
Be my scar

When Bella lost her parents to the hands of death at a tender young age, she's struck hard into the reality of having to live on her own, with a step mother and a half sister who seemed to be down on earth just to add more miseries to her life. Everything seemed to change when she met the gorgeous, famous man who'd belittled her on their first encounter at the restaurant she worked at. Jason Garrix is the type of man who would make you stop to look again when you cross him on the streets. He's powerful and intimidating but knows what he wants when he sees it. Jason gets Bella weak in her knees, leaving a lustful want in her spine after every encounter. But Bella feels her life is finally getting together when she gets signed as the most paid model by a woman who has had a long history with Jason in the past. Bella leaves the shadows of her step family into the shadows cast by Jason's love and aleen.

Daoistb1pdZk · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter two

I'm quick to notice the tall lean man dressed in a neat tailored blue suits as I approached the table. There's a man seated next to him, drinking water which had been served to them before my arrival.

I hurry over with the order book and as I approached, the first's head lifts up just on the right angle to see me.

I ignore the fact that his gaze was as intimidating as a track race and plastered on my best smile before coming to a stop at his table.

"Good day, gentlemen, "I throw my best smile, ignoring the fact that the first's gaze and the amused smile dancing on his lips was getting really hard to bear "Are you ready to order?"

"In fact yes," the guy in suit replied with a long smile, I was tempted to ask him what was so amusing. "What do you have on the menu please?"

"Well, we have assorted dishes. Italian, French, African... Take a pick, sir" I reply, pointing at the menu on his table.

He leans into the table, resting his arms on it, with his constant smile and replied "Italian "

"Okay..... We have.... "

"Pick for me, will ya'?"

I abruptly close my mouth from saying any more after he cut me off, a smirk on his lips as he settled into his chair. I return a smile with a slight nod and turn to his friend who I'd caught looking at me.

"What would you like sir?"

"A plate of salad please" he replied briefly to my appreciation and I nod before quickly turning back and walking away.

If I'm not mistaking, I'd thought I heard a faint chuckle from behind me and as I disappeared into the kitchen, I felt my smile disappear and and face dropped, a frown probably forming above my brows.

I pull out a dish and set a plate for them, making sure to get the blue suits guy's order right. After pouring a drink, I set out to their table once again,this time with Evan carrying the suit guy's trey, a fake smile forming on my lips as I approached their table and the suit guy looked at me from the menu on his hand.

He drops a leg from over the other and shifts on his chair, a smile flirting on his lips.

"Enjoy" I nod slightly, trey in hand and made an attempt to turn.

"I didn't catch your name" the Suit guy speaks and I turn back to him.

I watch the smile on his face and in all honesty, it wasn't so new to me. Faces like this came in here every day, with the same smile, flirting with the waitresses. And this smile wasn't any different. Just that it felt really intimidating and making me wanna turn this whole thing around.

"Ah... I'm sorry?"

"Your name, "he repeats, pointing to somewhere in my chest "You don't have your tag on"

I quickly look down on my chest, remembering that I really hadn't worn my tag today. Nemesis wouldn't mind speaking out loud about it if he knew about this right here and now.

"You see I wouldn't have to NEED to ask for your name if you're serving me" he made extra emphasis on the 'need', telling me how much trouble I'd caused him.

I bow apologetically and replied " I'm sorry"

I look back at him only to catch his eyes sweeping my chest. Huh. I felt the urge to roll my eyes. None of these looks felt new to me but there was just something about his that made me wanna deprive him of it.

"Why don't you have your tag on? "He inquiries further, his friend eating quietly on the background and throwing the both of us a look every now and then.

I manage to chuckle and replied "I.... It's in the back. I just.... Forgot to put it on"

"I can't help wonder what it is that you must've been thinking so much to forget something as important as your name tag" he shrugs, interlocking his fingers.

I sigh quietly. His eyes glinted. And it was evidence that he was enjoying this. Why won't he? He is making this happen. He was the customer and I was the waitress.

The way he stared at me just kept igniting this anger in me. I'm goanna have to leave soon.

Who is he anyway? Who is he to ask about what I think about during my own time? Tell me about rude customers again.

"Do you intend to give me a reply, love?"

I shut my eye for a nano second And peel them open again, trying hard to suppress my irritation.

"Excuse me if there's nothing else I could do for you but I'm needed back in.... "

"Of course there's a lot you could do for me, love, "his smile grew wide, his amusement so obvious, it annoyed me even more." Like telling me what your name is, sweetheart. You'd be surprised what huge favor that'd be doing for me"

I place a hand on my hip, suddenly understanding this whole scenario. He's just trying to flirt with me. Pathetic.

I smile now and bit my lip before replying

"What do you need my name for? Didn't you just call me sweetheart?"

"I also called you 'love' if that be the case, dear. And oh my, I just called you 'dear ', "he leans back " aren't you a piece of art, love"

The way his lips cornered into a satisfied smile almost makes me smile. His smile was contagious.

His eyes run up my face like he could find some answers to his questions there, then they travel down to my chest like they'd done earlier.

"Are you perhaps hoping to find my name on my chest? I remember you bringing it to my notice that there's no tag with my name on it there"

His laughter gave away the fact that I'd caught him off guard. Either he didn't appreciate that or he just had a knack for laughter in embarrassing moments.

I could see the way a dimple appeared on his side cheek as he laughed in that second, his long chiseled nose blended above a deep beauty mark on his upper lip line.

"Do forgive my eyes, love. I was just lost staring at your cleavage "

My eyes must've looked like saucers as I goggled at him, his words resounding in my ears. How blunt and damn right shameless could he be, saying such a thing out loud?

"They are hard to ignore after all" he adds with a satisfied grin. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment but I quickly hold his gaze and tried not to look affected by his words.

I had no idea what to say to him but the moment I said what came to mind, I knew I'd crossed a line.

"You have no manners do you? Rich boy with suits yet no manners."

"Well come on now, love, if you hadn't wanted any attention from the lustful eyes sitting around here, you wouldn't have left your cleavage on display "

The universe must be enjoying this right now. I felt angry. I glared hard at him, only wanting nothing more but to smack that awful grin out of his face and probably take a tooth with it.

"I'm sorry about my friend, " his friend intervenes " he is always like this; seeming intoxicated without even drinking"

His apologetic words must've calmed me a bit cause I actually lowered my blazing hot gaze from Suit man's.

"Pardon me friend but I'm just trying to woo our fine lady here" he speaks again, every word irritating me even more.

Is he really just gonna pretend he didn't just insult me a second ago? Seriously, this perv....

"Well excuse you Mr rich man, "I reply him " but you don't woo a lady by saying such absurd and perverted things"

"Does that mean I'm allowed to woo you?, " I could swear I saw his smile rekindle like a phoenix rising from its ash " say, give it a try?"

"I never said that"

"Well can i?"

This man right here has got some nerves.

I can't believe I talked this far with him, I wanted to slap myself so bad.

"You know what you should do? Leave this place after eating your meal"

That said, I walk away before I could hear something other than his chuckle.

Passing the counter just before the back door, I catch the sly smile Evelyn was throwing at me with her well plucked brows dancing at me. I knew that look but hey, whatever.

I ignore her and get back into the kitchen, passing the other waitresses hurrying out with orders. My stomach made a thunderous rumble, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything this morning and that it was probably past 11a.m. I'm starving.

"Hey Sam" I acknowledge the tall and slim red head guy in apron who was busy at the gas cooking some delicacies on his pan.

"Oh hey, Bella. Heard you came late again. Any reasons this time?" He chuckles.

I turn from the pan of meat I was picking some meat from and into the plate on my other hand with a raised brow and asked him " wait, what do you mean "again?". When did I ever come late?"

He laughs in such a way that made me consider the fact that I should've just let this go.

"One time last month because you had the flu and four months after you started work because your sister wouldn't let you leave the house without getting her nails polished first" he laughs in between.

Sure I can completely remember in vivid detail of that day Like it happened yesterday when Jade nearly made me lose my job because of her stupid nails. I actually regretted telling her that a green polish of that ungodly shade was not okay for her fingers. An advice that had turned into a fight.

"Well, I have a reason for coming late today" I give him a cornered lip smile.

"Sure you do" he smiles back before continuing his cooking.

"Bella!" I nearly lost balance and dropped my food in fear of my name being yelled with such urgency except for the fact that I recognized the voice and the owner never had any emergencies but empty exaggerations.

I look to my side to see Evelyn running and stopping right beside me. I go back to putting the last dish on my plate. I turn back to her, only to find a big questioning smile on her face.

"Soooooooooo....., " she starts, excitement lacing her voice " tell me!"

Biting the cake in my free hand, I ask her " tell you what?" An eyebrow rose.

"About him, " she talked with clenched teeth as if what she was about to say was top secret " about that guy.... " She twicks her brows towards the door and I look to see who she's referring to but all I could see close to the exit door was Evan walking in with empty dishes.

I look back at her and replied " What about him?"

"Come on, Bella, What did you two talk about? I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole time!"


Her smile disappears and she turns to see Evan approaching us then turns back again with a frown " no! I'm talking about that hot rich man you we're serving"


She grabs my arm, almost knocking off my plate and said "tell me everything! Did he give you his number? Did he ask you to meet?! " she gasps dramatically "wait, he did, didn't he?!!"

"No, Eve, he insulted me, "I untangle my arm from her's " and can you not knock off my food? I haven't eaten anything all morning "

I walk past her towards the storage room and she followed, shutting the door just behind me.

With my back propped against the floor, I slide down till my butt hit the floor and I settled to eat my food.

"What do you mean he insulted you? " Evelyn presses further "he can't do that. He wouldn't do that"

"Oh, sounds like you know him well Evelyn "

"Yes. I mean, I've heard of him"

"That explains how much you know him"

"Wait, I don't know-know him. I'm seeing him for the first time. He's... What's his name again? "She tries to think.

"I don't care okay? That guy is an ass"

"How can you say that! Wait, you asked for his number and he didn't give it right?"

"Why would I wanna do that?"

"Cause he's hot! Oh my God. I'd do that. Shame he asked you to serve him. So what did he say to you?"

"He asked for my name cause I wasn't wearing a tag"

"He did?!" she exclaims so loud, I imagined myself standing up that second and slapping her out of it.

"But I didn't tell him. Then he went on saying some perverted nonsense "

"He flirted with you?"

"Evelyn?! When has "pervert " and "flirt" ever mean the same thing?"

"Well.... It depends."

I open my mouth but no word seemed to come out. Evelyn never stops talking in an argument. She could go on and on for all she cared.

I start eating my food.

"I cannot believe I'd forgotten his name so easily. Is it Jared?, " she says to her self, a finger under her chin in a thinking gesture "No no, I think his name has a "j" but it doesn't start it, "I watch her blabber absentmindedly " was it Gerald? Jackson? Wait, wait, I think I'm getting a hang of it. His name is a 'j' something. Jasper? Jamal? Jamal Murray? No, that's just wrong. Jaden Smith?"

"That's karate k.... "

"Yes I know, he's the karate kid! I think his name is jack... Jordan? No, that's my brother's name. James? Nah, he doesn't look like a James....Jason .... Jason Garrix? Yes! His name is Jason Garrix!"

She looked at me like the revelation was supposed to stir a reaction in me or like I was supposed to say something.

"So?" I shrug.

"You don't know him?"

"Um..... Is he on a TV show I forgot to watch as a kid? Because if that's the case, I never had the best childhood which means I probably never watched the damn show with the stupid guy at that table in! "

I hadn't intended to say much. I hadn't meant to say that either. I mostly hadn't intended to sound that upset but I was.

"Can we just stop talking about this already?" I added, rising up "I've got work to do"

Evelyn nods without a word.

By the time I went back out, table 12 was empty. He was gone less to my satisfaction and more to my surprise. His plate was still full and below his trey was some cash. The food's bill was placed at the center of the table while this other cash was stashed separately beneath his trey. It was my tip. I pick it up reluctantly and counted.

Surprised, I try to look out the glass walls maybe and hopefully to see him walking to his car or something.


I've never been tipped so big before.