

At eight, he killed a Lycan Alpha, his beta and gamma. At thirteen, he killed a vampire King. At twenty, he killed a demon Lord. his life has always been complicated. he was born with sliver hair and eyes, a sign for a ruler but he can't rule since his kind naturally has a Queen instead of a King, as if to complicate everything even more, his hair began to change to gold, an attribute that's associated with the demons. **************** “ I don't want a normal wedding” she told him, he smiled at her. “ no one wants a normal wedding, but I promise to give you the best wedding” “ I want to marry you under the darkness of the night” he was beyond shocked, he stare at her dumbfounded. “ I want the darkness to know that I won, even when it tried to push me away from you, I didn't give up I still came back” ********** he was feared by many, he never knew what the word love was until she came along. he tried to push her away but she kept on coming back, it's she afraid? it's either she's stupid or she's really brave. but yet she's neither of those things.

Skyler101starp · Thành thị
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27 Chs


few centuries later

" Mr Klausner, here are the documents you requested" a female dressed in a fitted black suit said as she drop the file on the table before a man with full golden hair and eyes the colour no one could guess what it was.

he didn't react to her at all, if the only thing he could give off was his cold aura which was enough to silence everyone present, his eyes moved from one board member to another without a single statement from him.

the board members sitting suddenly gestured to for a girl to stand and began the report, the lady stood up from her seat, she adjusted herself to appear more confident.

" the sung Ji company has offered to cooperate with us" the Mr Klausner then turn and faced the lady who suddenly began to feel nervous under his gaze .

" the market sock has recently increased by five percent" she almost tremble on her own words, like who won't when the boss Is staring at them, not that he's the kind type of a boss nor is he the wicked kind of a boss just that he gives off that unfriendly vibe that makes it impossible for anyone to come close to him, the young lady silently pray that the ground should open and eat her up then release her once the boss is out.

" the last incident with the press has been taken care of and the case against our company has been closed" the lady said, she suddenly stop speaking not because the report was over but because she didn't know how to read out the last report, she has intentionally place that one on the end of her list.

gently she glanced at the Boss, she looked away instantly once their eyes met, the boss was just super when it comes to beauty, but just like the forbidden fruit, he was only meant to be admire from a distance, you dare not go close nor touch it , not more of eating it.

the board members knew the reason why she paused in her report, but no one dare look at the boss.

as for the Boss, he was just sitting down on his chair casually, with a pen on his fingers which he was swing like a sword.

" Mr Yellen Denver of the Iconic, sold his ten percent share to Mr Holden Coliseum of D'elite "

the pen in Mr Klausner's hand froze at this statement, yet he didn't take his eyes off the lady, it was clear as daylight that his attention was completely focused on the lady which made the board members wonder how he was still able to keep up with the pen without missing it.

everyone held their breath as the await the boss's replied regarding the issue that has been presented.

" get back the shares" came his cold nonchalant voice, finally his eyes left the lady and he went back to the files before him, the lady couldn't be more grateful,

" but sir that's not possible" one of the board members who thought he was suddenly gifted with courage decided to speak.

" you're fired" the boss said in his usual cold voice, gently he stood up and made for the exit, he stopped halfway and without looking behind he said.

" anyone who thinks it's impossible is free to join him"

the board members where quite as they gave the man who has suddenly been retrieved from his work a sympathetic look.

the lady quickly gathered her documents and followed the boss, since she was his personal assistant.

the moment the boss step outside the company's building, he was greeted with the press, each of them trying to get his attention, but for fear of what they have no idea about no one dare come close to him, it was as if a force of fear was keeping them away from him, or maybe it's the boring poker face that he has, but that didn't stop the press from asking their questions.

" Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg is it true that the case against your company has been closed?"

" why did you think Mr Harriet Giron fired the case?"

" how do you feel knowing you won the case?"

" Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg what do you have to say to the public?"

" sir do you mind sharing with the public how you were able to figure out who sabotaged your company's name?"

these and many more where the questions coming from the press, still Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg walked passed them, like no one was present, like the noise from them where nothing to him, and the thing was no one dare stop him.

he was just no one's enemy neither is he anyone's friend.

gently, he walked over to his latest Lamborghini , he got in gestured for the driver to drive, the driver obliged and together both drove off leaving the press to themselves.

well not the first time something like this is happening.

the driver drove the car into a magnificent building, the building was literally the best and most beautiful in all Washington, it was said that Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg owns one of the best houses in each country, if not the best.

this particular building has three floors, yet it was the best, it was made with opaque glass, flowers litter round the building, beautiful once, there was a flower in the middle of the mansion, round the fountain called, Snowflake, the flower was a marvelous sight to behold, it was simply in the shape of the snowflake just like it's name says, but what surprises people more was it's ability to grow even during summer.

ten servants lined up waiting for him, the moment he got down from the car, he went straight to hid room which was on the third floor without a single glance at the servants who were already used to this attitude of his.

inside his room, he gently took off his suit, and placed it on the bed, he also took off his Shirt, he walked over to the mirror and stare at himself, his once Sliver hair has completely turned golden, and his once Sliver eyes has also changed into a colour he doesn't know the name.

a wave of wind caught his attention,

someone was here.

he didn't bother to look at the person, he simply walk over to wardrobe, brought out a purple shirt.

" greetings great Klausner, the Queen sent me to plead with you to visit home" the person said with a slight bow, yet Klausner didn't spare him a glare, rather he began to put on his shirt.

" it's independence day next tomorrow and it will be a great honour to have you celebrate it with us" the young man said still with his head bow.

after putting on his shirt, Klausner lie on the bed with his eyes closed and his back facing the ceiling.

" I will come, tell that to the Queen" with a happy face the young man bow before he vanished leaving Klausner to himself.

Klausner knew that no one invited, the name name Gerry was just trying to get him, to come home.

well he will go, but that doesn't mean he has forgotten what they did to him.