
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}

Mctunado · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Curious about something

With the sun shining brighter, the leaves of the tree that Feng Huang was leaning on softly danced with the wind.

After soaking under the waterfall, Feng Huang carried Liss with him to lie under a tree, placing the trembling female between his legs while he leisurely leaned inclined his back on the trunk.

Seeking warmth, Liss clung to Feng Huang, letting her upper body lie limply on top of his, with her face buried in his chest and her legs entangled with his. Using his trained soul beast mark, Feng Huang manipulated his heart rate to make his body hotter becoming a human heater for Liss. 

Eyes closed and mouths shut, on the surface, it appeared to be a peaceful moment for the two. In reality, they were both assessing their advantages and concealing their intentions.

Liss had enough time to discern Feng Huang's character and the groping from earlier didn't pass unnoticed. The obvious lust and aggressive personality made Feng Huang a dangerous variable. She was uncertain if there was any affection implicated in his actions and if not how could Liss use his desire safely for her advantage.

The orc who used to avoid even carrying Liss on his forearm now allowed her to sprawl over his bare torso and entangle her body with his without complaining, which should indicate an improvement in their relationship flared an alert on her mind. 

He was quick to get angry and had the strength to advocate for his whims, Liss knew better than anyone how dangerous he could be but he could also be a valuable ally if she played her cards right.

Feng Huang peacefully gazed at the clouds passing in the sky when he recalled Semion's words from the day he hastily decided to take Liss. The reason she gave them for avoiding the campfire and not taking them as mates was love, at that time Feng Huang didn't even acknowledge the information as it had nothing to do with him, but now he had Liss lying in his arms enjoying the nice weather in peace, the information popped in his head.

'It's kind of cute.'

Switching his gaze to the top of Liss's head he then noticed how she settled after he seated her on the grass. 

To Feng Huang, It seemed as though every muscle in Liss's body had relaxed, making her look vulnerable as if she had placed her complete trust in him and let her guard down.

Feasting his eyes at the sight of the female with closed eyes and moist skin 

Her skin was already dried but her hair and clothes were still wet and clung to her skin, her cheek pressed against his chest, causing her lips to pout cutely. 

Feng Huang chuckled softly as he noticed that she appeared exhausted with her chest and face pressed on his torso and her arms floppy on the sides.

'So she is looking for love, huh.'

"Little one."

Feng Huang broke the silence calling to catch her attention.

Liss opened one eye replying with a tired "Hm?" 

"I am curious about something."

Feng Huang knew that he shouldn't prolong their stay because of her wet clothes and empty stomach. The intention was to quickly refresh their bodies and head towards the city for food and necessities but he was reluctant to get up.


"What was the reason for you to refuse to go to the campfire and welcome a mate?"

Sighing she closed her eye relaxing again.

"Do people pick mates like clothes? Why would I select a male I don't even know to spend the rest of our lives together after only watching him fight?"

"That's how it's done. You can verify their strength first, and you could get acquainted later. No one would force you to mate if you don't want to."

"I don't see it that way and I had Semion with me"

"What do you mean?"

"If I was alone I would've had no choice but Semion offered to take care of me and was understanding of my choice to wait."

"Wait to choose a mate?"


Feng Huang wanted to check if she was looking for love or if it was an excuse she used to avoid accepting them and going to the campfire.

"What are your requirements for a mate?"

"To be honest, I don't really want a mate yet."


"It's a lifelong partner, right? It's a important decision and I just got here... 

I mean, escaped."

"I still don't understand the refusal."

"Would you enjoy being chained for life with someone you don't get along with? Of course, it may not happen but it's a possibility, and being hasty with those decisions is irresponsible."

Her view of choosing a mate was refreshing and somewhat innocent. It wasn't a concern for females because they can accept multiple mates, it wasn't unheard of for males who are unfavored by their mates and some even end up abandoned after being chosen. 

But it seemed like both weren't even options for her and compatibility was more important than strength.

"Little one, you fret too much about something simple. If your mate isn't to your liking you can find another and as a last resort you may cancel the imprint." Upon receiving an explanation from Feng Huang, Liss shifted her body to face away from Feng Huang, sitting while hugging her knees. "What displeases you so?"

Feng Huang saw that and smiled before getting ahold of her waist and pulling her back.

"Little Liss, no one would force you to do anything but it's vital for you to accept a mate."

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to be mindful and my circumstances allowed me to be meticulous. And let's be honest, if you didn't take me I would've accepted Levi already."

Feng Huang released her waist loosening his arms and dropping them over her in a loose hug.

"Levi? Not Ishid?"

He teased because he had seen both her relationship with Ishid and Levi and even though he knew that she would've accepted both in the end she was more inclined towards Levi.

"Feng Huang... Do I really need more than one mate?"

The question caught Feng Huang off guard completely, it was so foreign to think of a female having only one mate.

"I'm not a fragile flower, if my one mate is strong enough why would I need more? It's a matter of being able to hunt and protect us, right?"

"I... You see."

Feng Huang stuttered at a loss of words.

"What are the dangers that would require me to have multiple mates? And if is to take care of my every need, I can take care of myself."

"Females take multiple mates because of protection and care, yes, but also for conceiving and birth."

"It's not like doing the deed with someone different will get me pregnant. It's not like my womb can differentiate whose seed it is and choose."

Hearing that brazen statement, Feng Huang crackled a hearty laugh.

"Is that so? I guess you are right."

"Right? Hahaha."

Her words were a catalyst for Feng Huang.

On the top of the food chain, he is one of the strongest predators, so it's only natural to have an extremely territorial sense. Aside from other things, he didn't like the idea of sharing but he never entertained the thought of being the only one.

But then he thought that he was indeed strong enough that there was no need for more.

"Special little one, your ideas sure are amusing, but that's not how the world works. You didn't receive the right education and don't know."

Feng Huang cooed as he rubbed his chin on the top of her head.

"Think about how doing so would prevent many from having a happier life."

"But why is it my problem? There must be many who are like Levi who don't mind and females who can accept them."

That was dangerous, it made his heart race with excitement, it was like she knew of his dark desires and said what he wanted to hear.

"So what will you do when you go back? Will you reject Ishid and only take Levi as your mate?"

Feng Huang had no intention of sending her back at that point and asked only to pry her intentions.

"I will try to. But I don't want to cause a wedge between them, they are like family and are very dear to me."

"Semion spoke of love, that you wish to choose a mate you love. Do you love Levi?"

Feng Huang finally brought it up, he was really curious as to why she didn't mention it once when Semion said that was the reason so many times.

"In a way... Feng Huang, there are multiple types of love. When I said that to them I meant affection and getting along."

And with that, there were no loose strings that could prevent Feng Huang from claiming what he wanted.

'If what she says is true I can handle everything on my own and be her only one... And her short lifespan can be solved with soul gems which are easy for me to acquire.'

In a good mood, Feng Huang stood up lifting Liss with him.

"You must be hungry, let us go"

He said before manifesting his wings and taking off towards the city.