
Chapter 179


The Diamond Ape Demon hit the wall at the edge of the field, and the terrifying force caused cracks to appear on the surrounding walls.

But because movement is blocked.

The attack of the Diamond Ape Demon has been easily dodged by the Frost White Bear King.

"Diamond ape demon, metal-type roar."

The King Kong Ape Demon turned his head and immediately locked onto the Frost White Bear King. A terrifying torrent of metal was already rippling out of the lipstick of King Kong's original membrane.

"Frost White Bear King, roaring with ice."

The White Bear King also opened his mouth, and terrifying frost surged out.


One ice and one steel.

Two completely different forces collided.

It seemed that the entire battlefield was transformed into two worlds.

The earth was shattered in an instant. It cracked, and then it was covered by frost.

When everything disappeared, the whole place had become a mess.

The Diamond Ape Demon stood on the spot, like a fierce god.

And opposite him, the Frost White Bear King had already stepped back several steps, There was blood flowing faintly around the mouth.

It was obvious.

The collision just now!

I suffered a lot.

"How high is the metal roar of this giant ape?"

Nangong Wen's face has become extremely ugly, and he has a strong sense of crisis.

"Can't go on like this"

"Frost White Bear King, use the Ice Domain with all your strength!"

As he spoke, Nangong Wen's spiritual energy surged all over his body, and a series of ice-based amplifying spiritual techniques had already landed on the Frost White Bear King.


The Frost White Bear King let out a shocking roar, and the terrifying cold air filled the air. The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a world of ice and snow.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

I saw only all directions.

Whether it was the earth or the sky, all kinds of ice spikes were already there. Sweeping towards the Vajra Ape Demon, as if trying to prick it into a hedgehog

"What a powerful ice field!"

"This is impossible to dodge. How will Su Yun deal with it?"

Looking at the overwhelming attacks in the field, everyone felt their scalps numb and couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

"The King Kong Ape Demon, rush out directly, body of steel, and then harden!"

As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, the Vajra Ape Demon began to run quickly, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a giant beast made of steel.

Click! Click! Click!

Under everyone's shocked eyes.

Countless. The moment the ice spikes sat on the Vajra Ape Demon, they exploded completely.

Not to mention hurting the Vajra Ape Demon, they couldn't even tear his skin at all.

It was just a blink of an eye.

The Vajra Ape Demon had already Arriving in front of the Frost White Bear King with a look of horror on his face

"The diamond ape demon uses strange power to explode."

The Diamond Ape Demon roared, and the muscles all over his body expanded rapidly. The entire body had expanded in a circle. Even the Frost White Bear King seemed a little small in front of him.

"Get out of the way, Frost White Bear King."Nangong Wen anxiously transmitted the message.

But it was too late at this time. As soon as the Frost White Bear King made a dodge, a big hand of the Diamond Ape Demon held him down fiercely. The terrifying strange power even oppressed his body. The earth collapsed


The Frost White Bear King roared repeatedly and subconsciously launched a counterattack.

But no matter what kind of skills.

Not to mention asking him to help break free from the giant ape demon.

It can't even harm the Diamond Ape Demon at all.


A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the Vajra Ape Demon, and his huge fist suddenly fell without any fancy. boom! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The earth began to shake crazily.

The entire battlefield seemed to be experiencing an earthquake.

The Frost White Bear King's entire body had been embedded into the earth, and he completely fainted. this moment.

There was silence[]

Everyone stood around stunned.

After a long time.

The uproar continued to ring out

"Oh my god….What kind of power is this?"

"So strong, so strong….This giant ape can simply overwhelm everything with its strength"

"So handsome"

"I declare that from today onwards I am a supporter of Su Yun."

The performance of the King Kong Ape Demon has made countless people excited.

That absolute power is so capable of conquering others.

"It seems that I did underestimate you."

"This giant ape of yours must have top-notch strength talent. Nangong

Wen took a deep breath and said:

"It's a coincidence that my main beast master also has this talent!"

"Come out, Earth Rhino."

Nangong Wen's voice answered in the field.

The light of the summoning circle emerged.

A huge rhinoceros standing upright two feet away has jumped out of the summoning circle.

[Name: Earth Rhinoceros

[Level]: The Seventh Level of the Emperor

[Talents]: Advanced soil control talent, top strength talent, intermediate defense talent

[Attribute]: soil

[Bloodline]: Lower Overlord

[Skills]: Earth Thorn, Earth Shock Wave, Earth Roar, Rock Fist, Horned Rock Breaker, Rock Armor

"Appeared…..Nangong Wen's main beast, the earth rhinoceros, is a beast with the blood of a hegemon."

"It seems that Su Yun has put great pressure on Nangong Wen and is ready to go all out."

Seeing the appearance of the Earth Rhino, all the spectators held their breath and concentrated on this battle.

"Aren't you going to change your beast to let your giant ape recover its strength?"

Nangong Wen said to Su Yun

"No need to bother. Su Yun shook his head and said:"In the battle just now, the Diamond Ape Demon didn't have any consumption.""

"So confident. Nangong Wen looked a little unkind and said:

"Then destroy your confidence in the power you are proud of."

"Kill him, Earth Rhino."

After receiving the master's order, the Earth Rhino began to run quickly. Although the speed was not fast, the power was extremely powerful, making the entire battle field seem to be shaking.

"too horrible….This is the power of the Earth Rhino"

"If my beast is touched by him, I'm afraid it will be instantly killed."

"What happens next is a head-on confrontation between two powerful monsters?"

Looking at the damage caused by rhinoceros on the ground, some students' eyes were full of fear and anticipation.