
New Business 5

Jake saw the opposing team advance 37 yards before making the punt, so the attacking team along with Jake would finally have their chance to play, they would start from the 30-yard line, so had to get 7 runs to get to Endzone.

The play suggestion was a race with the RB that was on Jake's left, Jake decided to try this play and called the play with much more confidence than in the first practice after Hut Jake received the ball and handed it to the player RB that was on the left.

The RB ran to the left trying to get out of the opposing defensive line, even though Jake thought both of his team's RBs were too fast, before being knocked down he managed to advance 4 yards which was very good to get the first down.

After the team quickly organized to start another play, again they would try a race, Jake received the ball and went to the left RB again who managed to advance 7 yards this time getting the first down for the team in the game.