
Chapter 142

Freshman training ground

"Why, since you want to get ahead, is this all you have?"

Liu Wufeng stood in the center of the field, and next to him, hovering a few feet in length, was a giant snake with colorful colors all over its body.

[Name]: Tricolor Snake King

[Level]: King Sixth Level

[Talent]: Advanced poison control talent, advanced speed talent

[Attribute]: Poison

[Lineage]: High King

[Skills]: Poison Breath, Venomous Needle, Death Coil, Poison Bomb, Venomous Fang, Snake Pounce.

And not far in front of him.

Some freshmen are treating the wounds of their beasts

"This is the strength of sophomore students"

"So strong, this three-color snake king has definitely reached the king level."

All the students in Class 9 in the third year looked at such a scene, and the expressions on their faces became extremely ugly.

They knew very well that the people who had just taken action had all reached the ninth level of lord in terms of beast control, and their strength was the highest among Class 9. They were definitely among the best, but without exception, they were all defeated in an instant.

The person in front of them was definitely not something that ordinary freshmen could contend with.

"What, no one dares to take action now?"

Liu Wufeng looked around, with a look of ridicule on his face.

As a king-level beast master, attacking these freshmen who have just entered school for less than a month is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, and it is basically bullying.

But he But he didn't have any sense of shame.

This is how the world is.

It's just about the jungle and the strong.

After all, when he was weak, he was used as a stepping stone by countless seniors.

But now the situation is reversed.

What he has brought to him is a different kind of Such pleasure.

He likes this feeling very much

"hateful…Don't bully others too much"

"You guy, didn't you just rely on enrolling a year earlier? Why are you so arrogant?.?"

Although Liu Wufeng had shown great strength, such an attitude was really intolerable, and all the students in Class 9 of the third year showed anger.

Liu Wufeng smiled jokingly and said:

"It seems that you are very unconvinced, but you are really too weak. How about this, you can just go up together."

"Damn it, don't look down on people."

A student couldn't hold it any longer and directly summoned his own beast and launched an attack instantly.

But in just an instant, he was completely defeated.

The Tricolor Snake King didn't even use his skills, he just used his own power. Just blow it away with its tail.

For Liu Wufeng, who is at the forefront of the second grade in terms of strength, there is an insurmountable gap between the strength of the people present and him.

But even if he knows this, there is still an endless stream of people. Gao Feng stepped forward to challenge.

Gao Feng also gritted his teeth, sent a message with his student card, and then commanded the Flame Tiger to rush forward.

The whole battle became chaotic.

Everyone had already launched a siege on Liu Wufeng

"Haha, these freshmen really overestimate their abilities."

"Did they think they would be Liu Wufeng's opponent?"

Everyone who followed Liu Wufeng did not help at all. Instead, they laughed. After all, in their opinion, even if these people acted together, they would not pose any threat to Liu Wufeng.

And in In the distance.

Some teachers are watching this scene quietly.

One of them is the head teacher of Class 9, Grade 3, He Chunhai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey, Lao He, don't you really stop it? I'm afraid the students in your class will suffer a big loss."

A teacher reminded He Chunhai.

He Chunhai rolled his eyes and said:"This matter is carried out under the conditions allowed by the rules. Why should I take care of it? Moreover, this Liu Wufeng really takes it as mine. Students are soft persimmons."

He Chunhai has not forgotten that there is a monster in his class who often misses class.

As long as some of these students are smarter and contact Su Yun in time, these second-year students may not be able to be unscrupulous.

As time goes by.

Basically everyone in Class 9 in the third year had taken action against Liu Wufeng, but without exception, they were all defeated by the opponent's Three-Colored Snake King.

Even some students had bruises and swollen faces and suffered unbearable injuries. minor injury

"It's been a long time since I exercised."[]

Liu Wufeng looked at Li Qian'er who was treating his injuries on the beast with a half-smile, and said:

"In fact, even if you don't want to accept my brother's invitation, I can't make it difficult for you, but I think this place is good and suitable for visiting often."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's faces showed anger and unwillingness.

But at the next moment, a voice came from far away.

"`Really? I'm afraid you won't be so interested in the future?"

"this voice...?"

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, and they subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice. Some people even consciously moved out of the way.


A cold light also flashed in Liu Wufeng's eyes, and he saw a figure wearing a freshman uniform, walking slowly towards them.

This figure was surprisingly Su Yun, who rushed over after receiving the news from the summit.

"Su Yun finally came."

When everyone saw Su Yun's arrival, there was a hint of joy on their faces. Although some of them thought that Su Yun might not be Liu Wufeng's opponent, they definitely did not include those who had seen Su Yun and Duanmu Zhengyi. Those who fought.

In their minds, it was absolutely impossible for Su Yun (Wang Wanghao) to simply lose.

"You are finally here. Gao

Feng hurried up to greet him and said:

"These guys are really too arrogant. My Fiery Tiger was seriously injured. You must not hold back and vent your anger on us."

For Su Yun's power,

Gao Feng can be said to be the clearest among all people.

This best friend of his can hunt down the beasts and eventually destroy them all.

He even has a feeling that no matter what Facing any enemy, Su Yun will never fail.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Su Yun patted Gao Feng on the shoulder, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He was confused about the whole ins and outs.

Gao Feng had already made it very clear in the message.

He dared to bully his friend.

No matter what, he would not do it. Make the other person feel better…