
Batman x Arc Reactor

Jack woke up in Marvel as Tony Stark, only to die in the final battle with Thanos despite his all attempts to survive. But to his surprise, he reincarnated again in DC Universe as a newborn baby in the Wayne Manor with his memories intact. He has a new goal... He will create the legend of Batman in his own way, a fusion of Batman and Iron Man. But technology in this world is too primitive compared to the Marvel Earth... Follow Jack's journey as Bruce Wayne in this reality of DC as he brings new inventions into this low-tech world and fights crimes in the most ruthless way possible. ---[YES, THERE IS HAREM. END OF DISCUSSION]--- [The Earth MC born isn't that advanced. Multiverse, different timelines, all that shits, so, don't say, I said DC is low tech lol] [MC kills] I don't own DC or Marvel works except for my OC Cover picture isn't mine. Found it on the internet. If it belongs to you and you want to remove it, provide proof and I will remove it. --- 18+ advance chs https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc --- Do not translate or post my work anywhere.

Xcalibur_Xc · Tranh châm biếm
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203 Chs


[Wayne Enterprise's car show]

'I knew it,' Bruce thought as a large yawn escaped his mouth. He hasn't slept in more than 24 hrs. 'Time to start the show...'

Fire, explosions, dead bodies, stench of burning rubber and flesh... Wayne Enterprise's car show turned into a bloodbath. Suicide bombers attacked the event from different directions at once. Somebody shot out all the cameras immediately; now there was no information on what exactly was going on in the building. No one managed to call the police yet.

Everything happened so fast that people hardly had time to understand what was happening. One moment they were admiring cars, another — the ground under their feet shook, deafening explosions followed one after another. And then came screams and gunshots.

Everything was in chaos in a blink of an eye.

Three helicopters flew above the area as the assailants zipped down ropes to land on the rooftop of the Expo building. A few dozen men with heavy artillery got out of the choppers and started firing down below, while some of them broke through the skylight and rappelled down into the exhibition hall, shooting at random targets.

The guards did their best to save the VIP guests but soon most of them were killed or wounded. People were running away in panic, trying to find shelter and hide from bullets.

Thomas and Bruce were among the victims too. They hid behind one of the cars and looked around carefully.

"Who are these guys?" Bruce whispered, pressing his back to the bodywork. "They don't look like Black Mask's goons."

Bruce was right — those guys didn't wear masks, nor they were dressed like Sionis' henchmen. They wore black military uniforms with no logos. Moreover, unlike Black Mask's men, they were highly professional and well-trained. The weapons they were using weren't your regular guns either. These people knew what they were doing.

Thomas noticed that Alfred and Selina were protecting his wife and Maggie from the onslaught. They were hiding behind one of the cars not far away from him and Bruce. He wanted to join them, but he doubted he could make it alive across this shooting gallery.

"We need to get to Maggie and your mom," He said quietly.

"Just stay put. Let Elana and her men handle them," Bruce nodded at Elana who was shooting back at the assailants from behind one of the stands.

Thomas glanced at his son. Bruce was calm and collected, not showing any signs of fear or panic. Unlike other people, he didn't seem worried at all. He was glancing at his wristwatch from time to time instead.

"How long?" Elana yelled while shooting, "I can't hold them much longer!"

Bruce pressed something on his watch, "Two minutes tops."

"Two minutes?! Are you kidding me?!" She fired again, reloading her gun quickly, "You better hurry up!"

Thomas frowned slightly. What was Bruce talking about? Who was he waiting for? Two minutes until what exactly? This wasn't the plan!

Suddenly, the shooting stopped and a familiar voice came to Thomas's ears.

"Come on out... Mr. Wayne. Unless you want me to kill the remaining hostages one by one..."

Thomas froze. He knew that voice very well. But it couldn't be him, could it? How is that even possible? He died 8 years ago! Thomas saw his corpse himself!

He peeked out from behind the car and indeed — Carmine Falcone was standing in the middle of the hall surrounded by his goons.

"It can't be... I killed you myself..." Thomas mumbled.

Carmine noticed him peering out and aimed his RPG launcher at him, "Yes, you did... Now come out, Wayne! Or else..."

Thomas raised his hands up and slowly walked out of his cover, "I'm coming..."

He approached Falcone cautiously, glancing at Bruce over his shoulder.

"Keep him talking for two minutes," Bruce whispered.

"Shit!" Elana cursed as she stopped shooting. She has only a single clip left. She raised her hand to sign her men to stand down for now.

Thomas nodded imperceptibly.

Falcone lowered his weapon and smirked, "Hello, Wayne... Long time no see."

"Carmine Falcone... It's been 8 years already..." He said calmly.

"Well, technically — yes. In reality — I've been here all along. You just didn't notice," Falcone chuckled.

Thomas frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"Oh please, Wayne... Do you really think I'd let you kill me so easily?" He laughed, "I faked my death and disappeared for a while... You and that fucking Bats ruined everything I built... My empire, my business, my reputation... So I decided to let you enjoy your victory and bide my time until Gotham will finally become mine again."

Thomas remembered that day vividly. After Bruce got shot in the Crime Alley, he went on a rampage in rage, destroying all the criminal families one after another during the day as the Mayor and hunting them as Devil Bat at night. Falcone was the last one on his list. He lured him to the Ace Chemicals plant and killed him personally. Back then, Carmine begged for mercy, offering to give up all his wealth and disappear forever, but he still remembers how he stabbed and mutilated his body afterward.

"I tortured you and cut off your head," Thomas narrowed his eyes, "I watched you bleed to death."

Falcone grinned, "No, Wayne... That wasn't me. Ever heard of brainwashed body doubles? They are especially brainwashed people who think and believe that they are the original person. They have no idea of the reality... Hahahaha! Isn't it fun?"

"What about you? Are you real or some body-double who thinks he's Carmine Falcone?" He asked mockingly.

Falcone's smile faded away, "That's not funny, Wayne... I am real. But you won't live long enough to find it out."

"Look at you," Thomas chuckled, his eyes bloodshot, "You think you will survive after killing me? That guard of mine will shred your body the moment you kill me, regardless of the safety of the hostages or anyone else."

"Nah! I don't think so," He grinned, "I know how much you love your family... And friends... And employees... So I doubt you'll risk their lives to avenge yourself. Besides, I'm gonna kill them anyway, so what's the point? Hahaha! All those people here will die tonight, Wayne... But... The big 'but'... Oh, I hate cliches but I simply cannot resist," He paused theatrically, "But... Only if you give it to me... I will only kill you and your family... The rest of them, I will let them live."

"Are you the one behind the Black Mask?" He asked suspiciously.

Falcone sighed tiredly, "Stop stalling Wayne... Give me what I want! Otherwise, everyone dies!"

"And what is it that you want?" Thomas narrowed his eyes.

"The sketchbook," He smirked, "Give it to me."

'So, these bastards are after the blueprints of the Arc Reactor,' Bruce thought angrily. 'But to think they would kill so many just for that... Damn psychopaths.'

Bruce checked his watch. Ten more minutes.

"Don't do it, Boss!" Elana yelled suddenly, "Don't give it to him!"

Falcone pointed his launcher at his family, "Shut up, bitch! Or else, I will blow them up to pieces!"

Elana clenched her teeth angrily and stopped talking.

Bruce stole a glance at Selina and gave her a nod. She slipped into the shadows while the goons were focused on Thomas and Falcone.

"Who's the mole?" He asked as his eyes fell on the second floor. He caught sight of a woman in a black suit, climbing through the shadows and moving to the top of the building using a grappling gun.

Thanks to them destroying the spotlights, the darkness around her was providing her enough cover to sneak undetected.

"The sketchbook..." Falcone extended his hand, "Where is it?"

"You want this?" Bruce took out an old sketchbook from his tuxedo jacket and showed it to Falcone.

"Bruce! Don't do it!" Thomas glared at his son sternly.

"Bruce? Hahaha... Bruce Wayne! The reason everything happened..." He ran over to him and snatched the book from him, "...is because of you. Look around you, so many died today... Because of you!" Falcone laughed maniacally.

Bruce stared at him indifferently, "Hahahaha... Died?" He took out a remote from his pocket and pressed a button, "Ever heard of 3D holographic projection? Humm... That doesn't sound right, whatever... I will improve and name it later. Ahem!" He cleared his throat, "Everything you saw today was staged. Everyone is fine. No one died. Even all the cars are fake... Just mere illusions, well, except for some... You made our job easier without even realizing it."

His eyes went toward the few dead board members of the Wayne Enterprise and a few dead Owls. Everything went according to plan, except for Falcone's appearance.

Although Thomas and Bruce knew about the attack beforehand, they couldn't predict everything, not after they took care of the bombs and Black Mask's gang. So, they devised a last-minute plan... A perfect show to welcome the enemies with open arms... A trap within a trap.

"What?! Holograms?!" Falcone was stunned as he tried to quickly detonate the bombs, "Why aren't the bombs going off?! Where are the dead bodies?! I want them all dead! Kill them! NOW!"

'...the fuck is going on here?' Elana and the guards were confused. Even Martha, Maggie, and Alfred were surprised. They didn't know anything about the staged scenario.

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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 17 chapters ahead⭐[Read the entire Arc-1]

[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 

Next Chapter: 26 hrs- Flashback

I might have messed up the pacing a bit in the last 2 chs. But, I am sure some who wanted augmented reality, VR, and holographic tech would be very happy.

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