
Bear's frustration:seeking answer

a story about cute bear who is frustrated because she got scolded so she want to find the answer and act accordingly . also a collection of different classic fairytale/folklore short stories around the world that consist to 2 chapter for one stories. •••••••••••••••••○○○○○○○••••••••••••••••• one chapter being the original stories and the other chapter will be an ending that i hope it will be.

qaliphn · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


In the depths of despair, Wan Derus roamed the lands, his heart heavy with grief and regret. He longed for a chance to right the wrongs done to his beloved Mahsuri, to bring her back from the realm of the departed. Little did he know that fate had a surprise in store for him.

As Wan Derus wandered through the dense forests surrounding Langkawi, he stumbled upon a hidden grove shimmering with ethereal light. Curiosity piqued, he cautiously approached, and there, standing before him, was a mysterious figure cloaked in robes adorned with ancient symbols.

The figure introduced themselves as Raja Iskandar, a wise and powerful sorcerer who had been watching over Langkawi for centuries. Sensing Wan Derus's anguish and love for Mahsuri, Raja Iskandar offered his assistance. He revealed the existence of a sacred spell that could potentially resurrect the departed, but its execution required unwavering faith, unwavering love, and a selfless act of kindness.

Wan Derus, determined to bring his beloved Mahsuri back to life, eagerly accepted Raja Iskandar's guidance. For days and nights, he immersed himself in the teachings of the ancient arts, learning the intricate rituals and reciting the incantations passed down through generations.

With newfound knowledge and a renewed sense of hope, Wan Derus embarked on a quest to gather the necessary ingredients for the resurrection spell. He sought rare herbs, sought the wisdom of mystics, and traveled to sacred sites, guided by the unseen hand of Raja Iskandar.

At last, the day arrived when Wan Derus stood before the tree where Mahsuri had met her tragic fate. The air crackled with anticipation as he recited the incantation, pouring his heart and soul into the words, his voice carrying the depth of his love for Mahsuri.

As the final syllable left his lips, a warm breeze enveloped the area, and the tree began to glow with an otherworldly light. From the very spot where Mahsuri's life was unjustly taken, a figure emerged, radiant and ethereal. It was Mahsuri, reborn from the realm beyond.Tears of joy streamed down Wan Derus's face as he embraced his long-lost love.

As Wan Derus held Mahsuri in his arms, his heart overflowed with indescribable happiness. But just as he thought the miracle couldn't be any more profound, a rustling sound echoed through the grove. Wan Derus turned, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

There, standing before him, was Wan Hakim, his and Mahsuri's son who had grown up without ever knowing his mother's love. Wan Hakim had followed his father's footsteps, driven by a profound longing to understand the woman who had left an everlasting mark on their family's history.

As Wan Hakim approached, a mix of emotions flickered across his face surprise, awe, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. He had heard tales of Mahsuri's beauty, her kindness, and the tragic circumstances of her untimely departure. Yet, he had never imagined he would see her, let alone witness her resurrection.

Mahsuri, her eyes filled with tenderness, reached out her hand to Wan Hakim. Overwhelmed by emotions, he stepped forward and embraced his mother, feeling her warmth and love envelop him. In that moment, Wan Derus, Mahsuri, and Wan Hakim were united, their hearts intertwined in a bond that transcended time and death.


With their family reunited and the miraculous resurrection of Mahsuri, Wan Derus and Wan Hakim felt a renewed purpose burning within them. While forgiveness and love had healed their hearts, they couldn't forget the one who had caused such devastation to their lives the person responsible for Mahsuri's unjust death.

United by their desire for justice, Wan Derus, Mahsuri, and Wan Hakim turned to Raja Iskandar for guidance once again. The wise sorcerer, recognizing their determination and the necessity of closure, shared his knowledge of the perpetrator's identity a powerful and influential figure who had escaped the consequences of his actions for far too long.

Armed with this newfound information, the three embarked on a quest for justice, traversing through Langkawi's labyrinthine paths and gathering evidence against the perpetrator. They delved into the depths of the island's history, seeking allies among those who had suffered at the hands of the same oppressor.

Their journey was not without challenges. The person they sought had a network of loyal followers, making it difficult to expose his crimes. However, fueled by their love for Mahsuri and their unwavering determination, they persisted, unraveling the threads of deceit and manipulation that had shrouded the truth for so long.

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. Armed with their evidence and accompanied by a growing number of supporters, Wan Derus, Mahsuri, and Wan Hakim confronted the perpetrator in the heart of Langkawi. Surrounded by the weight of his crimes, the oppressor's facade crumbled as the truth came crashing down upon him.

In a powerful display of justice and redemption, the perpetrator faced the consequences of his actions, held accountable for the pain he had inflicted upon countless lives, including that of Mahsuri. It was a symbolic victory, not only for Wan Derus and his family but also for the people of Langkawi, who had long awaited justice for Mahsuri's tragic fate.

With the chapter of vengeance completed, Wan Derus, Mahsuri, and Wan Hakim concentrated their efforts on repairing their community and ensuring that such atrocities did not occur again. They became advocates for compassion, forgiveness, and unity, working relentlessly to create a community that honoured Mahsuri's memory while upholding justice and equality values.

They worked together to turn the anguish of the past into a spark for positive transformation. Their tale became a beacon of hope, pushing others to face their own problems with courage and pursue justice with tenacity. And as they stood side by side, the love and tenacity that had brought them together guided them forward, permanently bound as a family and forever linked to Mahsuri's unbreakable spirit.

as to how wan derus resuracted Mahsuri,raja iskandar tell them to keep it as a secret from society and he will handle all of the people memories.