
Chapter 34: The Pursuit of Truth

Upon learning that the coroner rented a room in the city, we decided to seize the opportunity and search for clues. After obtaining the key from the landlord, we were stunned by the chaotic scene that greeted us upon opening the door. It was evident that someone had already been there before us, leaving the place in disarray. Despite any personal habits, it was unlikely that the coroner would leave his home in such a state.

It became apparent that crucial evidence might be hidden within the mess. However, there was also the unsettling possibility that the perpetrators had already uncovered it. Vernon offered a glimmer of hope, suggesting that the intruders' rummaging indicated their uncertainty about the location of the true evidence. He speculated that what the coroner had concealed was likely the actual autopsy report.

For an entire day, the four of us meticulously combed through the rental house, searching every nook and cranny until midnight. It was then that I stumbled upon the autopsy report concealed within the hollow of a stool leg.

With this newfound evidence, there was finally a ray of hope for the police department to build a case.

Shortly thereafter, Devon received a call regarding the investigation into the drug company's finances. It was revealed that all third-party companies had legal ties to the plant manager, whether through distant relatives or even in-laws.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Vernon wasted no time in forwarding the information to his colleagues in the Economic Investigation Division, preparing for the plant manager's arrest come morning.

Although I wished to return immediately, exhaustion overcame me. Devon, ever attentive, urged me to rest and insisted we resume our efforts in the morning.

Reflecting on the sacrifices made on my behalf, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The next morning, as we received news of the successful arrest and impending pre-trial, Vernon advised Devon and me to return home and await further updates.

Back at home, restless and anxious, Devon provided much-needed comfort, gently reminding me of our plans for the future and promising to fulfill them. As I leaned against him, his reassuring presence anchored me amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

In the days that followed, sleep eluded me as the police officers worked tirelessly on the pre-trial proceedings. Finally, after two days of anticipation, I confronted the factory manager, extracting from him the truth behind my parents' tragic demise.