
04: Nick of time

In the morning, Jace goes to the lecturers (also his uncle ) house to talk to him about Rumi's expulsion and to help talk to the principal ( his father) "uncle? am here to talk to you about Rumi's situation, why would father make a heist decision out of the blue,talk to him"

The lecturer (Mr Washington) promises to talk to his brother (Mr Willis) the principal. Jace and his uncle go to the principals office to talk to him," dad uncle has something to say to you "

Mr Washington talks to his brother, " listen, I think you should take time, we should investigate this case further,we might wrongly accuse the young girl and when she is found innocent, our reputation would be at stake"

Mr Willis agrees with his son and brother. Rumi packs her bags and she is about to leave,Mr Washington, Mr Willis and Jace bump into her. Mr Washington tells Rumi not to leave the college as he has decided to investigate the case.

When everything is settled, Drusilla is unhappy because her plans to get rid of Rumi have failed. Drusilla tells Rumi she is going to see someone, she goes to an abandoned building and starts to throw glass bottles at the wall why cursing herself, " I had one chance to get rid of that fool just one but I ruined it! I am so stupid,foolish and such an idiot, she would have left,Jace would have started to like me but my plan was ruined.

Just then,Drusilla receives a phone call from Rumi and she rushes to the hostel. She reaches the college. Jace tells everyone what he has found,"I found this phone behind this hostel,and it has the obscene video in it but I don't know who did it"

Rumi comes up with a plan," I know!we should scan the whole schools fingerprints and of those on the phone"

Mr Washington agrees with this plan but Drusilla is scared to her cores. Three days later, Jace comes with the results, " the researchers couldn't find any finger prints"

Drusilla gives an inner sigh and remembers how she wore gloves so there could be no fingerprints on the phone.