
Chapter 7: System Takes Action

This arrogant, self-conceited bastard of a rat wanted to show off his strength, and as a result, not only did he get trapped, but she was also in mortal danger!

[Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-…] A series of urgent beeping alarms sounded off in Sally's mind.

Startled, Sally then heard a mechanical female voice, "Detecting that the fetus is in life-threatening danger. Host, do you wish to activate the Teleport skill? A preemptive deduction of fifty points, limited to three uses per day."

[Use it, use it, use it!] It was a reflex action of her body, not requiring any command from her brain.

The next moment, she and Lin Lang vanished from within the bear paw's domain!

And the crushing force of the bear paw created a huge pit in the ground.

Sally realized that the Offspring System she was bound to might not care for the life or death of its host, but it would definitely protect her child.

That is to say, while she was pregnant, she could be protected by the Offspring System.

Lin Lang's vision blurred, and when he reopened his eyes, he found they were at the edge of the Senyu Beast Forest.

"What happened?" Lin Lang looked around in confusion, "Has the Beast God manifested itself?"

At the very last moment, he had prayed to the Beast God, hoping for the safety of Sally in his arms.

To his surprise, they had teleported here in the next instant.

"It seems like it." Without any clothes, Sally temporarily maintained her rat form, wriggling out of his embrace, climbing up along him and eventually perched on top of his head.

Standing high allowed her to see further.

In the direction of Rat Tribe, there were animals sprinting and fleeing.

Lin Lang took her down from atop his head and held her in his rough, warm palm, "This place should be safe, so just wait here for me. If I don't return in a day, you… find another Beast Husband. But if I do come back, you must become my mate."

"What if I refuse?" Sally wasn't keen on making any rash promises.

"I'm off to face death, and you won't even give me a kind word?" Lin Lang grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Alright then." Sally thought about his display of Earth Control Talent when facing the demon beasts, considering that having a litter of rat pups with him might not be too bad.

Lin Lang smiled happily.

Then, he hung the prepared dowry pouch around her rat neck and placed her in a tree hollow of a towering tree.

"Wait here for me. If I don't come back, these Crystal Coins should be enough for you to find stability in another tribe."

Sally was speechless, feeling as if she were listening to a last testament.

"Then you be careful, don't overdo it. Better to live badly than die nobly. Conserve your strength, wait for an opportunity, and take your revenge."

"Haha, our Yanyan is so smart, stringing words together like that. Okay, I'll survive, and wait for you to give birth to a litter of clever rat pups for me."

Sally's round, white ears twitched, but she said nothing.

Lin Lang transformed into a huge greenish-black rat beast, glanced back at Sally squatting in the tree hollow, and then rapidly ran off…

Sally stored the leather pouch in the System Space.

This was a feature that came with the Offspring System. Inside it was a space of about one cubic meter that could grow, where she could store any items that weren't part of the host's body.

Simply put, it was there for her to put her babies in.

As she travelled or encountered danger, she could temporarily place her babies inside it to ensure their safety.

It had to be said, this System truly served the children in all aspects.

One would imagine that opening the System Store would reveal items like baby formula, diapers, and other essentials for infants and toddlers.