
Be Mine, Gorgeous

Li Ming Yue knew something the moment she saw An Qiang Shen She wanted him. So freaking bad. *Cover from Pinterest*

klei185 · Thanh xuân
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Li Ming Yue walked confidently to the waiter and grabbed a champagne. She didn't bother to smile or greet any of the guest even though they called after her. She just maintained an impersonal smile and looked straight ahead.

"Look at her thinking she's a big deal," a woman in her mid-twenties, Amelie, glanced at Li Ming Yue.

"She thinks just because she's beautiful she can act like that," Lee Jing Fei, Amelie's friends says.

Li Da Xia looked at the slender figure wearing a dark red gown that emphatisized her curves. Then she looked at the surrounding people whom Li Ming Yu mesmerised with her beauty. She scoffed deep in her heart but showed a soft smile on the outside. "My sister just doesn't like to talk to people she doesn't quite know. She's shy that way," she spoke.

"You're only saying that because she's your sister!" Amelie exclaimed. "It's true what Jing Fei said. She cast a disapproving glance at Li Ming Yue who now chatted with men." It's true that she thinks too highly of her looks! "

Jing Fei almost glared at Ming Yue when she switched her attention on Stephen, a man Jing Fei was attracted with. "You're far more beautiful, Da Xia," she said.

Li Da Xia revealed a bashful smile. "Why don't we focus our attention to the special guest Mr. Tan says he's inviting?"

"Oh?" Amelie raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Mr. Tan has been going on about how amazing his special guest is," Da Xia said.

"I also heard him say that the man he's inviting is simply God tier," Jing Fei laughed not really believing his words.

Amelie laughed. "I don't believe it. Men like that are extremely rare and thus hard to befriend. I'd only believe him if the world renown CEO An comes."

An Qiang Shen, a name that revebrates throughout the business industry. He's said to look so handsome you can be blinded merely by his looks. People who saw him could never forget him. Because of his good-looks he became the most sought after man. An eligible bachelor every parent's would be happy to introduce to their children.

A random old lady: Oh my! The heavens have blessed me! I can now live the rest of my life in satisfaction.

A random highschooler: Fuck, a gorgeous sculpture is walking!

A random preschooler: Are you my daddy?

Aside from good looks, he was blessed by an intelligent mind and a social standing that was akin to that of an Emperor. He was worshipped and feared in the industry as he was admired. He was a cold unfeeling being that never really showed around people and rarely attended gatherings.

So he became an unreachable being that everyone wishes to see even a glimpse of.

As the three impeccably dressed ladies talked about the admirable figure, the ballroom suddenly became silent.

So silent that when you drop a pin, it'd be heard.

The three ladies looked at where everyone else was looking. A man seemed to be walking out of a painting. Broad shoulder, lean torso and long legs covered in high quality maroon suit. He exuded an air of arrogance and indifference as if he didn't care about worldly matters. A handsome face with cool cutting dark brown eyes almost black and an unsmiling thin lips. He had an aristocratic nose, sharp jawline and pale skin as smooth as marble.

The gorgeous looking man walked in tall strides towards the short balding man, Mr. Tan.

Jing Fei's eyes followed the man's every movement until he stopped infront of Mr. Tan.

Mr. Tan had a huge smile on his face as he welcomed the gorgeous man.

"CEO An!"

As soon as he said that gasps filled the ballroom. With eyes widened the guest looked at the scene in front of them disbelievingly.

Ming Yue saw the exact same thing. And with an eyebrow raised and a smirk playing on her lips, she examined the newcomer from head to toe.

I want him.


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