
Stage 4 Beast

Since this was my first team battle (not counting the shadow clones) I searched for demon beasts that required joint work. After some minutes he found the nesting site of a flock of Rank 2 Green feathered Sparrows .

"Listen up. Ahead of us is a flock of sparrows, their elemental attribute is air and are known for being aggressive to intruders. Our battle plane is simple, i will go and attract their attention and lead them to a place densely packed with trees, while you follow from behind unnoticed. When you get into position we will perform a pincer attack and eliminate them. Do you understand?" I said giving of a commanding aura.

"Yes, but did you have to say all that? You could have just inform me mentally." Replied Derek confused.

[He has always wanted to do that. You should have seen him when he first summoned his shadow clone.]

"*cough* Just follow my lead." Embarrassed I changed the subject. Moving towards the flock I summoned a dark spear and attacked a nest knocking it to the ground with the eggs in it. Angered by his attack about thirty sparrows dived at me.

Seeing that I successfully gained their attention, I fled into the woods leading them while still using dark spear to anger them. Behind them Derek followed.

Reaching a place where they couldn't fly easily, I stopped and turned to face them. Removing his Black daggers from my inventory i began my attack. Startled by my unexpected attack they made a quick retreat. But sadly they where met with Derek's attack, trying to fly upwards they realized they there was no way out. With no other choice they decided to fight back.

I was having an easy time killing them due to God's eye and the range of my Black daggers not allowing any of them to escape. Communicating with Derek we used our daggers to surround the sparrows placing them in the middle while using one dagger each to slaughter them and the ones surrounding them to prevent them from escaping.

One by one corpses of Green winged sparrows fell to the ground due to out joint work. When the last one fell I received and alert that Derek leveled up, still not satisfied with our speed we went searching for other demon beasts.

Two weeks had gone by and Derek's strength had risen a lot now at level 24 while Mark was at level 29 even with only 10% xp. It was dark and they where sitting by a Rank 3 Floral Deer roasting over a fire made by me as I was busy sprinkling salt and spices on it to give it a pleasant taste ( a mouse cooking?).

My actions caused the aroma of the deer to intensify and spread, after some minutes, I summoned a Black dagger then cut off a leg before storing the rest. Then I cut part of the leg and gave it to Derek who has been salivating. Saying a short blessing we began eating when we suddenly felt a piercing killing intent.

Not far from us in the dark we saw two violet eyes staring at us, quickly using God's eye I was shocked by what I saw. The eyes came closer into the illumination of the fire's light. The figure in front of us Was a Rank 4 Five Clawed.....Baby Dragon?

I'm Very sorry about yesterday. My phone is faulty and it's my phones Hotspot that i'm using to connect my laptop to the net. I will be posting Yesterday and today's chapter soon. Thanks for your patience and i'm sorry

Phantom_Mousecreators' thoughts