
Chapter 19


A Week Later...

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as I stepped out of the car. Standing in front of Hotel Elite, one of LA's most prestigious establishments owned by Daniel Russo, I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and uncertainty. Daniel had unexpectedly invited me to be his date for an event taking place at his hotel.

Initially, I questioned the appropriateness of accepting his invitation. However, he intrigued me by mentioning that something significant would occur, and he wanted me there as a witness.

Considering the potential benefits for my career, I decided to take this opportunity. With nothing to lose, I resolved to accompany him and see how the evening unfolded.

"Good evening, Miss," a voice greeted me from behind, and I turned to find a guide who appeared to have been sent to wait for me.

"Mr. Russo asked me to escort you to a room first. He'll join you shortly before both of you proceed to the party," he explained. I nodded and followed him closely, curious about where he was leading me.

Nervousness welled up within me. I had never been a date for someone I barely knew, and the uncertainty of the event added to my unease. I hoped to hide my nervousness, projecting confidence amidst the crowd.

Making the most of this opportunity, I aimed to network and promote myself by engaging with the right people through Daniel's connections.

Earlier, I sought advice from Mary, who simply advised me to be authentic, composed, and engage in conversation, even if I encountered unpleasant individuals.

I fully intended to follow her guidance, knowing that expanding my reach beyond LA was crucial. I yearned to prove my family wrong and show them that I could thrive as an artist, despite their disapproval.

When my mother discovered my decision to pursue my passion as an artist, she immediately discouraged me, insisting that I join the family business and become a lawyer like my father. Refusing to conform to her wishes, she condemned my choice, claiming that being an artist would lead me nowhere, ultimately forcing me to return to them and follow their prescribed path.

"We have arrived, Miss," the guide announced, and I quickly thanked him before entering the room Daniel had prepared for me.

As I stepped inside, I hurriedly made my way to the bed and flopped onto it, careful not to ruin my hair and makeup. Nelly had dedicated hours to assist me in getting ready and selecting the perfect dress. She even went the extra mile and rented a dress on my behalf since I lacked suitable attire for such occasions.

I typically cared little about my appearance on a regular day, but for this evening, I wanted to present my best self, determined not to be looked down on by any arrogant socialites.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by a knock on the door. Assuming it was Daniel, I welcomed him in, only to find a woman standing there, vaguely familiar yet unrecognizable.

"Sorry to interrupt. You must be Bella Cruz, am I correct?" she inquired.

"Yes, that's me. And you are?" I responded.

"Ariana Morgan, Daniel's secretary. I came to check if everything is alright and inform you that Daniel had an urgent matter to attend to. Therefore, I'll be escorting you to the party myself, and Daniel will join you there. I hope this arrangement is acceptable," she explained.

Although it made me slightly uncomfortable, I managed to muster a small smile.

"Yes, Miss Morgan, that's not a problem. Is it time to enter the party already?" I asked.

"No, not yet. Guests are still arriving, and Daniel prefers for you to join once more people are present. I'll return in approximately twenty minutes to escort you. In the meantime, please rest and prepare. I'll see you soon," she replied with a brief bow before exiting the room, leaving me to my own devices.

To pass the time, I kept myself occupied with various tasks. I also decided to browse through tabloids to confirm if the event was indeed public, and unsurprisingly, it was a highly anticipated affair.

The most influential and renowned figures in the industry had been invited. Excitement coursed through me as I realized the magnitude of this opportunity. I couldn't afford to squander it.

A text from Nelly interrupted my thoughts, inquiring about how things were going. I promptly responded, informing her that I hadn't entered the hall yet but promised to keep her updated. If I didn't, I knew she would relentlessly text me throughout the evening.

Once again, a knock echoed through the room, and glancing at the time, I realized it had been twenty minutes. It was likely Ariana at the door, indicating it was time to face what would undoubtedly be the most significant and captivating evening of my life.

As I welcomed Ariana in, I stood up and followed beside her. Walking side by side, I finally had the chance to observe her closely. She exuded elegance, towering over me with her tall and commanding presence.

Considering I was already of considerable height, labeling her as tall meant she surpassed my expectations. Her beauty was undeniable.

Initially, Ariana and I exchanged a few words, sensing that neither of us was adept at conversing with strangers. However, my nervousness prompted me to seek solace in conversation.

"Forgive me for intruding, but I must admit I'm feeling rather nervous. This is my first time attending such a momentous event, and I thought talking for a brief moment might calm my nerves," I confessed honestly, hoping for some understanding. She chuckled softly in response.

It wasn't that I had never attended similar events before, but usually I was there as someone's plus one. And when I wasn't, I was merely known as Kate and Martin Cruz's daughter.

"I understand your nervousness. When I first started attending events like this, I was also quite anxious about meeting important people. You don't want to make any mistakes because it's a significant opportunity for you. I imagine you're overthinking many things right now. But here's my advice: go in there and be the best version of yourself. Approach people with confidence, so they have no reason to doubt you. Present yourself the way you want them to perceive you, and be confident about it," Ariana advised.

"No one wants to work with someone lacking self-assurance, so your top priority should be to appear and sound confident. Wear a smile on your face because you'll mostly be interacting with men, and they appreciate a pretty face and a beautiful smile," Ariana advised, surprising me with her lengthy response. I had expected her to brush off my concerns.

"Thank you, Miss Morgan. I truly appreciate your advice." I genuinely thanked her, and she smiled back at me. We entered the elevator that would take us to the party venue.

On stepping out of the elevator, Ariana turned to me, studying me from head to toe. I felt a twinge of nervousness as she examined my appearance, but I waited for her to explain herself.

"I apologize if my scrutiny made you uncomfortable. I just wanted to ensure you looked impeccable, and yes, you're ready to go. Daniel is likely already inside. Once we enter, I will have to attend to the guests, so you'll need to navigate the room and find Daniel on your own. Can you handle that, or do you need my assistance?" she asked, implying she could help me if necessary.

No matter how nervous I felt, I wasn't a coward. I had no intention of relying on Ariana to find Daniel when I was fully capable of doing so myself.

"You don't need to worry about me, Miss Morgan. I can manage on my own. Thank you for your earlier advice, and I hope you have a pleasant evening," I replied confidently.

"That's good to hear. Enjoy your evening as well, because tonight, you're about to be the center of attention, and I mean that in the best way possible," she responded, leaving me puzzled by her cryptic statement. Before I could inquire further, she walked towards the entrance, depriving me of the chance to clarify her words.

Once inside, Ariana and I went our separate ways, just as she had instructed. I began to navigate the venue, taking my time to observe the familiar faces and identify the notable individuals in the room.

Despite my efforts, I couldn't locate Daniel, and a growing sense of frustration started to creep in. I despised searching for someone, especially in such a crowded space. It irked me that he had invited me here and yet failed to make an appearance.

Lost in my annoyance, I suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around to find none other than Daniel himself standing behind me, the very person I had been searching for.