
Chapter Twenty Eight


I had landed in the Philippines just thirty minutes ago, and a driver sent by a friend was here to pick up Ariana and me from the airport. The Conrad Hotel greeted us, and its sight immediately evoked a longing for a vacation and some much-needed rest.

"Is he already here?" I inquired, referring to a friend who was supposed to meet me at the hotel.

"His assistant informed me that he'll be arriving shortly, so you should expect to see him any minute now. While you wait for him in the reception area, I'll go ahead and drop off our belongings in our rooms. I'll join you guys later," Ariana responded, and I nodded, indicating my agreement. I watched as she departed with the young man who had our bags in tow.

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Angelo Ortega echoed behind me, breaking the silence. "Well, if it isn't the one and only Daniel Russo!" he exclaimed, and I swiftly turned around to greet him.