
Chapter 16


I was taken aback by the unexpected arrival of Mary, accompanied by Bella. Their presence together puzzled me, leaving me wondering what could have prompted Mary to bring Bella along.

Ariana's earlier speculation crossed my mind, suggesting that Mary might be seeking an investment for her artist. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this situation. Mary wasn't the type to sound so desperate and call me late at night solely to solicit investment.

"Good afternoon, Daniel, dear," Mary greeted, prompting me to rise from my seat to embrace her and extend a handshake to Bella.

"Good afternoon, Mary. Welcome. I was expecting you, but I didn't anticipate you bringing someone else," I remarked, gesturing toward the seating area.

"I apologize for showing up unannounced and for bringing Bella along. As I mentioned last night, I have something important to discuss, and I need your help," Mary explained.

I wasn't perturbed by Bella's presence, as I enjoyed her company. However, both of them seemed noticeably glum, which struck me as abnormal. Though I hadn't known Bella for long, she had always been lively and animated during our encounters.

Observing her present state, looking stressed and disinterested, raised concerns within me. I had a strong intuition that whatever Mary was about to disclose would be unpleasant.

"You can go ahead and share what's on your mind because you're genuinely worrying me right now. Your facial expressions are quite distressing. I hope everything is alright, Miss Cruz. You don't seem well and appear rather uneasy," I expressed, addressing Bella directly to convey my sincerity.

"I...I apologize for not greeting you properly, Mr. Russo. I'm just not in the best mood today, and I ask for your understanding regarding my demeanor," Bella replied in a subdued tone.

Hearing her sound so downcast and detached unexpectedly stirred a sense of hurt within me.

"Is something troubling you, Miss Cruz? What's the matter, Mary? What's happening with Bella?" I asked, genuinely concerned about the situation.

Her expression and tone only intensified my concern, and I disliked the distress evident on her face and the somberness in her voice.

"That's precisely why I came to see you today, Daniel. I'm struggling to find the right words to explain, but something terrible happened to Bella. We need your help to file a police report and ensure that the perpetrator doesn't escape justice," Mary explained, leaving me even more bewildered.

She mentioned a perpetrator and something about filing a police report, but the specifics of the situation remained unclear. This only heightened my confusion and worry.

"Please, I need you to be clear and straightforward with me because I'm completely lost here. What's the reason for filing a police report? What happened to Bella?" I inquired, urging Mary to provide more details.

"Do you want me to explain, or would you prefer Bella to explain herself?" Mary asked, directing her attention to Bella, who remained silent and withdrawn.

"I don't know what this is all about, but I believe it would be best if Bella herself explained the situation. It would help me understand better and know precisely how to assist her," I interjected, hoping that Bella would open up to me.

"I would prefer that too, but Bella wasn't enthusiastic about coming here and seeking help. I'm uncertain if she's ready to clarify everything clearly at this moment. Hence, I'm confirming whether she can or if I should speak on her behalf," Mary informed me, leaving me feeling disheartened.

"Listen, Miss Cruz, I may not comprehend the full extent of what you're going through, but I want you to know that I'm genuinely here to listen and support you. However, to help you effectively, I need you to explain the situation. I understand it may be difficult, but I assure you that I will lend you my ear and do everything I can to assist. Please trust me and share your story," I reassured her, hoping to encourage her to open up. After a while, she finally looked up at me, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

The sight of Bella on the verge of tears indicated that she had endured something traumatic, something that had deeply hurt her. The mere thought of her suffering in such a way infuriated me, even though I struggled to put my anger into words.

However, I knew I had to remain composed, as listening to her story was my first priority before considering the next steps to help her.

"I apologize for my current state, Mr. Russo, as I know I have no right to be like this, especially not in your office. I genuinely appreciate your willingness to listen and assist me. However, I'm uncertain if I even want help at the moment. As Mary mentioned, it was challenging for me to agree to come here, and now that I'm here, I feel tongue-tied. I don't know how to explain without feeling embarrassed." Bella finally spoke up, leaving me unsure of how to respond.

Handling situations like this wasn't my forte, and I understood the delicate nature of women's emotions. I had to be cautious with my words, avoiding any missteps that could worsen the situation.

Feeling at a loss for what to say, I discreetly signaled to Mary, hoping she would intervene and provide some guidance while I gathered my thoughts on how to encourage Bella to open up without feeling embarrassed.

"Bella, I understand how you're feeling right now, and I comprehend your discomfort in discussing this with Daniel. However, as I mentioned earlier, he's the only person who can help us. To receive his assistance, I need you to collect yourself and explain what happened. There's no need for embarrassment because it's not your fault. This could have happened to anyone. Please understand that and find the courage to share the details so that we can ensure this person pays for what they did," Mary encouraged her. On hearing her words, I became frozen in shock.

Based on Mary's statement, I could deduce some aspects of the situation, and the gravity of it overwhelmed me. For a few long seconds, I remained motionless, still in shock that it was something like this. Now, all I could think about was uncovering the identity of the perpetrator and the specifics of what had happened.

"Bella, if explaining the situation to me proves too difficult, don't force yourself. It will only make you feel worse. I want you to be in the right state of mind and fully prepared to share the details. If you're not ready to take that step, it's perfectly fine. Although I may not grasp the full extent of what's happening, I believe I have an idea. Instead of struggling to explain, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a name, a location, and the time it happened. I will take it from there," I offered, hoping to alleviate some of her distress.

Bella appeared taken aback by my words, uncertain if I truly meant them. To reassure her, I nodded slightly, indicating my sincerity. She sniffled and released a sigh, seemingly relieved by the alternative approach I proposed.

"Three days ago, it happened at a fancy Chinese restaurant. I don't know the name, but I can text you the address. He had rented the entire place, so we were alone. I went there because he claimed he wanted to invest in my work. I trusted him because he had a considerable reputation, or so I believed," Bella muttered, her head slightly bowed. The mere thought of what she might have experienced ignited a furious fire within me, causing my fists to clench tightly.

"Bella, what's his name? I need to know his name," I demanded, and she lifted her head to meet my gaze.

"Andrew Reynolds. He's the despicable person who nearly assaulted me," she replied, her voice trembling. The moment that familiar name reached my ears, a surge of rage and pure anger engulfed me.