
Beast Merger

Axel lives in a world where swords and sorcery are common here. He would be happy, except he has no talent for anything besides a small talent for taming and summoning. Suddenly- {Beast Merge System Active: Combine your beasts into a God} He can summon a house-sized wolf, tame a dragon, and merge them into one. He will rise to the top of the world with beasts no one has seen or heard of.

Devil_Failure · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

Chapter One

Axel walked through the door into the testing room. His bright blue eyes flicked from left to right, scanning the room. The room contained four things. A table, two chairs, and a woman. The woman had green eyes, blond hair, and a black robe.

"Please, sit down." The woman says politely. Axel obliges and sits in the open chair. "Hold your hand out, wrist up." She continues.

Axel sticks out his hand and she lightly grabs his wrist. She applies a small amount of pressure, and he felt energy running into him from her. After a couple of seconds, she grimaces slightly, and removing her hand, she says "You have a small talent for taming and less for summoning, but you can still probably get a labor job."

Axel first smiles when he hears he had a talent for both taming and summoning, but then realized he had basically no talent for either of them.

"Alright… thanks." He stands up and starts to leave.

The woman stops him and hands him two cards. One said "Taming", and the other said "Summoning."

He grabs the cards and leaves, sad.

Axel walks out of the testing building and gets jumpscared by a short boy with glasses.

"Hey Axel, did you get a talent?" The boy says.

"Yeah Jacob, I got a talent for taming and summoning." Axel shows the cards to Jacob.

"Fucking awesome dude! You got two? All I got was a medium talent for magic." Jacob pulls out his card with the word "Magician."

"Yeah, but I got a low talent for both." Axel sighs. "She said I could do labor, and that's probably in the best case." He looks up a little and continues. "At least I got something like taming so I can also do some magic."

Jacob nods. "Even if you got a low talent for them, you still got some good ones. Taming and summoning both let you do some amount of magic. Plus you got both of them, so your magic talent will probably not be horrible." Even as he said it, they both knew how unlikely that would be.

"Alright, bye Jacob." Alex fistbumps Jacob and walks away.

Jacob responds "Yeah, see ya."

On his way back to his apartment, he was thinking about the next year of school. Because he got talents, even if they were small, he could get into a special school.

As he was thinking about that, he saw something.

{Beast Merge System Active: Combine your beasts into a God}

"Am I hallucinating?" Axel thinks aloud.

{Answer: You are not.}

"Then how am I seeing this?"

{Answer: You were lucky enough to awaken both a taming and summoning talent, so the system chose to bind to your consciousness}

'System? What the fuck is happening?'

{Answer: The system is a program designed to help you get stronger than other people. You were chosen by the system for your dual taming and summoning talents.}

'So it can read my thoughts?' He thinks, shocked.

{Answer: Because the system is bound to your consciousness, it can hear your thoughts and answer them.}

'Alright, how about this. What features do you have?'

{Answer: Skills, Pets, Quests, Inventory, Status.}

'How do I access them?'

{Answer: Say the name aloud.}

"Okay, Status."

A page appears in front of him, and from the reactions of everyone around him, no one else can see it.


{Health: 100/100}

{Mana: 50/50}

{Strength: 10}

{Vitality: 10}

{Intelligence: 10[+]}

{Agility: 10}

{Luck: 5[+]}

{SP: 0}

'What are the pluses next to intelligence and luck?'

{Answer: When you get a stat point you can increase them.}

'Why only them?' He asks confused.

{Because they are the only things you can't increase naturally.}

'Okay. Now onto the main question. What do you mean by "Beast merge?" '

{Answer: Any beast you tame or summon can be merged with another of your tamed or summoned beasts.}

'What does that mean?'

{Answer: If you merge your beasts, it will combine them into one with the skills and appearance of each animal. All animals will combine perfectly, so no appearance will be chaotic.}

'Okay then.' Getting his answer, Axel stops asking questions and instead tries opening some other features.

The skill page just brought up a page with two words, "Tame" and "Summon." Pets and Inventory brought up pages with nothing, and Quests brought up a page with the sentence "Training 1."

After reading the quest "Training 1", he knew what he was going to do when he got home.

{Training 1}

{Train each trainable stats up by five}

{Reward: 5 Status Points}

Let me know what you think :)

Devil_Failurecreators' thoughts