
A New Beginning 3

A few days after the game Jake had already gone to school and talked a lot with his friend Joseph and also sometimes went out with his new girlfriend, sometimes Jake only stayed in homes with his mother, could say that he was having a few peaceful days again.

Jake can also train a lot in school, coach Mike decided to pass some new plays that had not passed in the Middle School period for the team, Jake as always picked up all the moves easily, after training a lot with his team Jake was not about to do anymore the signs during the game.

The team trained everything they needed during the week and in the game, it was easier to perform, Jake was also afraid that his opponents could get used to their signals and the plays would turn out to be more wrong than right.

The days went by and the day of the fourth regional championship game arrived, even though it was the semifinal Jake's team players were relaxed, they were just on the court waiting for the opposing team to enter.