
Chapter 180 Mirage Insect_1

In the cave, the Fat Catfish wiggled its body as it meandered through a pile of assorted items.

Broken horns.

Scale Armor.


Strangely shaped stones that glowed.

Vines entwined together, creeping along the cave wall.

A variety of items were stacked together, but there was order in the chaos.

The Fat Catfish used its limited vocabulary to describe everything it saw and the feelings the items evoked within it as best as it could.

Unfortunately, they could only talk through the spirit link and couldn't share visuals, so Liang Qu had to make a concerted effort to pick out the useful items from the Fat Catfish's meager choice of words.

A two-masted ship cost less than two hundred taels of silver, and acquiring anything from the Toad Great Demon seemed to always turn out profitable; the only question was how to maximize the benefits.

Producing a ship every two and a half months was a relatively stable and suitable pace; any faster or slower wouldn't be good.