
1. Battlemania

Ting, Ting, Ting. Frank, a citizen in Forcania, was having another friendly battle with his father, Garry.

The battle clashed for about an hour when finally, Frank tried to strike a thrust when he should have blocked and left his whole waste exposed. Frank's father then redirected his strike as soon as he saw the opening and cut Frank in half. Now you may be thinking "you just killed your son" but then Frank reforms back together.

In this world, Battlemania, when the two opponents decide to have a friendly battle, no harm will be done. There is also the other kind of battle, death battle, which is basically battle to death, and you will actually die. Another thing though, is that when you die, you will reincarnate as another soul. That is all BattleMania is, or at least that's all Frank knows.

"Of course you win again dad." Frank said.

"That is my 163rd time winning. I am telling you, you most fight from the heart, or else your weapons are useless." His father responded back.

"I know dad you tell me this everyday, but I still don't understand what you mean."

"You will understand soon, son, every true warrior fights from the heart, and if you really desire to be a warrior, you will eventually find out how to fight from the heart, up for another one tomorrow?"

"Sure dad, I would love to."

The next day, Frank woke up bright and early to begin training before his next battle with dad.

The steps he does to train is:

1. Make his bed.

2. Do 100 push-ups.

3. Do 100 sit-ups.

4. Practice sword skills.

5. Break 100 boards and he must break them all under a minute.

6. Eat.

Frank eats last because if he eats first, he will be hungry earlier, and eating more is bad. Ever since Frank's mom, Kaly, disappeared, Frank's family has been on the edges. So Frank must conserve food to conserve money.

"Frank, can you stop by the store and get some extra spicy noodles please?" His father asked.

"Sure dad, on it." Frank responded back.

Frank grabbed the last few coins that were left on the table for him to take and buy with.

Forcania was a town located on Heat Canyon. A place where it was always around 70 to 100 degrees. Heat Canyon people luckily have found a solution to this problem. There is a cooling element that would allow you to stop from burning up. So that is what people did.

Frank then heard someone scream "help!" He turned his head and saw what was happening.

A poor guy was getting robbed for his money. Frank knows how it is to be robbed, and so he dropped his stuff and ran to the rescue.

"Who are you, punk." A thief said in a nasty voice.

"I am Frank, and I am not going to let you robbed this man. I will fight you!" Frank pulled out his sword.

"This will be a deathbattle, you shouldn't have just put yourself in this position kid."

They all teamed up on Frank, but Frank felt like he could take them all on for some reason.

They started fighting, Frank almost got decapitated right at the start, but nothing much.

Frank tried to seperate them so he could take them down one by one. But about 5 minutes later, he was cut up really bad and he was on the ground.

Frank knew that this was a deathbattle, and that he was probably going to die, but then then a theif said "You punk, you think you can beat us, I bet this is how your mom died punk.

Frank was enfuriated, he didn't know how they knew him, but all he knew was that he was really mad.

And then in a blink of an eye, Frank got back up and bodyslamed him, pulled out his sword, and killed him. He then did the same to the rest of the thieves except for one.

"Your done." Frank said exhausting.

The theif ran and picked up the little bit of coins his father gave him for the noodles and disappeared out into the ally.

The man got up, he seemed ok and not harmed. "Thanks for saving me there, kid, sorry about what happened to your money. But I need mine to buy something really badly."

"It is fine sir, you just buy whatever you need to buy."

Frank then went home with no money and no noodles, and knew he must tell dad.

"It is fine son." His father said.

"Yeah I don't know but I felt a powerful presence when I killed them all. Dad, I know what you mean by fight by the heart now."

"I am glad you, now I since you have figured it out, I must tell you something."

"Yes, what do you need to tell me."

"Where your mother is."