

" shhhhh...." Gerry said, Damansara choose to ignore this for now but she will sure bring it open in future.

how can someone travel to the human world without going through the normal exit or the shortcut created by klausner ?.

" Washington DC Mercer Island or the king's country " Gerry said, he held unto Damansara even though she was totally against it, but Gerry wouldn't take no for an answer this time around.

Damansara could be unstable sometimes, and portals aren't very friendly with witches, especially the purple once.

The moment the lights from the portal fade away, the two were currently staring at the busy city of Mercer Island, the sight was impressive, everything about this country was quite neat and orderly, unlike what they knew about human world.

" let's go to klausners' " Gerry said, he made them to vanish from sight after making sure that no one was looking their direction.

but unknown to them, someone who leaking in the shadows saw them, he adjusted the facemask on him as his he shove his hands into his trouser pocket, he had noticed their arrival and has been staring at them since then, well mostly on the girl, her black and red hair was just calling out to him, the urge to take her right there was very hard for him to resist but he eventually did it, he controlled himself , one couldn't see his eyes due to the sunshades he was putting on, his head was covered with the hoodie, since he hid in the shadows to keep himself unknown to anyone.