
Chapter 144

"Damn it….Let go of Liu Wufeng"

"Don't you want his life?"

All the second graders looked at Liu Wufeng who fell to the ground and vomited blood. The expressions on their faces changed. They shouted loudly at Su Yun. Terrifying spiritual power continued to rise from their bodies.

These people.

Although most of them have just been promoted to the fifth level, some people's spiritual power is even deeper than Liu Wufeng's

"Why, since you are provoking, don't you have the consciousness to be stepped on?"

Su Yun's face showed a hint of amusement, and he exerted force on his feet again. Liu Wufeng glanced at him and almost fainted.

Su Yun said to everyone:

"If you want to save him, you can choose to take action. I don't mind if one person fights against all of you."

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole place fell into a strange silence.

All the second-year students stared at Su Yun, with anger in their eyes.

They admitted.

Su Yun showed They are very powerful.

They can actually kill the Three Color Snake King in one blow.

If they fight alone, it is very likely that none of them will be able to match each other.

But if they are besieged, that is another matter.

"Hey, Su Yun is a little too big, most of these people are fifth-level beast masters."

A freshman class 9 student secretly smacked his tongue, with a hint of worry on his face.

But Gao Feng grinned and said,"Huh, this is my best friend. I believe he can teach these guys a lesson.""

Li Qian'er didn't say anything, but when she looked at Su Yun, her eyes were filled with brilliance.

"I'm not ready to take action yet. If you don't dare, get out of here and don't be an eyesore here."

Su Yun's eyes paused slightly, and he shouted sternly


The shadow king's figure floated up, and he screamed with a provocative look on his face.

"Damn it, how dare you be so arrogant?"

"I'll make you pay today."

Facing such a provocation, all the second-year students finally couldn't help it, and the spiritual power all over their bodies exploded. Buzz! Five-pointed star formations appeared in front of them. A terrifying aura rose into the sky, filling the air directly. In the sky, the airflow all around began to become turbulent.

"Oh my god….There are so many kings and beasts?"

"It's obviously only one year apart, but is the gap so huge?"

Looking at these beast-controlling beasts, everyone's faces showed shock.

They were able to enter Fanxing University, and they are also the proud ones of heaven.

They know deeply that whether it is the improvement of cultivation or the cultivation of beast-controlling beasts, , the further it goes, the harder it gets.

Even if it takes a year, they may not have the confidence to reach the other party's level of strength.

But what they don't know is that all of these people are gathered around Brother Liu Wufeng, and their strength is Outstanding.

At this time, all the second-year students have already given orders

"Sky-footed eagle, violent storm!"

"Black Soul Leopard, Shadow Roar!"

"Wind Crane, uses wind blade"

"Flame Dog, Fire Breath!"

After hearing the master's order, all the beasts roared and launched attacks one after another.

Suddenly, the wind was raging in the field, and the flames were crisscrossed, all heading towards Su Yun.

At this moment, Su Yun.

It seems that he has fallen into a desperate situation.

He may be completely swallowed by these skills at any time.

"Lao He….Do we really not care? Something might happen if this continues."

A teacher looked at He Chunhai and asked for his opinion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Since I didn't take care of it just now, I shouldn't take care of it now."

Although He Chunhai said this, there was still a look of worry in his eyes.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank deeply, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Come out, Tyrannosaurus"[]

Su Yun spoke softly, waving his hand gently, and the summoning circle appeared in front of him.


Accompanied by a life-long dragon roar.

The mighty dragon power spreads in all directions.

The huge figure of the storm dragon has emerged.

"Storm Dragon, use Wind Dragon Domain, then Cyclone Blade!"

Hearing Su Yun's order, the wings of the storm dragon vibrated, and the rich dragon energy was already rolling away towards the surroundings.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Crescent-shaped wind blades swept the entire place directly.

These wind blades seemed to possess Following his own consciousness, he directly centered on Su Yun and continued to cut the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A roaring sound resounded, and the skills were defeated by the wind blade, setting off a violent explosion.

It was just an instant. between.

All skills have been completely defeated and completely dissipated.

"how did you do that?"

"So powerful"

"What a terrible skill control"

"All of them were blocked."

Everyone exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Even He Chunhai and other teachers had deep shock on their faces.

They could see clearly.

Those whirlwind blades.After defeating one skill, some actually started to turn irregularly and continue to go towards other skills.

This is simply incredible.

And this is just the beginning.

I only saw the storm dragon roaring to the sky, and a The whirlwind blade continuously swept across the sky, with terrifying power, tearing the air apart easily, as if it had turned into a dragnet.

"The King of Shadows, uses the five-layered Shadow Blade!"

The King of Shadows screamed, and the dark light spread in all directions. He had found every opportunity to join the whirlwind blade weaving offensive.

"Get out of the way, Blazing Dog!"

"Earth Elephant, don’t fight hard."

The expressions of all the second-year students changed drastically. They had realized the strangeness of the whirlwind blade and the destructive power of the shadow blade. They did not want to fight head-on and commanded the beasts to dodge.

Click! Click! Click!

One after another, the whirlwind blades and the shadow blades The blade fell on the ground, directly cutting out a series of cracks.

Facing the whirlwind blade that could change its direction naturally, some beast-controlling beasts just dodged for a moment, but their bodies had already been scratched with huge blood marks, and they were seriously injured.

"Damn it….What kind of weird skill is this?"

"Those shadow blades are even more terrifying and cannot be defended at all"

"If this continues, there will be no effective counterattack."

The faces of the second-graders all showed anxious expressions, but they couldn't think of any good solutions.