
Battle of Yogyakarta [HIATUS]

When we're trying to chase Rovoletsky, Morozefa came and shoot my teammate. I suddenly aim my gun at Morozefa while he's trying to clean his pistol. "Good afternoon Morozefa, or... rather the perpetrator of this attack?" "Your guts are big huh... but... do you know who the real culprit is? Captain Fatih?" "What do you mean?!" "Relax.. this is a secret between two of us, fellow soldiers who defend their country. I will tell you who is the person behind this bullshit." I was surprised when I heard Mr. M's words, but i didn't trust him so quickly. " Tch.. tell me your reason!" "Of course...." Curious about the continuation? Check it out and read the story! Note: This story uses real life location, you can find it on Maps.

0ttobeuren · Quân đội
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21 Chs


Spetsnaz HQ, Russia-06.00 AM RST (Russian Standard Time)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

[Russian Standard Time is used when the exact location of the activity is unknown and renamed with the country name.]

"Доброе утро, генерал! Добро пожаловать в спецназ. Как ты сегодня?"

(Good morning General! Welcome to Spetsnaz. How are you today?)

"Довольно хорошо, пожалуйста, не называйте меня генералом. Я пришел сюда с намерением тренироваться с вами, ребята."

(Pretty good, please don't call me general. I came here with the intention of training with you guys.)

"Не может быть, командир, что ваша помощь позволила нам продвинуться так далеко."

(It can't be that commander, the help you've provided has allowed us to progress this far.)

"Хорошо, хорошо, решать тебе. Представляем членов нашего подразделения, Гиланга, Ирвана, Галана, Рури, Икбала и Себастьяна."

(Alright alright, it's up to you. Introducing our unit members Gilang, Irwan, Galan, Ruri, Iqbal, and Sebastian.)

"рад встрече с вами."

(pleased to meet you.)

"Это генерал Алексей Егоров, так сказать, мой давний знакомый и нынешний командующий спецназом."

(This is General Alexei Yegorov, so to speak, an old acquaintance of mine and the current commander of special forces.)

"Сегодня у нас по плану экскурсия по некоторым комнатам, которыми вы будете пользоваться в будущем. Мы надеемся, что после того, как вы узнаете, как устроено здание, вы сможете подстроить свой распорядок дня под солдат, которые здесь находятся. Тренировки начнутся завтра вместе со звуком тревоги по всему зданию, особых привилегий не будет. любой вопрос?"

(Today we have a guided tour of some of the rooms that you will be using in the future. We hope that after you learn how the building works, you can tailor your daily routine to the soldiers here. Training will begin tomorrow along with the sound of alarms throughout the building, there will be no special privileges. Any questions?)

"Are you gonna join our training or not, captain?"

"I don't think so... I have some works to do in Kremlin and at the embassy. I'll make sure to catch up on y'all progress."

"Okay then, don't forget to buy some souvenirs for us, Captain."

"Where's then money then?"

"Ah... c'mon man..."

"Hahahaha... fine fine."

After that meeting, my team followed the Spetsnaz high officer while I and Alexei walked to his office. In there, we're discussing some business and other things.

"Что-нибудь происходит в Организации?"

(Is there anything going on in the Organization?)

"Ничего особенного, Спецназ работает очень хорошо, и КГБ тоже нашел кое-что интересное. Хотите посмотреть?"

(Nothing special, the Special Forces work very well, and the KGB also found something interesting. Would you like to see it?)

"Не в этот раз, но я прочитаю ее позже. Вы еще помните 'Алеппское наступление'?"

(Not this time, but I'll read it later. Do you still remember the Aleppo Offensive?)

"Вы имеете в виду, Операция 'Рассвет победы'? Да, я все еще помню это дерьмо. Это имеет какое-то отношение к тому ядерному документу? Но, по словам Кристенсена, все ядерное оружие было вывезено с Гавайев на континентальную часть США в начале 1990-х годов, и эта территория была денуклеаризована. ВВС не хранят ядерное оружие на Гавайях, сказал Кристенсен, а тактическое ядерное оружие ВМС было выведено из эксплуатации в 1990-х годах. Я также все еще задаюсь вопросом о ясности этого документа. Имеет ли он какое-либо отношение к этому?"

(You mean, Operation Dawn of Victory? Yeah, I still remember that shit. Does it have anything to do with that nuclear document? But, according to Kristensen, all nuclear weapons were removed from Hawaii to the continental US in the early 1990s, and that area was denuclearized. The Air Force does not store nuclear weapons in Hawaii, Kristensen said, and the Navy's tactical nuclear weapons were decommissioned in the 1990s. I'm also still asking about the clarity of this document. Does it have anything to do with this?)

"Не совсем... Это биологическое оружие, хранящееся на Гавайях, согласно документу, который я получил. Этот документ, который мы получили в Алеппо, был более старым. Я думаю, американцы хотели его утилизировать, но каким-то образом переправили его туда."

(Not exactly... It's a biological weapon stored in Hawaii, according to the document that I got. This document that we got in Aleppo was an older document. I think the Americans wanted to dispose of it, but somehow they transferred it there.)

"Хахахаха... эти тупые американцы. Кстати, что это за оружие?"

(Hahahaha... those stupid Americans. By the way, what kind of weapons are those?)

"Тот, который мы используем в Московском театре."

(The one we use at the Moscow Theater.)

"Ты имеешь в виду 'тот'?"

(You mean, 'that' one?)


Carfentanil, an opioid 10,000 times more powerful than morphine and 100 times more powerful than fentanyl. Fentanyl has received increased media attention in recent years because of the U.S. opioid crisis, but carfentanil has also been seeping into the American drug market and causing overdose deaths. So yes, carfentanil is a drug that Americans are overdosing on—and it's also a weapon banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention.

"Итак... что мне делать? Гавайи - суровый остров, я не могу так просто доставить туда свои команды."

(So... what do I do? Hawaii is a harsh island, I can't get my teams there that easily.)

"Я просто хочу, чтобы ваше подразделение провело там разведку и убедилось, что у вашего подразделения есть все, что мне нужно. Я заплачу вам, как обычно."

(I just want your unit to do some recon there and make sure your unit has everything I need. I'll pay you like I always do.)



After that discussion, I left the room and meet my teams before leaving the Spetsnaz building. I decided to stay at a hotel near the airport so I can go anywhere easily. Irwan still can contact me through Alexei if something wrong happens to them.

Kremlin, Russia-08.00 AM MST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

While I was walking to the Kremlin, my phone rang. I check it and it was from an unknown number. When I open the call, I remember similar voices.

"Вы еще не отошли от чеченской войны, не так ли?"

(You're still reeling from the Chechen war, aren't you?)

"Да, поскольку вы оставили целый взвод в жертву. Ты можешь объяснить мне это в лицо, сука?"

(Yeah, since you left an entire platoon to be sacrificed. Can you explain that to my face, bitch?)

"Sure. I'll set the schedule."

After that call, I continue walking to the embassy to retrieve and fill in some documents. I also meet some embassy diplomats to discuss a political thing before ending the day. I was talking with an Italian diplomat when my phone rang. Turn's out it was Gilang that called me.


"Yeah, Gilang?"

"Did you still remember our conversation on LPD? I still wondering how you can get such a connection in Russia if you're an Indonesian."

"It's an old story. I was born in Indonesia, but my parents bring me to Russia when I was 5 years old. Since that, I was lived in a military complex for my entire life. Getting trained and learning like a soldier. I meet some people that become a high-rank officer in Russia right now."

"But you said you're an Indonesian people."

"I move to Indonesia and make Indonesian citizenship when my parents told me. In the end, I still have 2 citizenship in my hand."

"Wait... you become part of our army because of their recommendation?"

"Yeah... that's why some people in our units often called me 'Russian Contractor' while passing by."

"Ah... okay then. By the way, Irwan receives information that knowing where the location of the Morozefa army is."

"Okay then, send it to me. I'll decide our next plan."

"Yes, Captain."

Hawaii, USA-08.00 HST (Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

Our Black Ops team arrived in Hawaii after I receive Morozefa's message about the meeting. We prepared everything to make sure this operation was successful.

"Is this the place, Captain?"

"Yeah. I will enter the building, get prepared. Meet me at the harbor if something wnt wrong."


I pick my pistol before leaving the car, then slowly walk to the building. In there, I see Morozefa with somebody talking before seeing me enter the rooms.

"Oh! Hello mate."

"Hello! how's your day doin Morozefa?"

"Well... pretty good. So, shall we start?"
