
Chapter 41

Time passes slowly.

After defeating Liu Feng Piaoxue.

Under the strong request of the Diamond Ape King.

Su Yun continued to fight.

But the opponent later.

Maybe the beast control level is too high.

But its strength is weaker than that of Liu Feng Piaoxue's Earth Dragon Beast.

After all, only beastmasters below the fourth level are allowed to participate in the battle.

Liu Feng Piaoxue is already the best among the third-level beast masters.

So after Su Yun performed the gigantism.

Battles often end within a short period of time.

Eighty-one games…

Eighty-five games....

Ninety games...

After Su Yun scored 93 wins.

All the viewers have gone completely crazy

"Has it come this far?"

"Oh my god, is a hundred consecutive victories really going to be born?"

"Not necessarily. Don't forget that Shengxue in Bai Yi recently achieved ninety-five consecutive victories. He is also a real monster."

"But Baiyi Shengxue hasn't logged in for several days. Can they really meet each other?"

All of a sudden,

Su Yun's nickname is Xiaobai, and he has become a popular figure in this 100-win competition.

But in the midst of such discussions,

Su Yun has left the battle platform and did not continue to fight.

Because of this continuous There will be many battles.

The spirit of King Kong Ape has also been seriously overloaded, and it will be harmful and useless to continue fighting....

Virtual world metal warehouse.

Su Yun breathed out softly, rubbed his temples, and looked a little tired on his face.

"It seems that fighting is not only taxing on the spirit of beast masters, but also on humans."

Su Yun murmured to himself in a low voice, and immediately controlled the virtual panel in front of him and logged directly into the mall at the battle site.

"93 consecutive wins, a total of 1,900 points?"

Su Yun looked at his points panel, nodded slightly, and went directly to the redemption page.

All of a sudden, a dazzling array of prizes filled the entire virtual screen.

Whether it was various resources or spiritual secrets.

It can be said that it has everything

"As expected, it is operated by Hailan Federation, and it does have a profound foundation."

Su Yun looked at the items above, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Well, is this black iron crystal?"

Su Yun's expression moved, his eyes stayed in one place, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

Black iron crystal.

An extremely cherished resource. It has the power to speed up the growth of beasts and even allow specific beasts to evolve. It is absolutely It has a price but no market.

More importantly, this is one of the materials needed for the mutation and evolution of the three-tailed spirit fox. So during this period of time, although a large number of resources have been converted into resource points, we have never forgotten to collect two A lot of evolution materials for the beast have been collected.

But the rest are extremely precious, at least hard to see in the market of Jinfeng City.

Among them is black crystal.

This is definitely priceless. items

"Do you need 2000 points?"

Su Yun glanced at the price, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With the points he has gained after his current winning streak, he will definitely be able to collect 2,000 points after a hundred consecutive wins.

After determining the redemption target,

Su Yun has already left the Internet cafe. I went to Chengdong and bought two tubes of spiritual power potions suitable for the training of second-level beast control masters, and then returned home.

"Come….This is dinner for you two."

Su Yun placed the prepared food in front of the two beasts. He also sat cross-legged on the carpet. He first drank a tube of spiritual potion and entered the state of cultivation....

Early the next morning.

Su Yun had finished his training with a refreshed face and collected the two beasts into the beast control space. immediately.

Su Yun went to the Internet cafe again and entered the virtual battle platform.

Continue to start the battle.

Su Yun still chose to use the Diamond Ape King.

After all, compared to Xiaobai who has experienced a lot of life and death battles.

The Diamond Ape King needs these combat experiences even more.

With yesterday's exaggerated performance.

Basically Su Yun just had a battle.

The number of viewers who chose to watch his battles has increased dramatically.

Some people even got up early in the morning just to wait for Fuyun's battle.

"Haha, Xiaobai won another game. It seems that he is expected to achieve a hundred consecutive wins today."

"This is not necessarily true. Didn't you see that Baiyi Shengxue also logged in? He probably felt the danger and wanted to attack the 100-win streak. After all, according to the rules, only the first person to succeed can win the mysterious grand prize."

"What, this is exciting. With the matching system of the virtual battle platform, the two of them will definitely meet."

"That's right, we're just looking forward to a fight between dragons and tigers."

With all the audience looking forward to it, what they expected finally happened.

As Su Yun's winning streak reached 99 games, after waiting for half an hour, the match was finally completed.

And his The opponent is surprisingly another favorite, Bai Yi Shengxue, who has also achieved 99 consecutive victories.

Under the spotlight,

Su Yun and Bai Yi Shengxue have appeared on the battlefield at the same time.

"You have also reached 99 consecutive wins, which is really dangerous."

Baiyi Shengxue looked at Su Yun in the distance, with a faint smile on his lips, and said:

"I was delayed because of some urgent matters, but I didn't expect that you almost succeeded first."

"Isn't this great? Since you and I meet in this situation, of course I want you to be convinced of your defeat."Su Yun said slowly.

"Haha, I hope you can still be so arrogant for a while."

Baiyi Shengxue laughed loudly and said:

"Come out, swamp king."

As the words of Shengxue in white echoed in the air, the summoning circle has appeared on the battlefield.

An extremely tall figure with a dark body has appeared on the ground.

[Name]: Swamp King

[Level]: Commander of the ninth level

[Talent]: top recovery talent, low-level defense talent

[Properties]: water, earth

[Bloodline]: Lower King

[Skills]: Whirlpool Water Blade, Ground Burrowing, Earth Thorn, Giant Fist, Water Thorn


As soon as the Swamp King appeared, he let out a roar, and the violent momentum swept away in all directions.

Even across the big screen, all the audience seemed to feel the suffocation.

"This is Baiyi Shengxue's trump card. The King of the Swamp with only a king-level bloodline is indeed extremely terrifying."

"And its strength actually improved again, reaching the level of commanding the ninth level. Now Xiaobai was in danger."

Some viewers shook their heads slightly and began to worry about Su Yun.

They had already guessed.

The reason why the Diamond Ape King is so strong is that he probably has a king-level bloodline.

And today's Swamp King also has a king-level bloodline.

In this way First, the Swamp King, who has an absolute advantage in level, is likely to be overwhelming in strength.