

she caught my eyes the moment I saw her . I fell in love

yin_to07 · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

chapter 1



"once upon a tim-"   "oh cut that bullshit and hurry up with what you have to say "I said to jason rolling my eyes "will you just play along for once and stop being Mr grumpy pants "  he said "you know how mature  our captain is don't try that thing on him"  Riley said grinning and I once again rolled my eyes  "so what is the big news you have to tell us"  pierce the only ginger head  us said "there is this new chick in  school , she is so pretty , i think she is going to be my wife " Jason said while day dreaming  "such a dramatic waste of time" i said while shaking my head  "keep dreaming big boy " "No for real she is so beautiful i didn't even know that some one as beautiful as that exist, she looked like an Aphrodite's daughter" he said still grinning end to end "okay then at least invite us to the wedding ?" Riley said sarcastically. "Okay let's go to the cafeteria I'm starving and I need to talk to Jake about some defense moves" he said but mutter the last part . We started moving every eyes in the hallway was directed to us I was bored of it already with some girl giving me the "come fuck me" which was disgusting. we entered the cafeteria noticing a lot of people murmuring and a commotion happening at our table . We saw Blake all ready and fuming

"Dude I said I didn't fuck your girlfriend don't you get it ?" Blake said looking frustrated "then how do you explain her with your shirt" josh a player from soccer team said "I fucking met her naked on on my bed" Blake said already fed up "you cunt you want me to believe your bullshit when the whole school saw you guys talking last week after the game" josh shouted obviously angry "she ! was talking to me , sheee came to meet me , I never approached your girlfriend i didn't even know her until last week when she was talking to me " Blake said  "I would never touch another man's woman why don't you go ask your girlfriend for the true story and stop disturbing my peace !". Blake shouted already fed up "oh you fucker" josh shouted about to throw a punch. "Hey that's enough!" I said not wanting there to be blood shed about a stupid whore . I stepped forward "Hey cap this fucking team mate of yours is a cunt" josh said "how many times do I have to tell you that I didn't touch your puck bunny girlfriend. I can't even stand someone has ugly has that talkless of even touching" Blake said. "damn right she is " Jason said while laughing "josh Blake didn't fuck your girlfriend because I was there last week . We went to his dorm together and saw your girlfriend naked on the bed sleeping with his shirt hung to her it, it was a horrible sight no offence"  I said "he couldn't even sleep in his dorm that night he had to stay at mine , he took pictures as evidence so stupid set up could come out of this" I said "Blake why didn't you show him the picture" I asked  "if only he had calmed his hot ass down and listened" Blake said blankly then pulled out his phone and showed josh "sorry your girlfriend is a puck bunny just using you" he shrugged

"who told you Blake slept with her" Riley asked interfering "her friend texted and sent me her picture with Blake shirt and her chats" josh turned to answer "ooh things getting spicy , jealous friends, such a nice plot". Riley  turned around and dispersed the crowd before any teacher would come "show's over now everybody back to their business" he shouted "I didn't know it was like this " josh said "well now you know Blake didn't fuck your girl now could you fuck off and stop creating a stupid scene" I said coldly "I'm sorr-" "save it and leave" I said .

He left looking all confused I almost pitied him if he wasn't a fool he should have known the bop he has as a girlfriend

"Gosh, that was some drama wasn't it " Riley said " I'm so hungry " he said sitting next to Jake our defender . Blake was still fuming from the embarrassment, "clear those stormy weather above your head and eat we have hockey practice today" I said already digging into my food  . Then within minutes the matter was forgotten like a tiny disturbance

"Oh there she is "  Jason said "who" Blake asked curiously "my future wife" Jason answered smuggly "the new girl ?"  Riley asked while eating "yeah see her" Jason pointed not too much so as not to attract attention "wow she is pretty" Jake said

"who is pretty?" Colby our team mates says joining our table "the blondie there ,that is my soon to be wife" Jason said I rolled my eyes looking at the girl but another thing captivated my eyes 

The brunette beside her , she was stunning her beautiful hair and her smile oh my when did I feel this last "so pretty" I muttered . "What did you say cap?" Blake asked "Nothing" I said and went back to my food

"I saw you looking at the girl, are you too interested in the blondie? You also want to get married to her ?" Riley asked while wiggling his eyes brows "fuck no , I'm not someone else caught my eyes instead" I Whispered the last part while looking up to see the girl again she is so pretty I love her smile . I want her  .

I shook my head erasing the thought

Which never completely left

I think that is my own wife .  I Thought silently. I'm really weird today  I continue to eat my food while my gaze still lingering on the beautiful brunette in front of me . The guys have already changed topic like six times I lost count already from football to girls to hockey  I was not concentrating

My whole concentraton was on the green eyed beauty in my view

I'm new here please read my book and rate Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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