
Battle Royale Streamer in an Apocalyptic World

Okay, before you drop a review before reading this novel, let me just tell you this novel won't be about reading others playing games via a novel nor is it a fan-fic, but rather it's about someone who was known for being a god in PUBG carrying his playstyle and survival instincts into the real world when the apocalypse took place. This book is inspired by Code Geass, Gundam Seed, Gundam 00, and PUBG. Okay, now for the real synopsis, after battle royale games went mainstream and PUBG & Fortnite took it to staggering heights in popularity, streamers of this game were also brought in to share the spotlight. Amongst all PUBG streamers, the group Big D Brings Spring stood at the top, with the squad consisting of Phantom Pen15, Ricedoctor, Dildo Swaggins, and Givemethatchicken. So yeah, these guys were streaming PUBG, making good money, and suddenly sh*t hits the fan and the apocalypse happened. Is Big D gonna bring spring this time? Or is it gonna go limp and flap in the wind? Already familiar with survival, scavenging and battle royale style gameplay, can these ding dongs use what they learned in video games to survive in this new world, not be retarded, farm up, and rise up against the forces behind the apocalypse? Author Note: Yeah it’s a fiction, first time writing, but have been translating for 2 years now on both good and trash novels (one of the best and one of the worst on Webnovel), which taught me what to do and what not to do. Now the first question is, based on the username in the squad Big D Brings Spring, which ethnicity is each from? First 10 people that guesses right gets free boner- I mean bonus chapters and early access for a month. Post your answers in the form of 5-star reviews, and the winner will be announced when the novel reaches 2M views. Cover designed by DylanWE from DeviantArt.

FrostyNight · Chiến tranh
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58 Chs

First Night in This Sh*t Storm

Everyone was speechless at Christian's question.

"I mean, I did spend a lot of money on insurance, didn't you guys too? Like, we are basically pro gamers, so obviously we needed our hands insured. And then on top of that, I also just got this new life insurance that pays out dividend after I hit 60, so like, you know, some good retirement money..."

"Dude, I hate to break it to you, but... yeah... no," Elon slowly said.

After comforting the depressed Christian, they sent him and Alex on their way to guard the glass garage door in the living room while Jay and Elon quietly started carrying things upstairs.

The first item on the list was the food. Knowing that food would become one of the most scarce resources, they carried whatever they could upstairs.

It was unfortunate that they couldn't carry the fridge upstairs. But then again, there was no power anyways, so they might as well leave it downstairs and tightly close the fridge so the food in there could stay cold for a bit longer.

After bringing up all the bread, instant noodle, snacks, and drinks, they started transporting all the valuables, knowing that these items might come in handy in the future to maybe trade for supplies they would need.

Lastly, they brought up the wooden dining chairs because... well it would probably come in handy later on, and they felt they should bring up more things but didn't know what else to bring.

After these two got tired, they swapped place with Christian and Alex so they could take care of the basement. Their house was located on kind of a slope, thus the basement is walk-out style and connected to the lawn outside. The doors to the outside of the basement were also made of glass, and it was quite scary when it was pitch black outside as well as inside.

When Alex turned on the flashlight which immediately reflected their image off the glass door, Christian almost screamed if Alex didn't react fast enough and cover his mouth with his hand.

"Hey guys, I don't think there's anything to bring from the basement." Christian came back, a bit covered in cold sweat.

"Oh come on, there's gotta be something you can bring..." Elon replied.

The group moved upstairs, and it was 8 PM. After being so tensed up for almost four hours since the zombie outbreak, the group was quite exhausted.

"I'm a bit thirsty..." Alex whispered.

"Oh crap, water! Let's fill up whatever container we have with tap water! I don't know when the underground reservoirs and tanks will get contaminated!" Elon exclaimed right away, and the group immediately got to work.

In Miami and most parts of Florida, approximately 90% of tap water comes from groundwater sources, which is then pumped into one of three regional water treatment plants. The water gets softened, disinfected and filtered first before being stored in underground reservoirs and tanks.

The apocalypse happened approximately 4 hours ago, so the underground reservoirs shouldn't be contaminated by that much yet. Of course, they would try to find bottled water in the future for drinking, but if they wanted to store some fresh water just in case, this might be the only time they could get tap water that's close to being drinkable.

Jay immediately began filling the bathtubs and sinks on the second floor with water after rinsing them a bit; Alex emptied all the soda cans and bottles and filled them up with water; Christian went downstairs and filled up all the kettles, cups and bowls they had with tap water and carried them upstairs with Elon escorting him.

"Well, tonight has been interesting," exhausted, Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah, anything else you guys think we should do?" After running up and down the stairs more than a dozen times to transport the water, Christian couldn't move his legs anymore.

"I think that's pretty much it," Elon thought for a second and said.

Usually, at this time of the night, they would still be streaming in the living room. When that daily routine was suddenly interrupted, the boys did feel quite empty on the inside, not knowing what to do.

Instead of playing games with over hundreds of thousands of people watching them, they were upstairs on the floor in silence, while Elon tried to use the remaining battery life of his laptop to hack into the security system for it to display light beep sounds when a motion sensor is detected.

Not knowing what was happening in the outside world, they were all on the second floor, sitting silently as they occasionally took out their phone to check for service.

Outside of the house, maybe because they were on the relatively more isolated side of the residential island away from the main road as well as the Miami South Beach strip, it was quite peaceful for most of the time, with the occasional sounds of gunshots and explosions.

"Woah, they having a party out there."

"Let's just rest up and so we have more energy for whatever might come next. Who knows what might happen in the future."

The group decided to alternate in groups of 2 to watch the stairway, since their living room was basically wide open right now. Tired from carrying water up and down the stairs, Christian and Elon went to sleep first.

Da da da...

Inside his bedroom, Elon was startled by the knock on his door, and he immediately felt the urge to kill the guy when he heard the voice after the knock.

"Yo, can I sleep with you tonight?"