

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs

Do you like boys?

Alex and Joey sauntered through the amusement park, their fingers delicately intertwined. The air was filled with a sense of joy and anticipation, and they soon found themselves drawn to a dazzling carousel surrounded by twinkling lights and whimsical music. Their eyes sparkled with childish excitement as they approached the ride, hearts fluttering in anticipation.

Alex and Joey chose two majestic horses side by side. They climbed onboard, their laughter mingling with the melodies as the carousel started to spin. They soared up and down, around and around, the wind whipping through their hair and the stars twinkling in the night sky. It felt like being in a trance, a beautiful, timeless dream. The music seemed to be controlling them, guiding their movements as if the carousel had its own life.

The ride felt like it lasted an eternity as they clung to each other, the warmth of their intertwined hands providing a comforting embrace. As the carousel began to slow, Alex and Joey looked into each other's eyes, their faces glowing with an aura of pure bliss.

"You know," Alex began, his voice filled with warmth, "this has been one of the most incredible days of my life. Being here with you, experiencing the joy and laughter, it's something I'll cherish forever."

Joey's eyes sparkled as he squeezed Alex's hand gently. "I feel the same way, Alex. Being with you makes every moment feel extraordinary. It's like the world comes alive in a different way."

However, a hint of worry flashed across his face, and he slowly released his grip on Alex's hand. His gaze turned distant as if lost in thought. Joey asked Alex, breaking the silence, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Alex's eyes met Joey's, a mix of emotions playing across his face. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice filled with honesty.

"No, Joey," he said, his voice gentle yet resolute. "I don't have a girlfriend.

"Let's go home now," Joey whispered, their voice filled with warmth and a touch of vulnerability.

As they continued their walk, a gentle drizzle turned into a soft downpour, enveloping them in a curtain of raindrops. The air was filled with the scent of wet earth and the sound of rain pattering on the pavement. Alex and Joey glanced at each other, their eyes sparkling with mischief and anticipation.

"Looks like the rain caught us by surprise," Joey said, a mischievous smile playing on their lips.

Alex chuckled, the sound mingling with the rhythmic sound of rain. "I guess we'll have to seek shelter somewhere," they replied, their voice carrying a hint of excitement.

They spotted a nearby gazebo nestled in a small park, offering a refuge from the rain. Without hesitation, they made their way to the shelter, laughter echoing through the quiet night. As they reached the gazebo, they stood beneath its protective roof, watching the rain cascade around them.

The soft glow of streetlights painted their surroundings in a romantic hue, adding to the enchantment of the moment. The raindrops danced on the surface of the gazebo, creating a symphony of nature's music. They stood close to each other, their bodies almost touching, as if sharing an invisible force field of warmth and affection.

Joey turned towards Alex, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of playfulness and tenderness. "You know, they say that rain is nature's way of creating a romantic atmosphere," Joey remarked, their voice carrying a hint of poetic charm.

Alex smiled, their heart fluttering with newfound excitement. "I've heard that too. There's something magical about rain, isn't there?" they replied, their gaze locked with Joey's.

As the raindrops fell around them, their connection deepened, an unspoken language of emotions passing between them. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped in the intimacy of the moment.

As the rain continued to shower its blessings upon them, Alex felt a surge of courage and vulnerability within. They turned towards Joey, their eyes searching for a glimpse of truth amidst the rain-kissed atmosphere.

"In any case," Alex began, their voice barely audible over the sound of raindrops, "do you... do you like boys?" Their heart raced, awaiting Joey's response,

Alex took a step back, a nervous smile playing on his lips. "Oh, sorry, I was just joking, And so, they continued to stand together under the rain-soaked sky, the unspoken question lingering between them. The playful atmosphere that had enveloped them moments ago seemed to fade, replaced by a subtle tension. They both knew that there was more to be said, more to be explored, but the moment slipped away like raindrops on a windowpane. They chose to focus on the beauty of the rain, letting it wash away their unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. The rain became their refuge, providing a gentle sanctuary for their hidden emotions. And as they stood side by side, watching the raindrops dance, they silently hoped that one day the storm of uncertainty would pass, revealing the truth that lay within their hearts.