
It's Time to D-D-D-Duel! 1

Jayr POV - Challenge Space - ???

I stand a few dozen meters away from the Champion of Gravity, Nikita who looks back at me with a confident smile on her face as she comments, "You finally got out! I was getting tired of waiting. I almost started to worry."

I simply smile at her banter and reply, "Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself. Are you sure that your decks are truly fine if you took so little to build them?"

She shakes her head and with a smile she answers, "It's isn't a problem most of the cards that appeared on my list were those I was quite familiar with, so I didn't have to dally too much."

Then she picks up a deck from one of the holsters attached to her belt and inserts it into her Duel Disk as she says, "Let's stop with this useless back and forth." she then asks, "Let's start. Head or Tail?"

I also take out the chosen deck for the first duel of the match and insert it into the Duel Disk, at the same time, I calmly reply, "Tail."

As soon as I answer that, a coin appears between us in mid-air as it quickly spins in place, the coin is thrown high into the air by an invisible force, and after a few seconds, it falls on the ground, and before I could check a hologram appears between us showing the zoomed-in image of the coin as it lays on the ground showing its "tail" side.

Seeing that, a smile forms on my face, and I declare, "It seems that luck is on my side. I'll go first." then at the same time as if we decided beforehand, we both yell at the same time, ""It's time to duel!"" while thinking, 'Such chills... even if this is a very important moment, I can't help but enjoy this.'

Jayr - 8000 LP

Nikita - 8000 LP

I quickly draw five cards saying, "I draw." look at them while keeping a poker face as much as possible while thinking, 'It isn't a bad hand. It isn't the best one, but at least I can do something with this.' then I start my turn by playing a spell card onto the hard light field that came out of my Duel Disk and declare, "I play the spell card Terraforming, which allows me to add a Field Spell card from my deck to the han-"

But before I could finish, Nikita interrupted me and she declared, "Wait! I activate the effect of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring! By discarding this card to the graveyard, I negate the effect of Terraforming."

(Image Here - Both)

Seeing that, I click my tongue and mutter, "Of course, she has that fucking hand trap in her hand... luckily I already expected something like this."

I then pick up another spell card from my hand and play it, "I activate the spell card Dragon Shrine, which makes me send 1 Dragon monster from my Deck to the graveyard, then, if that monster in my graveyard is a Dragon Normal Monster, I can send 1 more Dragon monster from my Deck to the graveyard. I chose the monster Dragon Spirit of White, and since this card has the effect of being treated as a Normal Monster while in the hand or graveyard, I can send another monster. I choose to send Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand."

I don't stop and continue without a pause, "Then I summon Dragon Knight of Creation in attack position"

At the same time, a knight with golden armor, long auburn hair, and a longsword in its hands appears on the field, as it faces Nikita ready to attack her at my command.

Dragon Knight of Creation - ATK 1800 / DEF 600

After admiring the life-size monster that appeared in front of me for a few seconds, with a grin I continue, "Now I activate Dragon Knight of Creation's effects, which let me send 1 card from my hand to the graveyard, then target 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon monster in my graveyard; send this card to the grave, and if I do, Special Summon that monster."

And after following the instructions which leaves me with only one card in my hand, I smile and say. "And I choose to special summon Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand in attack position!"

As soon as I said that, Dragon Knight of Creation started to shine in a bright golden light, and soon its size and shape started to change until it took the familiar form of a golden majestic dragon, the same form I took inspiration for my Dragon Form, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, which lets out a mighty roar as soon as it appears on the field.

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand - ATK 2800 / DEF 2800

Looking at the summoned monster I can't help but think, 'Yup, one of my favorite dragons in the game... it is just a shame that it doesn't have as much support as other more notable dragons.'

I then continue my turn, "Now I activate the spell card Return of the Dragon Lords. It effect lets me target 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon monster in my GY and special summon it, and I choose Dragon Spirit of White in attack position."

Again another dragon is summoned next to Felgrand, this one is a pure white dragon very similar to the iconic Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Dragon Spirit of White - ATK 2500 / DEF 2000

Then I explain, "Now that I have two level 8 monsters on the field, I can overlay them to XYZ Summon a monster from my Extra Deck. I summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy in defense position."

Now a futuristic-looking dragon appears on the field, which strangely almost looks like the unholy union between a Zeong and a Qubeley from the Gundam Franchise, and, of course, a dragon.

Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy - ATK 3000 / DEF 2500

After doing all that, I declare, "And with this, I end my turn." while thinking, 'Damn, I didn't do a long ass comb but why it does feel like it took an eternity to do just those few moves?'

Meanwhile, Nikita on the other side smiles and comments, "Not bad... not bad at all." then she asks curious, "But how in the hell did you get so many dragon cards? Are you like Kaiba whose girlfriend is basically a reincarnation of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?"

Hearing that, I smile and reply, "Actually... yes one of my girlfriends is actually a Dragon Princess."

Nikita then fakes a gag and says, "Urg... one of my girlfriends, huh? To think that I would face someone of the harem sect! That is another reason I can't lose, fuck the harem!" making me yell, "Hey! It isn't a harem! At most is considered polygamy!" but she ignores me and says, "I draw!"

Then without hesitation, she declares, "First I summon Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi in attack position and activate its effect, which allows me to special summon 1 "Mayakashi" monster from my Deck, and I special summon Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi in defense position."

As she says that, two monsters appear on the field in front of her, one is a tengu-like priest, the other is a shrine maiden with long light violet hair tied in a ponytail.

Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi - ATK 600 / DEF 400

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Seeing those two monsters, I instantly realize what I can expect from her deck, 'Damn it! That deck is a bad match for mine. I have to stop her from starting that damned combo at all costs!'

At the same time, Nikita continues, "Then I send both Hajun and Dakki to the GY to link summon the LINK-2 monster Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi."

Soon, a cute pale white-haired young girl appears on the field and starts to slowly float around.

Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi - ATK 1900

Nikita then adds, "Then I activate Dakki's effects that make it possible for Dakki to be special summoned from the GY when a "Mayakashi" monster is special summoned from the Extra Deck. And so I special summon Dakki in defense position."

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

As expected that menace returns, but of course, Nikita doesn't end it here and continues, "Now I send Yuki-Onna and Dakki to the GY to link summon the LINK-3 monster Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi."

Under Nikita's command, Dakki fuses with Yuki-Onna making her shine in a bright white light like a Pokemon evolution, and soon an older Yuki-Onna appears in her place, if before, she was a cute young girl, now she looks like a beautiful teen.

Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi - ATK 2400

Nikita then smirks and says, "At the same time, I activate Yuki-Onna effect, which says: If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate its effects. I chose Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy. And since I summoned Yuki-Onna from the Extra Deck, Dakki activates her effect once more, making me special summon her from the GY once again in defense position."

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Seeing that, I frow as the situation is clearly getting worse, meanwhile, Nikita continues with her combo, "Once again I send Yuki-Onna and Dakki to the GY to link summon the LINK-4 monster Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi."

Like before, Dakki fuses with Yuki-Onna making her shine in a bright white light, and soon an even older Yuki-Onna appears, and now she looks like a gorgeous young woman.

Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi - ATK 2900

With her appearance, Nikita smiles widely and says, "And again I activate Dakki's effect special summoning her in attack position. At the same time, I activate Yuki-Onna's effect which can be activated when a monster is Special Summoned from the GY, or a monster effect is activated in the GY, and that allows me to target 1 other face-up monster on the field; change its ATK to 0, and if I do, negate its effects. And of course, I target Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy!"

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy - ATK 0 / DEF 2500

I let out a sigh already expecting this situation, at the same time, Nikita continues "Now, I activate Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi's effect that says: If you control a "Mayakashi" card, other than "Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi" while this card is in your hand or GY: You can Special Summon this card, then send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. So I special summon it in defense position and send Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower to the GY."

A small ghostly child with black hair and a blue kimono appears on the field beside Dakki, making me shiver not from the cold or fear, but because one of the most annoying features of this archetype is about to be unleashed.

Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi - ATK 0 / DEF 1900

Nikita then takes a deep breath and starts the endless synchro summoning, "I send both Dakki and Yuki-Musume to the GY to Synchro Summon Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi in defense position, and activate Dakki's effect again. Then I send Dakki and Oboro-Guruma to the GY to Synchro Summon in attack position and activate Dakki's effect again. I then use them to Synchro Summon Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi in attack position, and activate Dakki's effect again. I again use them to Synchro Summon Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi in attack position, and activate Dakki's effect again. Heh, the same as before I use the two monsters on the field to Synchro Summon Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi in attack position and activate Dakki's effect again."

Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi - ATK 800 / DEF 2100

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi - ATK 2000 / DEF 1800

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi - ATK 2600 / DEF 1500

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 2900 / DEF 2400

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi - ATK 3300 / DEF 2600

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

A ghostly chariot, and the foxy shrine maiden, a spider monster and the foxy shrine maiden, a tengu and that fucking shrine maiden, a nine-tailed fox ghost spirit, and who the fuck designed that shrine maiden and it ends with a huge ghost skeleton and... I don't want to ever say her name again.

Just as I'm about to drone her out thinking about deep cosmical truths like the reason for our existence, Nikita says something different, "At this point, I banish Yuki-Onna, The Icicle Mayakashi effect from the GY to activate her effect that allows me to special summon 1 of my Zombie Synchro Monsters that is banished or in the GY-."

At this point, I interrupt her and yell out, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! JUST DO IT QUICKLY!"

A few moments later...

On Nikita's side of the field, there are 4 monsters, Yuki-Onna, Gashadokuro, Yoko, and fucking Dakki all in attack position, then she points her finger at Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy and declares, "Yuki-Onna attack Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy!".

And under her order, the ghostly lady moves to attack my dragon, at the same time, I start to think, 'Should I use Return of the Dragon Lords' other effects to protect Hope Harbinger Dragon... No better not, I have enough LP to survive this turn and maybe turn things around.'

Meanwhile, Yuki-Onna freezes and destroys my only defense on the field leaving me wide open for the direct attack of the remaining monsters for a whopping total of 7200 LP of damage leaving me with only 800 LP and no cards in my hand something that Nikita also notices as she comments, "It seems that the first victory belongs to me."

Jayr - 800 LP

Nikita - 8000 LP

I simply smile at that and say, "I draw." then look at the card in my hand and a smile forms on my face, then I quickly play it, "I play the spell card Return of the Dragon Lords and special summon from the GY Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand in attack position."

And so my Dragon Form resurfaces once more in all its glory making Nikita comment, "Again? That card is useless..."

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand - ATK 2800 / DEF 2800

Hearing that, I smirk and declare, "Now that Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was special summoned from the GY, I can use its effect, and can target 1 monster you control or in your Graveyard; banish it, and if I do, this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the banished monster's original Level/Rank x 100, and I choose Gashadokuro and since it is a level 11 monster, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand gains 1100 ATK and DEF!"

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand - ATK 3900 / DEF 3900

Seeing that, Nikita, "Wait! What!?" but I ignore her and without pause, I point at Yuki-Onna and command, "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand attack Yuki-Onna!"

Felgrand let out another majestic roar then it fired a golden energy breath which easily destroyed Yuki-Onna and damaged Nikita's LP.

Jayr - 800

Nikita - 7000

Before she could say anything else, I say, "Since Felgrand destroyed an opponent's monster, I can now use its other effect, which allows me to target 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon-Type monster in the Graveyard, except "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand" and special summon it. And of course, my target is Dragon Spirit of White, which I summon in attack position."

Felgrand releases another loud roar as it glows with a starlit golden light, and soon beside him, the Dragon Spirit of White appears once more.

Dragon Spirit of White - ATK 2500 / DEF 2000

Then I command, "Dragon Spirit of White attack Dakki!"

The scene of Dragon Spirit of White obliterating Dakki with its pure white dragon breath gave me more pleasure than I'd like to admit, at the same time, the distance between my and Nikita's LP gets even shorter.

Jayr - 800

Nikita - 5500

I end the battle phase and enter the main phase 2 and start to analyze the situation, 'I have Felgrand and Dragon Spirit on the field, while Nikita has only Yoko who has 2900 attack points, if she uses to attack Dragon Spirit I'll only take 400 LP of damage, cutting them in half but still enough to survive another turn and pull off an upset, if she is able to bring out Dakki again and Synchro Summon another Gashadokuro with its 3300 ATK points things could get ugly as that are just 800 LP of damage!'

Realizing this, I declare, "Now I overlay Felgrand and Dragon Spirit to XYZ Summon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon from my extra deck."

And the next moment, a multicolored dragon with a partly translucent body and wings appears on the field in the place of the previous monsters.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon - ATK 3000 / DEF 2500

After that I say, "And now I detach 1 material from this card to activate its effect, which allows me to target 1 face-up monster you control and take control of the targeted monster until the End Phase, but while this effect is applied, it has its effects negated, its ATK becomes 3000, also its name becomes "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon" and I target your only remaining monster, Yoko."

As soon as I say that, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon lets out a mighty roar, and Yoko on Nikita's field is then enveloped in multicolored light and is quickly transferred to my side of the field where it transforms into another Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.

Seeing that I smirk and say, "And now I use the Yoko Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon as a material to XYZ Summon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon in defense position, while also using the original Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon as material for XYZ Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon in defense position."

Under my command the two Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon go through an astonishing transformation, one become equipped with a pitch-black armor that covers most of the body, while the other becomes a more advanced version of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, with four wings behind its back that form an "X", and both announce their presence with a mighty roar.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon - ATK 4000 / DEF 3000

Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon - ATK 4000 / DEF 3500

Nikita who saw all that happen before her very eyes, snaps out of her shocked state and exclaims, "What the holy hell happened!? You had no cards in hand, an empty field, and only 800 LP! Did you really just pull off a Destiny Draw out of nowhere!? Isn't that something that happens only in the anime!!?"

Seeing that, I raise my head proudly and as a proud member of the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade, I declare, "Who the hell do you think I am? Look at my hair, I am Jayr Pucci, and I am an anime character!"

I look at her deadpan eyes and let out a cough, then I say, "Anyway, I end my turn."

Nikita clicks her tongue and says, "I draw." she then looks at her hand and at the field for a few seconds, and then she smirks and says, "It seems I can still do something about that... I play the Quick Spell Card Forbidden Droplet, which lets me send any number of other cards from my hand and/or field to the GY; choose that many Effect Monsters my opponent controls, and until the end of this turn, their ATK is halved, also their effects are negated. Moreover, in response to this card's activation, you cannot activate cards, or the effects of cards, with the same original type (Monster/Spell/Trap) as the cards sent to the GY to activate this card. And I send these two monster cards in my hands, Mezuki and Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi."

Instantly, I watch worried as two drops of clear water fall from the sky and hit both my monsters making them weaker and negating their effects.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon - ATK 2000 / DEF 3000

Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon - ATK 2000 / DEF 3500

But that isn't what worries me, what worries me is one of the cards she sent to the GY to activate this effect, and I was indeed right as Nikita then continues, "Now, I activate Mezuki's effect and banish him from the GY to Special Summon a zombie monster from my GY, and I chose Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower which I summon in defense position."

And the menacing giant tower of bones appears in front of her, as the thing I was dreading the most finally happens, and now I can only hope that she can't pull off enough special summons to fuck me up.

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower - ATK 400 / DEF 1500

Nikita then says, "Now, I play the Spell Card Mayakashi Return, which allows me to take 1 "Mayakashi" card from my Deck, except "Mayakashi Return", and either add it to my hand or send it to the GY, I chose to add Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi to the hand and summon it in attack position, which allows me to activate its effect and Special Summon from the deck Yuki-Musume, The Ice Mayakashi which also makes Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower activate its effect, that allows me to send 2 cards from your deck into the GY each time a zombie monster is Special Summoned."

Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi - ATK 600 / DEF 400

Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi - ATK 0 / DEF 1900

And with that 2 cards are gone from my deck and 30 still remain, it should be enough to survive.

At the same time, Nikita starts her combo, "Now I send Hujun and Yuki-Musume to the GY to Link Summon the LINK-2 Monster, Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi, which also allows me to activate Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi's effect and special summon her in defense position"

Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi - ATK 1900

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

And with the return of those two, another 4 cards are gone from my deck leaving me with 26 of them as Nikita continues, "Then I activate Yuki-Musume's effect and special summon her from the GY while also sending another card from my deck to the GY, then I send Yuki-Musume and Dakki to the GY to Synchro Summon Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi in defense position which once again allows me to Special Summon Dakki from the GY."

Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi - ATK 0 / DEF 1900

Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi - ATK 800 / DEF 2100

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

And another 6 cards are gone leaving me with only 20 of them, but Nikita doesn't end it here and still continues, "The card that I sent to the GY was Mezuki, this allows me to once more activate his effect, so I banish him to Special Summon from the GY Yoko, The Graceful Mayakashi, making possible for me to activate its effect, which allows me to destroy 1 monster you controls, and I choose Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon!" but I interrupt her and says, "I activate the effect of Return of the Dragon Lords in the graveyard that allows me to banish this card to prevent the destruction of a dragon monster on the field."

Nikita clicks her tongue and says, "Then I send both Yoko and Dakki to the GY to Synchro Summon Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi in attack position, something that allows me to again Special Summon Dakki from the GY."

Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 2900 / DEF 2400

Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi - ATK 3300 / DEF 2600

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

And again, just like that, another 6 cards are gone from my deck leaving me with 14 cards, but Nikita still has 1 other card in her Extra Deck, and from her smirk, I already know what to expect, and indeed she then says, "Now I send Dakki and Yuki-Onna to the GY to Link Summon the Link-3 monster Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi, and with this I can once again summon Dakki in defense position."

Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi - ATK 2400

Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi - ATK 1000 / DEF 0

And another 4 cards are gone leaving me with only 10 of them, meanwhile, Nikita's field is once again almost full, with Yuki-Onna, and Gashadokuro in attack position, and Dakki, Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower, Oboro-Guruma.

After that special summon fest, Nikita declares an attack on Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon with Gashadokuro, but I use Return of the Dragon Lords' effect to once again prevent its destruction, and after that, Nikita ends her turn, and I start mine by saying, "I draw!" but seeing the card in my hand, I can't help but click my tongue in annoyance, and mutter, "Tch, I can't expect a good draw at every turn... I'm not Yugi Muto or Seto Kaiba that basically print their card the moment they need them."

50 Stones Bonus!


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts