
Be my bodyguard: The President's son

After years of being best friends, Kareena knew to never entertain May's bets but the girl still fell for them anyway. This time, after losing another bet, the price was quite........ complicated to her. Kareena hated anything complicated and this new situation easily took the definition of complicated! That was because in this case, SHE HAD TO LOSE HER VIRGINITY TO A STRANGER!!! IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!! Little did she know that fate had other plans because the man who bedded her turned out to be a client she had to protect! What more, he was the President's son!!! [Warning : This book has a mature theme. Read at your own discretion. Suitable for 18+ audiences ] A/N: ALL CREDIT FOR THE COVER GOES TO THE OWNER (UPLOADED ON PINTEREST and the App called BOOK COVER MAKER PRO for editing. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. With that said, enjoy the book my lovelies Xx

Miabella265 · Thành thị
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58 Chs

Screwing her over

"Then is there a valid reason why I shouldn't be here?" She turned her piercing golden browns to him, her tone condescending.

"Th-That's not-" 

His pupils dilated, his gaze escaped hers to jump to the boxes being moved, the pulse around his clavicle picked up, a hint of perspiration had carpeted his forehead, and he clenched his hands into fists only to wipe the palms against his trousers as natural as possible. She took note of this within seconds, piquing her curiosity. What is he hiding...?

"Is there something wrong with-"

"THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THE GOODS!" He cut in, a lot quicker than he liked only for his expression to change, looking like he had just stepped on poop.

With her gaze on him, she raised her hand. "Stop." The men stopped offloading at her order. 

"What are you doing?" Eric grew agitated by this! Half of the boxes were out, there was only half to go.

"Open that box", she pointed at one that was being carried by the men. 


His words fell on deaf ears as she walked over. His agitation spewed through and attempted to jump on her when two of the men quickly restrained him. Looking at them, they were too muscular and well built to simply occupy this job. One could easily mistaken them for her bodyguards.


"Open one of the first boxes and bring it here", she ordered calmly as her sharp eyes examined the goods in the box before her.

She took a tomato and examined it. To the normal eye, it looked like a healthy tomato. But to her eyes, it was too healthy looking, like the ones they use in commercials. Too perfect. There was something off with its pigment. 

(A/N: Before you say anything, she's not a vampire or some supernatural being. It will make sense later on)

She sniffed it, although her nose was not sharp, she could detect a faint smell from it that didn't come off as organic, almost, chemical, not the good kind. Her brows furrowed at this. 

"There's nothing wrong with that tomato!"

"Quiet", she ordered, trying not to break her concentration.

"Miss Trivedi", one of the men presented the other box to her. Although he followed her orders, he like some, did not see the issue or the difference. They all looked the same. But when she picked up a tomato from that box, her eyes lit up.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong with that tomato! Stop this now or else I'll report you and this will be the end of our business!" 

"Are you sure about that?" She asked, her back still to him, and her voice eerily calm. Before he could respond, she watched him give a tomato to the man next to her. "Feed this to him."

"No! No! No! What are you doing?" He shrieked and struggled to set free, seeing the product being brought to him. 

"If there's nothing wrong with it, then you should be alright", she spun around to face him, the corners of her lips curving up.

"NO! YOU'RE WASTING MONEY! YOU'LL MAKE LOSSES!" His eyes were wide with horror and chest rapidly rising and falling.

"Don't worry, I have enough money to replace this and more. Hold his face and force it down his throat if he doesn't comply."

"Yes, ma'am", he replied and moved his hand to hold Eric into place.

"WAIT! WAIIIIT! I'LL TELL YOU!!!" he started to sob helplessly. "I'll tell you!" 

She sighed, unsure whether the disappointment was due to being almost duped or his quick compliance. With a wave of a hand, she signaled for the man with the tomato to step aside. She crossed her arms against her chest, her face showing impatience. Eric quickly composed himself amidst the sobs and started talking. 

"It was a set up. Y-Y-Your restaurant is doing too well. So th-they supplied me with rotten goods and chemicals to inject them with to revive them. Your customers were supposed to get food poisoning and force you to shut down. And I did this behind my boss's back! He knows nothing! Please believe me! It was all me!!"

"Who?" She asked.

"Please... I can't tell you or they'll come for me", he pleaded. 

Miss Trivedi sighed and nodded her head in Eric's direction. Getting the order, the man with the tomato held Eric's jaw to feed him-

"The Rosario's!! Enrique Rosario ordered me to!" He quickly screamed. 

"Right", she nodded and fished out her phone, dialing a number as she walked away. "Feed him."

"NOOOO! But I just told you everythi- ack!" 

Gurgling and gagging sounds could be heard from behind her. "Quit acting up, it's the good one." She heard him quiet down his sobs but he continued to gag when her call was answered. 

"Boss", Flame's lazy voice resounded in her ear as though she had just woken up.

"Frankie, I got a little task for you." She chuckled, "Someone's trying to screw me over."

"Oooh! Who would dare?" Her voice instantly grew lively. "I have a funny comeback about screwing you that I know May would use."

Kareena grumbled in annoyance, "I don't want to hear it."