

After causing a big incident through the collateral damage made by the Railgun Bullet Gun Art, I was arrested by the household's guards. Not really much of a reward considering my great efforts.

Well... Now that I think about it, the fact that I was able to figure out how to deactivate my Light Attribute Skill Root while I was coming up with hundreds of battle tactics was a greater reward than anything inanimate the Swordwick Household could give me.

After figuring out that I didn't need to store my Skill Root inside like my Dark Attribute one, I found that I could assimilate my Skill Root into the Light Ether around my body. I guess that's why it even had the two words 'Light Ether' in the middle of its name, right?

"So you're Simon Rainglow? Fredrick's kid?" In a dark room where I was retrained, an armoured middle aged man asked hostilely. A frown curved on his face after he saw my calm eyes.

"Yes." I answered obediently since I wasn't one to actively offend others.

"How unlucky you are. To think you'd run into an assassin within the Servant Quarters, a Sleeper type in top of that as well." The middle aged man sat down on the chair in front of the table before me and said 'sympathetically'.

Seriously, how insincere...

A Sleeper was basically a Sleeper Agent you'd see in spy movies on Earth. Not only were they unaware of their true identity, they were also capable killing machines once hypnotically activated.

Thinking back, that little girl must have been a precious chess piece due to her age. It looks like I'm going to be in a lot of danger in future after angering such a dark underworld organisation.

From what I could tell, she had an unusually high Magical Talent...

"So, is there a reason I'm now tied to a chair and being interrogated after doing such meritorious service for our household?" I asked in a bored manner. I wasn't expecting this...

"Your here because I suspect you of being a spy." The man outright declared his suspicions without hiding his intentions. Is he just trying to scare me considering his position?

Those of the Servant Quarters have never been on good terms with those of the Guard Quarters. We were practically cats and dogs in nature.

"Didn't I save my sister? What evidence do you have to support your claim?" I decided to ask my interrogator in amusement. Let's see how this goes~

"Your too calm for a child that killed someone for the first time." The interrogator explained with a sharp glare in his eyes. His words were quite reasonable if I do say so myself...

Oh yeah, there was that as well... I should have tried to act shocked or something after killing that bitch who tried to kill my adorable little sister...!

Now that I think about it... It looks like I went overboard by using that prototype Gun Art I created in a moment of adrenaline to kill that sneaky assassin. After all, her head exploded like a watermelon after my gun's bullet pierced through and ended up almost hitting our neighbours...

Though it's not like I went all out to kill her anyway... The most I used was the special quality of my Light Attribute Skill Root and its Variant Skill. I didn't even have a chance to use the Main Skill of my Skill Root nor was she strong enough to force me to use my second Skill Root and IT'S Skills.

That's not even mentioning how I the Elemental Marbles I was planning on using to ambush her in a crucial moment weren't even able to show their power. The only thing that assassin had going for her was her high Magical Talent and extreme training that allowed her to conjure multiple doppelgängers without needing to show her true self as we fought...

Her mysterious Arts had caught me off guard but that was all there was to it. I hadn't needed to use anything more than a small part of my true power.

Hmmm... Back to the topic at hand...

I too would find a child that could kill another so indifferently suspicious as well if I was to think of it in this guy's perspective. Even if I didn't think of my our group's rivalry, seeing me unleash such a strong attack out of nowhere contrasted to image they have of me.

I looked thoughtful for a moment as I tried find a response to his reasonable and accurate claim. I definitely have to word it right since I don't want to give off the appearance of not caring at all.

"And that's not all, the investigation done by those of the Guard Quarters have found that there was traces of magic being used to conceal some evidence, especially what Enchanted Weapon was used to break through the reinforced walls of the Swordwick Household's corridor." He said while sizing me up. The only thing I allowed them to see was my Atomic Light Ether Halo and the fact that I could control Light Mana to a certain extent while my Skill Root was active. The Skill Root I created may be formed out of Light Ether but didn't mean it couldn't emit Mana. My Skill Root special qualities were strange even among other Skill Roots, yet it wasn't that suspicious...

"I used a the Main Skill formed by my Skill Root." I responded with a lie in order to shift the subject away from how cold-hearted my personality is.

I felt no joy nor any other special emotion from killing that assassin. All I felt was the same kind of indifference I had towards anyone not blood-related.

I had no intention of revealing any of the artillery I made since it feels like I wouldn't be able to protect their blueprints if the Swordwick Duke wanted to monopolise them.

Someone as strong as him who had both a strong Magical Talent and skills granted by his Skill Root isn't someone I can take on with my meagre strength.

I don't even know the full extent of my actual Main Skills right now. I may be able to fight him head-on if I was to rely on my intuition but there is a limit to how many things I could deduce through theoretical knowledge... I will first test out my Main Skills before fighting him, as for my parents... I will deal with them later... The Swordwick Household failed my expectations.

I didn't know a mere Sleeper would be able to get inside the household...

Once I'm finished dealing with these assholes and testing the full extent of my Main Skills. I'm going to take Merilin out of this idiotic household.

There's no need for her to concern herself over political schemes. I will protect her if anything was to go out of hand... Especially concerning those scheming 'Nobles' that'll come along.

"Don't lie to me! Only a monstrous genius like the Young Miss could form a Skill Root at a young age. You-" Just as he was going to rant about how absurd such a claim was despite seeing me in action already. I interrupted his rant by showing my Variant Skills.

[Skill Root- Atomic Light Ether Halo]

[Variant Skill- Clockwork Radiance]

[Variant Extension- Molecular Sword]

A glowing white halo of Light Ether appeared behind my back, changed into the form of a sphere of Light Mana, then shot out a radiant sword that hovered above my right hand before cutting all of my restraints.

"You... you... how?" The interrogator was flabbergastingly trying to comprehend what just happened before him but to no avail. His mouth twitching as he saw the sword float dangerously above his forehead. It's probably his first time seeing a Skill Root other than the Swordwick Duke's.

"A question: Will I or will I not kill you if you keep wasting my time?" I asked coldly. I was no longer as 'restrained' with my actions as I had been before due to the confidence I gained from becoming a 'pseudo'-Time Specialist.

As someone who has formed a Skill Root, my innate Magical Talent no longer bound me: Meaning that I no longer had to fear the world outside this household. I can leave any time I wanted to now that I'm no longer weak.

"Leave as you wish." The middle-aged man recovered somewhat but his eyes were still wavering as he lowered his head. Hmm, is it that abnormal that an F Rank Magical Talent like me was able to create my very own Skill Root? I knew it... the Duke was just trying to mess with me. I'll have to make note of this so that I can get back at him later.

I know it's petty to hold grudges against younglings like these lot, but who said I was good person in the first place? I don't remember being so good-natured to the point of forgiving fools!

"If you guys move, I'll have have to slaughter you the same way I did with the assassin. Understood?" I eyes the other guards that had me surrounded from all sides and bluffed shamelessly.

Even though I was stronger than I was a day ago, I'm not someone who can defy logic. My mastery over my Skill Root would be inefficient to take them down. I would definitely be able to beat them if showed my true skills, but there wouldn't have been a point in hiding my true capabilities if I did that..

The Clockwork Radiance Variant Skill may be able to control time to a certain extent, but its output was directly connected to my mastery over it. The same could be said for the Elemental Marbles underground since I didn't believe Light Specialists like them wouldn't be able to resist damage.

However, this bluff of mine wasn't made without thought. The guards around me stiffened as they heard my words. Not surprising considering the fact that I was able to damage a wall made from High Grade Magic Resistant bricks. Other might think that the abnormal Swordwick Household only has strong servants and guards, but only those that lived here would know that there are a lot more defences here that are inanimate.

I allowed the Clockwork Radiance sphere to hover above one of hands as I glared at the guards surrounding me with a bloodthirsty killing intent... I would seriously kill the guys if they got in my way. There is no mercy in my heart for anyone who blocks my path.

They didn't know my Revolver broke the Magic Resistant bricks due to the physical impact of the bullet so it was natural they had a misunderstanding towards how strong my Skill Root was.

The Molecular Sword returned to me as the interrogator stood from his chair.

"Don't get in his way." The scarred interrogator ordered. The guards that were surrounding me immediately put away their weapons and obediently gave back my belongings: The little box I had kept in my pocket called Warlock Armoury and the new Enchanted Glove which I'd decided to call Mjölnir Hand.

I didn't bother giving them a second glance as I made my way to Merilin's room once more. I made sure to avoid people while walking there and snuck my way around to her room's door.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the Interrogation Room?" I heard a familiar voice behind me just as I was about to open the room's door.

"I was let out early after clearing their misunderstanding." I lied through my teeth towards the beautiful woman behind me. I made sure to keep up a poker face as I looked at Anna's eyes.

"Looks like your mental fortitude is as strong as your father praised. It seems Martha was worrying too much." She shook her head and smiled contently.

"I have something I want to talk to Merilin about. Can you give me some time with her?" I asked politely, which seemed a little unnatural considering my usual personality. Anna seemingly sensed that something had happened and gave me some personal space...

"Make sure to meet us after your done alright?" Her voice lingered after vanishing. A sigh left my lips as I nodded towards the empty corridor.

"Merilin, I have something to-" Just as I walked in, my words were cut short by a bolt of lightning, Merilin's eyes were red as she pointed a wand at me.

"Go away! Monster!"