
The Fight for the Treasure 7

Seika POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Fu) - 20 GAP 

A few minutes after Jayr followed Nikita to check on her boyfriend's situation like an overprotective older brother, we were already near the coast of my destination thanks to Athena's God Bidoof's speed, Fu Island, one of the smaller islands of the Nanatsu Islands archipelago located in the south.

Just like all the other islands we have seen until now, Fu Island's climate is also going through some unusual changes as the whole island is being hit by a thunderstorm, but strangely, it is only localized around the borders of the island itself, once outside the borders, the sky is completely clear.

But just as I'm about to study the island further, I sense Jayr landing on the deck behind me, so I turn around and see the scowl on his face, I start to get worried about Nikita, so I quickly ask, "Is it as bad as we feared?"

Jayr lets out a sigh then he shakes his head and says, "Good news, he is a good guy and it seems he truly cares for Nikita. Bad news, he is a good guy, so I can't simply curb stomp him out of existence and get done with it."

Hearing that, I sighed in relief before walking right in front of him and complaining a little, "You dork! You made me worried for a moment for no reason at all... It is a good thing that Nikita and that Champion have feelings for each other and that he isn't playing with her." then I ask curious, "Anyway, since you have seen him now, did you find out some other thing about him, like his possible home universe, his blessing, or his abilities?"

Jayr nods and with a knowing smirk on his face, he replies, "Yup, it was quite easy too as his physical characteristics are quite unique and very difficult to hide, moreover, I'm very familiar with them too. Nikita's boyfriend originates from the Bleach Universe and I also remember that he is the Champion of the Concept of Decay, in addition, just like Nikita, he isn't a human, he is a Hollow, and with all that, I can more or less guess his abilities are."

Hearing that, I tilt my head at the new term, and curious, I ask, "Hollow?" which makes Jayr explain, "Hollows are a race of creatures which are born from Human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to Soul Society, that universe version of the afterlife, after their death and stay in the Human World for too long. Hollows settle in Hueco Mundo, a place akin to the Underworld or the Hell in our Universe, but can cross over to the Human World and Soul Society, which is the afterlife of that universe. They are corrupt spirits with supernatural powers which devour the souls of both living and deceased Humans to sustain themselves."

Jayr enters in his professor mode as he continues to teach, "All Hollows wear masks, which are formed from the hearts they had lost as Humans. This mask protects the naked instinct that is left in a being after the loss of its heart and obscures the original identity of the Hollow. The masks of different Hollows can differ greatly in shape and form but are always white and skull-like. The mask can be shattered, temporarily allowing the Hollow to regain its original identity, but it will regenerate after a short period once the Hollow takes over again. They have widely varying physical characteristics, rarely appearing the same. In terms of appearance, Hollows can range in appearance from furry, like mammals, to lizard-like to outright demonic." 

Too caught in the topic, Jayr continues to explain, "Then exist a sub-group of Hollows known as Menos Grande, or simply Menos, which are created when the void within an ordinary Hollow's heart becomes so substantial Human souls are incapable of sustaining it, at which point it begins devouring fellow Hollows. These cannibal Hollows are attracted to one another, and a mass inter-devouring follows, resulting in a Gillian. Following this transformation, the Gillian can evolve twice more, first into an Adjuchas and finally into a Vasto Lorde, provided certain conditions are met. And of course, sensing his power Nikita's boyfriend was for sure a Vasto Lorde." 

Hearing all that, I don't know what to feel about Nikita's boyfriend, because even if Jayr confirmed that he is "good" everything I hear about this Hollows screams "bad" to me, 'Come on! From what I have heard until now he is some kind of soul-devouring cannibal ghost!? What the hell is wrong with this Bleach Universe which birthed such a nasty creature? And why the hell would one choose to be reincarnated as one?'

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly realize something about Jayr's wording, and question in confusion "Was...?" Jayr nods and continues with his explanation, "Indeed, he isn't a normal Hollow anymore, he became an Arracar, a Hollow that has removed its mask and has gained Shinigami-like powers, which makes them a very different existence from what they were before. First of all, they have a humanoid form, and the stronger they were before their transformation, the closer to normal humans they will look after. Nikita's boyfriend looks pretty much a normal human if you ignore a few details, like the Estigma, the pattern on an Arrancar's face, which is potentially the remaining part of their mask and is unique to each individual, and the Hole on their bodies which is something that all Hollow has and is a physical representation of the void in their heart."

At this point, I stop him as when he is like this, he can go on forever, especially when it is a topic that interests him, "Stop, stop, stop! I don't need more details about this topic. I just want to know how it is possible that he is a good person when he chooses to reincarnate in this kind of ravenous soul-devouring creature. How can he even be sane to be with?"

At this point, Jayr seriously considers for a few moments before he answers, "Well, first, the champion chose to be reborn directly as a Hollow, so it is very possible that he was born directly in the Hueco Mundo, the dimension where all Hollow lives, so to grown and sustain himself, he didn't have to hunt for any innocent human soul even if he was in a ravenous state at that point. Then there is the fact that once he evolved into a Menos, he regained his personality and with it, his self-control. It is also possible that since he is a Champion, his Blessing protected him and so he had everything under control from the start, I can't be sure of that."

At that, Jayr looks at the island which is getting closer as Athena's God Bidoof continues her advance and comments, "It looks like the situation on Fu Island is slightly better than on Hi Island." I also take a look while asking "Is the situation on Hi Island really that bad?" 

Jayr sighs out loud and replies, "When I was following Nikita, there was a huge three-way battle going on all over the island. One of the participants is a pirate crew of around 1000 people strong which while being relatively weak individually, they were quite numerous and didn't hesitate in involving the civilians in the conflict. Then there is a group of around 100 people from the Simon Pirates, they were fighting against those other pirates, but not to protect the civilians or for some other noble reason, no they simply aimed to keep the treasure for themselves and reveled in the carnage they caused. And then there were the Heart Pirates, the pirate crew that Nikita's boyfriend is part of, they are only around 20 or so, but they didn't outright fight those other two groups but focused more on search and rescue while making sure that the battle didn't escalate any further."

Hearing that, I can't help but worry about what is happening on that island, but soon, I hear Jayr's voice as he says, "Don't worry, when I left, Nikita was about to make her move, and with her Magic, Nikita has just too much versability and firepower, then if you pinch in even the abilities she has thanks to her Vampire and Werewolf heritage, then the only way to actually harm her is pure overwhelming power, and trust me, if you ignore the other Champion, who is clearly madly in love with her, no one on that island is actually a match for her."

(AN: I know Law and his OP Ope Ope no Mi are debatable, but remember that the current period is 2 years before the canon story, so all the abilities that Law has shown after the time skip are off the list, and I'm also scaling down his mastery over his Devil Fruit powers that are documented at the point of his introduction of the story, after all, considering the kind of improvement he went through during the time skip, it is reasonable that the current fanfic Law is weaker than the Sabaody Archipelago Arc's Law.) 

After that, he adds, "Moreover, the Captain of the Heart Pirates is one of the very best doctors living in this world, so the people over there will be fine under his care. Now, don't think about that kind of thing but focus on your objective... after all, Fu Island also isn't that calm."

Hearing that, I nod and gaze moves back to the island where I can see a small seaside island, and docked nearby I see a gold-plated pirate ship with a lion as the figurehead, and likewise the Jolly Roger on the swaying black flag that represents a growling lion draw by profile with the classic crossed bones behind it.

More importantly, the whole village is burning with a thick black smoke rising from it, seeing that, I look back at Jayr and say, "I'm going!" to which Jayr simply smiles and replies, "Go and get them, girl!"

I smile back at him, then I focus my Spiral Cosmo on my legs, and with a single jump I reach the shore of Fu Island, then I quickly head toward the village to check the situation.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Fu) - 20 GAP 

I watch with a smile as Seika soars to the sky with a single leap and easily lands on the sandy shore of the island while thinking, 'I still can't believe that my Seika was also able to become a Saint like me, sure she is still at the Bronze/Silver Saint level which isn't great compared to the other girls, but still, that is enough raw power to easily lay waste to an island of this size. It is simply incredible!'

Then as Seika rushes into the village, I quickly call out, "Bidi..." making the cute incarnation of the Athena's God Bidoof instantily appear right next to me, "Do you need me Jayr-niisama?"

I nod and lightly pat her head while saying, "I'm about to head over to Mu Island like planned. Please, remain close to this island and keep an eye on Seika, if someone tries to harm her, lethal force is allowed. After she is done here, you can calmly move to retrieve, Eri, Tio, Koby, and Nikita, okay?"

Bidi smiles brightly and says, "Sure, leave it to me, I won't allow anything to happen to Seika-nee! You can count on me!" then she mumbles in a low tone, "I can't wait to admire the next fivesome as Saori-neesama, Eri-nee, Seika-nee, and Tio-nee combine their forces and do everything in their power to tame the big Jayr-niisama only to be then be left spent and defeated, with their whole bodies covered in his seed as he continues to have his way with them... Ah~ ah~ how exciting~."

Hearing that while trying to ignore her last comment, I nod and without any other hesitation, I start to fly toward my own destination, Mu Island, where the headquarters of the Simon Pirates can be found.

Seika POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Fu) - 20 GAP 

As soon as I rush into the village, I realize that the situation isn't exactly like I expected, sure, the village is burning and the people are panicking all around while trying to douse the flames using some simple water bucket, but they aren't actually under the attack of those pirates like I expected.

Seeing that, I quickly come to the conclusion that even if they aren't under attack, I can't actually leave them like this to fend for themselves, especially not since this fire is expanding way quicker than the people of this seaside village are able to handle, so I quickly yell while infusing my Spiral Cosmo in my voice so that everyone in the village can hear me, "There is an incoming gust! It will be strong enough to put off the flames! Take cover and hold on to something close! I repeat! There is an incoming gust! It will be strong enough to put off the flames! Take cover and hold on to something close!"

After that, the people quickly start to scramble around to take cover, and seeing that, I don't hesitate and start to spark my Spiral Cosmo as I start to throw some punches which generate some small wind pressure as I focus on fine-tuning my control over the power of these winds, because too little, and I'll simply feed the flames more oxygen making them burn even stronger but too much and I won't only extinguish the flames, but also blown away every building and people of this village.

At the same time, I also reassure myself that my plan is actually sound, 'Come Seika! You know how it works. In the absence of water, or when it is too big to use dirt to douse the flames, wind can also be used to put them off. Remember, it is basic physical science, wind doesn't feed a fire, oxygen does. What puts it off is the wind. There is a minimum and a maximum threshold for the two factors involved here, the amount of oxygen the flame is getting and the drag that is being caused by the wind, which contains mostly nitrogen, so if the speed of the wind gets above the threshold, which would lead to a greater drag and lesser stable oxygen around the flame, the flame gets put off and the other case when the flame would flicker would be when oxygen is limited which is still below the threshold and way more manageable.'

After testing the waters for a few seconds and reassuring myself, I'm finally fully confident of my control, so I burn my Spiral Cosmo making it course throughout my whole body and resonate with the Equuleus Cloth, which further refines it helping me in my endeavor. 

Then without any hesitation, I throw a single powerful punch that produces a strong gust that sweeps over the village, sending some of the people who ignored my warning flying a few meters but at the same time, it also fully extinguishes most of the flames, leaving behind only the one that were burning the fiercest and that are only weakened. 

But I then blew them out by quickly throwing a second punch and producing a second and slightly weaker gust, after that, I quickly started to check on these people to make sure that I didn't actually harm anyone, I also started to give them first aid, while at the same time, I ask them some question to learn about the current situation on the island.

Luckily, no one was seriously harmed by the gust I produced as almost everyone was able to take cover in time, nothing was broken or too serious only some minor scrapes here and there, but there were a few cases of first-, second-, and even a couple of third-degree burns, which I quickly took care as well as I could at the moment.

At the same time, I learned that while the pirates that arrived on that gold-plated ship docked at the port did cause a ruckus and threaten them to learn the location of the Futate Ruins, once they got what they wanted, they quickly left leaving everything else untouched, not bothering them any longer.

The problem was that after some time, the weather grew even worse and some lightning bolts started to randomly fall all over the island, and unfortunately, one of them hit the warehouse where all kinds of alcoholic beverages were kept, and that sparked the fire I just put off.

After learning all that, and finishing taking care of the wounded, I quickly head toward the Futate Ruins to check the situation over there, but while I'm on my way there, I continue to hear the sky rumble above me, as a clear sign that some other lightning bolt is about to fall, which could cause some more damage to the Fuuta Village.

Realizing that, I stop and gaze at the dark cloud hovering over the island, then I once again burn my Spiral Cosmo as I use one of the techniques that Seiya taught me, I gather all the power in a single point on my fist, throw a punch at the sky and unleash a blow of great power creating a powerful Spiral Cosmo blast of pure light while yelling, "Equuleus Sui Sei Ken!!"

The blast of pure light quickly rises looking just like a bright white comet, then it reaches the dark clouds hovering above this island, and in an instant, it blows them away clearing the sky and making the sun shine its rays on this island once more.

Satisfied with the result, I smile and mutter, "This is a lot better... I may not be strong enough to blow up a planet, but something as simple as blowing away some nasty clouds is still within my abilities. After all, as Jayr's first girlfriend, I have to be able to at the very least take care of myself to some level."

Indeed, after the Holy War against Hades, I realized that staying back and simply watching those I hold dear suffer and risk their life wasn't something I wished to do, especially after the God Thanatos tried to kill me and I needed to be protected by my step-brothers and the Gold Saints, I didn't want to be a burden any longer, and so, I decided to do something about that and asked Saori to help me to which she readily agreed.

I worked really hard to not only become I full-fledged doctor, but also to become strong enough to stay by Jayr and Saori's side, luckly, Saori, Shaina-san, Geist-chan, Marim-san, and Seiya helped me with my training, and thanks to their guidance slowly but surely I was able to awaken my Comso, and even gain the recognition and protection of the Equuleus Cloth becomin a Saint just like my little brother Seiya, and many of my step-brothers.

As my mind wanders back to those moments, I continue to head toward the Futate Ruins, and soon I hear a loud boisterous voice coming from just ahead of me which says, "Danny, Denny, Donny! Are you three fools sure this is the right direction for the treasure? There isn't anything around here that looks like that Futate Ruins thing!" which is followed by three different voice which replies in perfect sync, ""We are sure Captain Eldoraggo! Those people at the village won't dare to lie to us!"" 

I take a closer look and see that around a few kilometers ahead around a dozen people are walking right in front of me, who are very likely the pirate crew that docked at the port of Fuuta Village.

Leading the group is a tall, dark-skinned, red-haired man, whose hair resembles a cat or lion in appearance, he wears a shoulder pad armor made of gold, with a white shirt underneath, additionally, he has hard and sharp golden nails over his normal ones, which can clearly be used as weapons, from his commanding presence it is clear that he is the one they called Captain Eldoraggo.

(Image Here - Eldoraggo)

Right behind him, there is a large, well-built man, wielding a very large sword, whose appearance strongly resembles that of the Native Americans.

While three other people are scouting slightly ahead of the group who are very likely Danny, Denny, and Donny, whom Eldoraggo was talking to.

One has purple hair tied in a short ponytail at the top of his head and a prominent nose, he wears a striped yellow shirt with a blue vest over it, short blue jeans with light blue polka dots, a blue pirate sash, simple black shoes, and a pair of round sunglasses on top of his head.

Then there is one who has black fuzzy hair that has a disco style to it, a goatee of the same color, and a square face with a somewhat big nose, he wears pink disco clothes that have white edges, a purple pirate sash, and white shoes.

The last one has short pink hair that is parted to the sides, revealing his forehead, he wears what appears to be a casino employee suit complete with bow-tie, and an open black jacket over it with the onsen signs on the collars, gray pants with a red pirate sash, and black shoes. 

These five people are the ones that caught my attention the most as they are the ones I feel are the strongest within this group, but despite that, I don't feel any actual threat from them, in fact, I'm pretty sure that even a small group of Steel Saint is able to easily deal with them, and the Steel Saint is simply very strong Trainee which aren't ready yet to be real Saint, or who simply weren't able to gain the recognition of a Cloth for one reason or another.

Realizing that they aren't actually a big threat, I continue to calmly follow after them from a distance just to make sure that they don't cause any trouble to the people on this island, and after around 15 minutes, they all stop in front of the cave, which is very likely the entrance to the Futate Ruins, and soon I hear Eldoraggo's voice as he yells, "Who the fuck are you!?"

Hearing that, I get closer and see Eldoraggo's crew surrounding someone, he is an average-sized man, with short blonde hair, he wears a green coat, with a light green, long-sleeved shirt underneath, a green and black hat with goggles on it, an orange scarf, dark blue pants, and black shoes, and he has a structure on his back on top of which stands a large teal bird with a yellow beak, yellow feathers around its eyes, white feathers on its chin and breast, and yellow talons, wearing a maroon earphones and a maroon backpack. 

He simply smile politely and says, "Good morning, everyone. I'm "Blue-Winged" Din, a member of the Simon Pirates. Nice to meet you. I'm here on Simon-sama's order to retrive this treasure. The Eye of Ahalmez." and while saying that, Din brings up a big yellow Gemstone to show it to everyone.

(Image Here - Din)

Then his polite tone suddenly becomes a mocking one as he says, "Where you fool also aiming for this? Well, it is too late now!" at the same time, he throws up the Gemstone and starts whisle and in an instant, a flock of birds is summonded, and quickly Din commands, "Go and bring this back to Simon-sama!" 

In response, the flock of birds swarms around the Gemstone and quickly flies away bringing it with them while Din continues to mock them, "Well, now the treasure is gone and you numbskull can't even hope to retrive it! Suck it! Hahaha!"

But surprisingly, Eldoraggo asks, "Wait, that was the treasure hidden on this island? A single fucking useless gem!? That's it!?" which makes Din stop laughing as he answer confused, "Eh? Yes, that was the treasure that was hidden in this ruin..."

In respose, Eldoraggo once again asks for comfirmation, "Really that was it? No gold?" and still confused Din honestily shakes his head as he replies, "No, there isn't any gold to be found in this ruin... or in the ruins of all the other islands, the only treasure you can find are the gemstones, there is no such thing as vulgar as simple gold to be found on the Nanatsu Island!"

At this point, Eldoraggo exclaims, "What the hell! Then we wasted all this time for nothing!! The only treasure worth something is gold! Gem, diamonds, ancient hidden knowledge, all of that is only useless trash! Trash! The only thing that the Eldoraggo Pirates values is only gold! Gold is the only true treasure worth searching for! Let's go guys! There is nothing we desire on the Nanatsu Island!" 

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts