
Chapter Twenty Three


Sitting on my bed with my legs folded, my mind was filled with countless thoughts. The events of earlier today still surprised me, leaving me unsure of how to feel.

Meeting important people and engaging in meaningful conversations was remarkable on its own. However, the highlight of the day was encountering David Ketch, one of the world's biggest artists.

To my disbelief, he complimented me and expressed his interest in being invited to my next exhibition. It was difficult for me to process the fact that someone of David's caliber would attend my exhibition. The whole experience felt surreal.

Besides David, I had the opportunity to connect with other influential individuals. Daniel made a point of introducing me to people who showed genuine interest in my work.

I also had a chance to chat with Daniel himself. Despite his irritating arrogance and overconfidence, I couldn't help but appreciate his efforts on my behalf.

He offered to invest in my work, sponsor my next exhibition, and expand my career beyond Los Angeles. He mentioned the possibility of organizing several exhibitions across the country in the coming months.

Daniel advised me to mentally prepare myself as the upcoming months would be busy. He emphasized the importance of doing well to meet the expectations of those he had recommended me to, ensuring his reputation remained intact.

The evening became even better when Andrew Reynolds, the person who had assaulted me, was arrested right in front of me.

Seeing him enter the venue with his usual smug grin initially made me doubt Daniel's intentions in inviting him. I suspected Daniel had invited me to the party as a means of mocking me. However, to my surprise, the police suddenly appeared and apprehended Andrew.

Although Daniel pretended to be oblivious, I knew he orchestrated the arrest.

Initially, I struggled to comprehend Daniel going to such lengths for me, especially considering our rocky start. As Daniel and I conversed further, he admitted his interest in me, or rather, his curiosity about what intrigued him about me.

I couldn't fully grasp what he meant or what he found so captivating, but I couldn't complain since his interest led him to assist me. However, I worried that his help might come with undesirable conditions down the line.

"I didn't want to mention it earlier, but since you returned from the party, you've been muttering incoherently to yourself. It's something you do when you have a lot on your mind," Nelly said, interrupting my thoughts.

"I've reminded you countless times to knock before entering my room. If you continue barging in without warning, I'll have to start locking the door to protect my personal space," I replied to her, slightly irritated. She scoffed in response.

Nelly had a persistent habit of barging into my room without even bothering to knock first. I had repeatedly asked her to stop, especially since she had caught me in uncomfortable situations before.

However, Nelly seemed oblivious to my requests, and I was growing increasingly frustrated with having to repeat myself.

"Forgive me for trying to check in on my friend and ask about her night. I did knock a few times, but you didn't respond. So, I had to enter to make sure you hadn't fallen asleep with the lights on. Your new habit is concerning me. It's as if you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, constantly lost in your thoughts," Nelly responded, defending herself.

I furrowed my brows slightly, certain that I hadn't heard her knock, and I wasn't overly consumed by my thoughts—I was simply reflecting on the events of the day.

"Anyway, I didn't come here to argue. I just want to hear what happened at the party. Give me all the details, and don't you dare leave anything out. If I find out you skipped something, I won't forgive you," Nelly childishly threatened, prompting me to roll my eyes at her.

"I honestly don't know where to begin because so much happened tonight. But you can ask me questions, and maybe that will help me figure out how to explain everything," I replied, and she sat silently, contemplating her inquiries.

"Let's start with the basics. Who did you meet, and how were your interactions with them?" she asked. A grin of excitement spread across my face as I remembered meeting David Ketch.

"I met many nice people with whom I had pleasant conversations. Most of them were fashion-oriented, and I managed to make a good impression. But the highlight of my night was meeting David Ketch," I responded, anticipating her reaction.

As expected, her eyes widened significantly upon hearing David's name.

"Wait, hold on a second. Are you saying you met David Ketch, or am I misunderstanding?" she questioned, seeking confirmation.

When I nodded affirmatively, she let out a loud scream, prompting me to cover my ears to protect them from her exuberance.

"Are you kidding me, Bella? Did you really meet David Ketch? David Ketch? One of the greatest artists of all time? You actually met him? Oh my god, I'm so jealous!" she exclaimed with excitement. I understood her enthusiasm because I could barely contain my own at that moment.

"So, how was he? Was he nice? Will he help you? What did you two talk about? Did he share any tips on becoming as great as him?" she fired off a barrage of questions, causing me to mentally roll my eyes.

"I promise I'll tell you everything, but I can only do that if you let me explain without bombarding me with multiple questions at once," I told her.

"Sorry, sorry," she quickly apologized.

"So initially, David was a bit harsh with me, but that was to be expected. Everyone knows he has a temper, and he's not the most accommodating person in the world. Knowing that I wasn't offended when he seemed dismissive and didn't give me much attention. However, I expressed my thoughts to him in my usual straightforward manner, and surprisingly, he seemed to appreciate what I had to say. He even got excited," I explained.

"To be honest, I was nervous at first, thinking I had messed things up. But to my surprise, he said he would keep an eye out for me to impress him. Then, when we bumped into each other again, he asked me to invite you to my next exhibition and assured me that he would be there because he wants to be impressed by me," I continued, but before I could finish, Nelly started squealing with excitement.

"Oh my goodness! This is incredible! I'm so happy for you, Bella. Having David at your exhibition will take your career to a whole new level. If he's impressed, everyone will want to see the artist who impressed David Ketch so much," she exclaimed, and I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any other questions?" I asked.

"After hearing this, I honestly don't need to know anything else. This alone has made my night, and the fact that you had a conversation with David alone means the night was a success for you. And if it's a success for you, it benefits me too. I'm already thrilled. However, I am curious about why Daniel chose to invite you instead of someone else," she blurted out, and I let out a sigh.

I contemplated whether to explain Daniel's comment about finding me interesting and wanting to understand why. However, I knew Nelly well enough to anticipate her exaggerated interpretations and assumptions.

I wasn't ready to endure her torment about how Daniel might like me and use that as an explanation for his actions.

"He said he invited me because he believed there would be influential people at the event who could help my career. Given his connection to Mary and her recommendation, he wanted to give me this opportunity. That was his only reason for inviting me," I lied, aware that she wasn't entirely convinced. Fortunately, she didn't press further, which I was grateful for since I wasn't the best liar.

"So, did anything else interesting happen?" she asked.

"Well, Andrew was there, but he ended up getting arrested at the event, which was quite satisfying," I responded, causing her jaw to drop.

"Tell me the truth, did Daniel have something to do with it?" she inquired.

"Well, he denied any involvement when I asked him directly. However, based on the expressions on his face and his secretary's, I suspect he may have invited Andrew, knowing he would be arrested," I replied. Nelly suddenly clapped her hands together, taking me by surprise.

"I hate to say it, but I think Daniel might have feelings for you. Don't deny it or pretend you haven't considered it," she confidently declared, and I let out a frustrated sigh.

This was precisely why I hadn't shared Daniel's comments with her. I knew she would only exaggerate and torment me with it.